game master

Chapter 284 - The Scorpion That Will Upgrade

Chapter 284 - The Scorpion That Will Upgrade
"This little scorpion is going to die." Seeing the rapidly declining health of the mutated red snow scorpion, Charlotte couldn't help sighing, "Brother Ruomeng, don't we go help?"

"Wait a minute, Charlotte, haven't you noticed yet? That little scorpion is a bit weird." Qin Haonan said, and grabbed Charlotte who was about to rush forward.

Xia Luo was held back by Qin Haonan, and couldn't help being stunned.What can be so weird about an ordinary mob?
Charlotte followed what Qin Haonan said, and saw that the health of the mutated red snow scorpion had dropped to 9%, but after fighting for a while, it slowly recovered to 12% without being injured.

This scorpion was able to heal itself? !
"This scorpion will recover blood automatically, about every 5 seconds." Qin Haonan said the approximate recovery time he estimated.

"So that's why a little elite monster has been able to fight against the elite boss for so long. That's why." Charlotte finally understood.

At this moment, although the mutated Red Snow Scorpion was wounded all over, it became more and more courageous as it fought.

Charlotte continued to observe, and soon discovered the second difference of this mutated red snow scorpion.That is, the more injuries the mutated red snow scorpion suffered, the stronger its attack would be, and the more ferocious it would be when fighting.

The mutated red snow scorpion entered the near-death state again and again, but overcame it again and again.After recovering a little HP, he joined the battle again. After such a tug-of-war, the mutated Red Snow Scorpion finally defeated the Silver Ring Snake Emperor who was higher in level and grade than himself.

After the battle was over, looking at the corpse of the Silver Ring Snake Emperor, the mutated Red Snow Scorpion rushed up quickly.To Qin Haonan's surprise, the mutated red snow scorpion actually devoured the opponent's body.

With the end of the devouring, the body of the scorpion obviously grew a circle.

Qin Haonan saw with his own eyes that the level and grade of the mutated red snow scorpion had changed.

Level 80—Mutated Red Snow Scorpion (Elite)
This scorpion can actually upgrade itself? !
"Charlotte, I found a magical little boss. Let's follow it and see what's new." Qin Haonan was attracted by the strange ability of the mutated red snow scorpion.

To be honest, Qin Haonan has been playing the "Century" online game for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen a small boss like the Mutant Red Snow Scorpion.Being able to evolve itself by devouring enemy corpses, this is no ordinary little BOSS.

If this ability has no upper limit, wouldn't the mutated Red Snow Scorpion continue to upgrade endlessly, eventually becoming a spirit beast boss, fairy beast boss, holy beast boss...

After defeating the enemy, the mutated red snow scorpion happily waved its claws and crawled deeper into the cave.

"Brother Ruomeng, this little boss is very interesting, let's follow." Charlotte suggested, but she followed up first.Seeing that Charlotte was more anxious than himself, Qin Haonan couldn't help being amused, and followed.

At this moment, Qin Haonan saw more and more snakes and scorpions fighting in the scorpion cave ahead.Many little snakes were crawling on the ground, Qin Haonan immediately summoned Sword Slave, Shadow Wolf and Zhan Hu to stand in front of him, and the battle was about to start.

[Illusory Hidden Killer], [Wind-Cut Demon Blade], [Nine Elements Sword Formation Level 10], [Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 10]...

A few skill attacks were thrown over, and the little monsters were wiped out in sevens and eighties.

"Let's hurry up, the little scorpion is about to lose it." Charlotte was very concerned about this scorpion.

"Well, okay." Qin Haonan responded, quickly dodging the rushing little snake, and chased after it in the direction of the mutated red snow scorpion.

The entire Scorpion Cave was at its most chaotic at this time.Basilisk monsters of various colors and thicknesses and scorpion monsters of different sizes fought together, and it was quite difficult for Qin Haonan to move forward.

I saw that mutated red snow scorpion mixed in the group of snakes and scorpions, fighting and attacking frantically.The mutated red snow scorpion did not let go of every mob corpse it killed.

[Lei Yin Jue Level 10], [Thousand Fox Fire Level 10], [Wind and Remnant Clouds Level 10], [Meteor Fire Rain Level 10]...

Linglong and Daji saw that there were a lot of mobs here, so they launched a skill attack together.The raging fire and thunder and lightning were intertwined, dyeing the entire area in front of him into a purgatory of thunder and fire.

A large number of mobs died, and the experience points of Qin Haonan and Xia Luo are also increasing rapidly.

At this time, the mutated Red Snow Scorpion was fighting three level 80 "Emperor Silver Snakes", all of which were at the elite level.The mutated Red Snow Scorpion was fighting three against one, and it was really desperate enough.

Looking at the situation over there, Charlotte couldn't help laughing and said: "Brother Ruomeng, this mutated red snow scorpion is really fun. It is specially challenged by someone who is stronger than myself. If there is no strong opponent, it will fight with one enemy."

"Yeah, it's really interesting." Qin Haonan said, and found that the situation of the mutated Red Snow Scorpion was not optimistic.

"Master, no matter how powerful this little scorpion is, with its level, it is impossible to win with one against three. Maybe it will lose its life if it does this." Linglong observed from the side and saw that the mutated red Snow Scorpion was embarrassed at this moment.

Qin Haonan heard what Linglong meant, so he said, "Do you want to help it?"

"Yes, anyway, we are united with the scorpion monsters now, and I will help it regain blood." Linglong said hastily.

"Okay, I agree, you go and help it." Qin Haonan said.

After confirming the owner's consent, Linglong walked towards the mutated Red Snow Scorpion, stood not far behind it, and threw a move [Rejuvenation Curse Level 10].

The mutated Red Snow Scorpion didn't expect that someone would come out to help it, first it was slightly startled, then turned to look at Linglong, then continued to fight frantically.Qin Haonan could tell that this little scorpion is simply a fighting maniac!
Just like that, with Linglong's help, the mutated Red Snow Scorpion quickly defeated the other three elite monsters.After the victory, the mutated red snow scorpion devoured the opponent's corpse as before.

Qin Haonan saw that the mutated red snow scorpion miraculously upgraded again after devouring the corpses of the three snakes.At this time, it has become a level 81 mutant red snow scorpion (elite).

The mutated Red Snow Scorpion defeated the opponent, and then ran to Qin Haonan's feet, stared at Qin Haonan and Linglong with small eyes, and touched the two pincers, as if to say thank you.

Afterwards, the mutated Red Snow Scorpion put a level 75 piece of equipment at Qin Haonan's feet, then turned and left.

"This little scorpion's IQ is quite high." Charlotte couldn't help admiring after seeing it.

Qin Haonan nodded and put away the equipment.

"What should we do, master? Should we continue to fight, or follow the little scorpion?" Linglong looked at Qin Haonan and asked.

"Let's fight and level up while following it. Anyway, this mission doesn't have too specific requirements, just let us help the scorpion monsters kill the invading basilisk." Qin Haonan said.

(End of this chapter)

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