game master

Chapter 294 - Immortal Mountain

Chapter 294 - Immortal Mountain (4)

Qin Haonan made a gesture, and the members of the team became vigilant.

"Master, it's a spirit beast-level boss." Xue Mei transmitted the voice again, "If I eat it, I will be one step closer to upgrading."

The entire stone tunnel suddenly shook.Even Qin Haonan felt that the atmosphere around him had changed. As the tunnel shook again, Qin Haonan suddenly turned around and said to the team members behind him, "The boss is coming from behind, that is to say, from where we entered the cave."

"Guard master, it can't be a level 100 man-eating flower vine, right?" King Wang Wudi suddenly thought of something and said in horror.

"Who is the cannibal flower vine?!" Zang Tian was still in a daze.

Without losing style, he quickly explained: "It's one of the two 100-level spirit beast bosses we fought with before we entered the cave!"

"No way, the level gap is so big, and it's still in his territory, how should we fight?" Only then did Zang Tian understand, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Qin Haonan was still extremely calm, and said: "Everyone be quiet, come behind me."

At this moment, Qin Haonan turned his body around, and a team of members moved and changed positions one after another, from one side to the other, and stood behind Qin Haonan again.

Qin Haonan summoned the ghost wolf, sword slave and other summoned beasts again, and added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself.

"Didn't you say that the Boss of the plant department was fighting with that giant python outside? Why did you come in?" Xi Yanta asked, muttering in a low voice.

Without losing style, he guessed: "Is it over? That giant python may have lost."

"In this case, we have to find a way to destroy this boss." Mo Xuan clenched the weapon in his hand, looking at the thick and thick vines that were getting closer.

Without losing style, he quickly summoned the mechanism bear and stood in the front of the team.

"Don't worry, just observe the situation." Qin Haonan was still relatively calm. At this moment, he found that the "man-eating flower vine" did not come straight towards him. More precisely, it seemed to be running away in a hurry.

The stone cave tunnel shook even more violently, and the "man-eating flower vine" slowly crawled in from outside the tunnel.Its branches are much thicker than the previous mobs, and as the "man-eating flower vine" penetrates, the hole is completely blocked.

Qin Haonan commanded Erbai and the others to block the way to the boss.

"Everyone back up, there is still a way ahead." Qin Haonan hurriedly issued an order.

"Guangzhu, don't we choose to attack? Why do we want to run away?" He was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked.

"You don't need to attack, just retreat quickly. That snake has also come in, and their fight is not over yet." Qin Haonan said seriously.

In fact, just now, Qin Haonan has seen the attribute of "Man-eating Flower Vine" with [Beast Controlling God Set: Mithril Thousand Magic]. The life value of "Man-eating Flower Vine" is only 39%, and it is still in a poisoned state.

Qin Haonan had suspected before that the fight between two bosses of the same level should not end in such a short time.Qin Haonan even guessed that the "Man-eating Flower Vine" escaped and hid back to his cave because he was defeated.Now it seems that Qin Haonan's guess is very likely.

Because a huge python head has drilled out from the corner.

"That giant python has really come in, retreat quickly!" At this time, other members behind also saw the giant python, and retreated one after another. A group of people kept retreating along the not very spacious tunnel.

Qin Haonan was at the back of the hall, looking back at the movements of the two bosses from time to time.

Seeing that they were fighting together again and did not chase after them, Qin Haonan felt relieved.After all, the two bosses were fighting, and there were lower-level people in their group, so it was very unsafe to be affected.

At this time, the deterrent power of the two bosses caused all the mobs in the stone cave tunnel to hide.Qin Haonan and a group of people just happened to run to the deeper part of the tunnel unimpeded.

After running for a while, the tunnel here became more and more spacious.Not only that, but there are fewer and fewer vines around.Qin Haonan could see that the originally smooth stone wall had changed color at this time.

The stone walls here are getting brighter and brighter.Soon, Qin Haonan and the others discovered that the end of the tunnel turned out to be a huge stone cave.The stone cave is as high as a 10-story building, and now it can only be seen visually.

In this cave, there is a bright piece, all of which are translucent stones.From a distance, it looks like a crystal clear crystal.The whole cave has become a palace made of crystal, which is too beautiful to behold.

"Here did this cave suddenly change its painting style?" Xi Yanta asked in amazement.

"Look there! What's that?" Without losing style, he immediately discovered the difference of this hole.

Qin Haonan led the team and quickly walked into the cave, passed through the crystal clear steps and long aisles, and soon came to the pile of crystal-like magical ores in the center of the cave.

A group of people were not attracted by the scenery in the cave, and looked around.

"Master, these crystals are extremely precious. I didn't expect this man-eating flower vine to hide so many good things." Xue Mei lay on Qin Haonan's shoulder, and said to him through voice transmission.

Qin Haonan immediately took Xuemei in his hand and placed it on the spar in front of him. "Xuemei, take a closer look, do you know what crystal this is?"

"I know, Master. This is the 'Flying Ascension Crystal Stone', a very precious thing. If I had gotten it earlier, I would have been able to advance to the next level." Xue Mei waved her pincers while transmitting the sound.A pair of eyes are shining, looking very excited.

"Oh, there is such a good thing?!" Qin Haonan was shocked when he heard it.

At this time, Linglong and the others also came over, took a close look at this pile of "Flying Ascension Crystals", and then touched them again, amazed.

"Linglong, Daji, Erbai, Muqing, Feimeng, do you also recognize this 'Flying Ascension Crystal'?" Seeing the reactions of the contracted beasts, Qin Haonan hurriedly turned his head and asked.

Linglong nodded first, and said, "Yes, master. This kind of ascending black spar is very rare, and it can purify the blood of contracted beasts and mounts, which has unexpected effects."

"If the contracted beasts and mounts absorb the energy of the 'Flying Ascension Crystal' for a long time, their attributes can be improved. It is said that if there are a lot of them and used properly, the ranks of the contracted beasts and mounts can even be improved." Mu Qing added.

"This kind of spar actually has such an effect?" Players such as Busha Style were also extremely surprised. After playing the online game "Century" for so long, it was the first time they knew such a good item.

At this moment, Qin Haonan was thinking in his heart that these treasures must be taken away.Since God let Qin Haonan meet the "Flying Ascension Black Crystal Stone", it would be intolerable if he didn't take it away!
(End of this chapter)

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