game master

Chapter 296 - Snow Charm Becomes a Holy Beast

Chapter 296 - Snow Charm Becomes a Holy Beast

Since these two bosses consumed most of their HP by fighting each other, although Qin Haonan and the others killed the last boss, the experience points allocated by the system are still very small.

"Let's pick up the equipment together, and we'll subdivide it when we go back." Qin Haonan said, and began to inspect the entire spar cave.I'm afraid that I'll miss out on some treasure, and he will be heartbroken for a long time.

Among the equipment on the ground at this time, there are many gold equipment and silver equipment of level 80-100, and the quality and attributes are very good.After Qin Haonan packed the equipment and items together with everyone, he ransacked all the items in the spar cave.

Looking at the empty walls, Qin Haonan found a good-quality dagger from his backpack, and moved the knife on the stone wall next to the spar cave.Qin Haonan's actions made the gang members next to him look confused, wondering what happened to the gang leader?
"Master, what are you doing? Did this wall provoke you?" Xi Yanta asked inexplicably.

"No, I'm looking to see if the spar on the wall can be taken down, and if so, don't miss it." Qin Haonan explained while busy.

"Oh..." Xi Yanta asked, and couldn't help wiping off her sweat.

The gang members were speechless for a while without losing their style. I heard that the gang leader was a bit of a fan of money, but now it seems that this is not just a little problem.It is simply the rhythm of geese plucking their hairs and beasts leaving their skins.

Qin Haonan shook his head, and regretfully put down the dagger in his hand.He said in a low voice, "Oh, it would be great if these things on the stone wall could also be dug out, what a pity, what a pity..."

"Uh... Chief, let's retreat, there is nothing left to take here." But in style, he kept reminding, for fear that Qin Haonan would not leave after digging in the ground.

"Okay, let's retreat." Qin Haonan said.

At this moment, Linglong suddenly said, "Master, there seems to be something wrong with Xuemei."

"Huh?" Qin Haonan immediately turned around after hearing this, and saw Xuemei lying in the middle of the cave, having just swallowed the corpses of two bosses, and had eaten a lot of "Flying Ascension Crystals" before.

At this time, Xue Mei's whole body was snow white, and she emitted a faint light.

"What's wrong with Xuemei? Could it be that she wants to advance?" Erbai shook his head, guessing.

"I think it's possible. This is the first time I've seen a contracted beast appear in this form." Daji murmured.

The white light on Xue Mei's body became more and more intense, suddenly there was a small whirlwind around him, and a series of colorful lights rose from his feet.Following the direction of the whirlwind, the colorful rays of light formed beams of light, covering Xue Mei's entire body.

All the players just stood by and watched quietly.When the light slowly faded, Xue Mei's appearance changed drastically.

The original snow-white body has grown a large circle, and the whole scorpion is as big as Erbai, the big white tiger.With scarlet eyes, there are faint fluorescent green fine lines on the snow-white body.

Xue Mei's shell became harder, and Qin Haonan even saw small barbs appear on Xue Mei's back.It was the first time Qin Haonan saw such a scorpion.

The entire scorpion has become completely different in terms of momentum.

Pet: [Growth Type: Holy Beast] Snow Charm (God Snow Scorpion King)

Loyalty: 96/100
Rating: 80

Qin Haonan hurriedly opened Xuemei's attribute bar, and found that Xuemei's attributes had changed a lot.Every attribute has been greatly improved, making Xue Mei completely reach the level of a holy beast.If it continues to upgrade like this, it is not certain that one day it will become a divine beast.

"Master, I have become a holy beast." Xue Mei turned around, looked at Qin Haonan and said.

Looking at Xue Mei's much larger body, Qin Haonan couldn't help but marvel.This time from a spirit beast to a holy beast, the change is really huge.So he said, "Xuemei, I never thought that you would become so big all of a sudden, that you would not be able to climb on my shoulders in the future."

"Haha, it seems that not only me, Xuemei can't stay on Master's shoulder anymore." Erbai said happily after hearing this, shaking his head.

"Erbai, what are you doing wrong again?" Linglong said as she stroked Erbai's big, furry head with a helpless expression on her face.This big white tiger grows fast, but its IQ grows relatively slowly.

At this time, Xue Mei had already reached Qin Haonan's feet, touched Qin Haonan with the pliers, very happy.

"Xuemei has learned to speak now, and it will be more convenient for us to communicate in the future." Daji also stepped forward and touched Xuemei's shoulder.

"Yeah, why didn't I notice just now that Xue Mei can speak." Er Bai continued to say something stupid.

"..." Linglong felt speechless, and Erbai's thinking was never on the same line as everyone else's.So she put her hands on Fu Erbai's ears, but didn't speak.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became extremely warm.

After checking the spar cave again and confirming that there were no omissions, Qin Haonan led the team and walked out of the cave.Eliminate a group of mobs along the way, and found a relatively large collection point on the other side of the tunnel.

The production of rare stones here is relatively objective, so Qin Haonan killed the mobs and waited for everyone to go back together after collecting the rare stones.

After a while, he suddenly said in style: "Boss, there are no mobs in our collection area. As long as we don't step out of this range, no mobs will come in and attack us. It's safer. You don't have to wait here all the time." , you can go outside for a walk, your level is high, maybe you can trigger some plots and take on a mission."

"Well, yes, you are collecting here now. If you have anything to do, please send me a message." Qin Haonan saw that he was not needed here, so he nodded.

"Okay, boss, go and help." The gang members who were collecting rare stones waved to him.

Qin Haonan retreated from the tunnel, and soon returned to the outside of the cloud-shrouded Immortal Mountain.With no teammates at this time, Qin Haonan summoned the Bishui Qilin, and according to his own memory, searched for locations in the Immortal Mountain that might trigger the mission.

The scenery of Shenxian Mountain is very charming. Qin Haonan enjoys the scenery all the way, and the mobs along the way are basically solved by Erbai and other contracted beasts, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

Qin Haonan walked slowly towards the top of the mountain along the winding mountain road.Due to the high level of Immortal Mountain, players haven't been sent here to practice.On the entire mountain path, Qin Haonan was the only one, facing a few small monsters that occasionally appeared.

It is really a kind of enjoyment to enjoy the scenery and fight monsters. Erbai was wagging his tail happily after knocking down a little basilisk with his paw.From the woods in the mountains, a snow-white human-shaped skeleton staggered out.

Erbai was obviously taken aback. On this map of Immortal Mountain, the mobs are basically pythons and plants. This is the first time he has encountered this skeleton monster.

"Erbai, don't attack yet, this skeleton doesn't seem like a mob." Qin Haonan saw the difference in the skeleton, and immediately stopped Erbai's next move.

At this moment, two more humanoid skeletons came out from the woods.

Qin Haonan observed carefully that these skeletons were holding long knives and shields in their hands, more like a team of well-trained skeleton soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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