game master

Chapter 299 - Discovery of the Secret Magic Circle

Chapter 299 - Discovery of the Secret Magic Circle
"...What's your situation? You don't need to be sneaky when you come to China to do missions, right?" Qin Haonan continued to ask.

Qin Haonan didn't intend to answer when he saw the other party. The God Punishing Demon Hunting Sword in his hand was already clenched tightly, and he was ready to fight at any time.

In the blink of an eye, the ghost wolf took out an object and crushed it.

Qin Haonan roughly guessed what it was at a glance. He swung his long sword and slashed at it with a move of [Cut Wind and Demon Blade].Although Qin Haonan's shot was fast, the speed of Youlang's side was not slow.

A magic circle rose from the ground, Spirit Wolf and the archer player escaped.Jiawen, the soldier closest to Qin Haonan, was hit by Qin Haonan's attack. It can be said that within seconds, two were teleported away, and the other died.

The faint blue magic circle lasted for a very short time, and Qin Haonan just took a step forward when it disappeared instantly.

"Master, is this a teleportation array?" Erbai walked over wagging his tail, looking at the spot on the ground where the light was just shining.

"Well, it seems to be a kind of teleportation array, but it lasts for a short time. It's a pity that they ran away." Qin Haonan said, "If I knew this, I should have wiped them all out before."

Looking at the deserted mountain forest, Qin Haonan didn't know where to find these two people for a while.After all, how is this magic circle?
While Qin Haonan was talking, he suddenly received a voice transmission from Xuemei: "Master, I was teleported to a strange location, where are you?"

"Xue Mei?" Qin Haonan was taken aback, at this moment he looked around, and suddenly realized that Xue Mei was indeed not by his side.

Thinking about it before, because Xue Mei was lurking in the past to attack the enemy, she was indeed standing opposite her.Just now when Ghost Wolf activated the magic circle, Xue Mei was relatively close, so they were probably teleported together.

"Master, I saw those two players, I followed them quietly." Xue Mei continued to transmit the voice.

"Okay, tell me your coordinates, and I'll look for you there." Qin Haonan said immediately.

"Well, master, the coordinates are..."


Qin Haonan followed the tips given by Xuemei and walked along the forest.Xue Mei will tell Qin Haonan the situation there through sound transmission.

Qin Haonan can be sure that the distance between Xue Mei and him is not far.Because the sound transmission function between the contracted beast and its owner is also limited by area.

"Master, they arrived at a cave, where there is a magic circle." Xue Mei said.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Qin Haonan replied, leading Linglong and the others quickly over a mountain.Cleared out a few level 83 mobs along the way, and the journey went relatively smoothly.

At this time, it was already very close to Xuemei's location, and the forest here was even more lush.Near the top of the mountain, there is a huge cave with a long stone across the top of the cave, which makes people worry about whether it will fall down.

But it was this stone that blocked the sky above that formed the hole in front of him.

There is spring water in the cave, and the sound of running water can be heard from a distance.

At this time, Xue Mei returned to her original figure, and was waving her pincers, signaling Qin Haonan to hurry over.Qin Haonan approached Xuemei, and found that there was a big teleportation circle in the cave.

The entire magic circle exudes a faint blue light, and some magic spells are densely drawn on the ground.It can be seen from the appearance that this is a western magic circle.

"Xue Mei, did they go back through this formation?" Qin Haonan looked at the formation and asked.

Xue Mei nodded, and said seriously: "Master, I'm sorry, I couldn't stop them. I heard what they said, they wanted to return to the country as soon as possible. The players who died before seem to have returned to resurrection."

"I didn't rush over, and you can't beat them all. Xue Mei, you've done a good job." Qin Haonan continued to observe the structure of the magic circle.

"Master, should we go and have a look?" Er Bai came over and asked.

"We can't go there, this magic circle will send us abroad. The borders are not open now, if we don't come back after we go, we will be in trouble." Linglong made a careful investigation, and directly came to a conclusion.

Qin Haonan was not reckless, calmly took out the camera in the game, and took a photo of the pattern of the magic circle.After thinking for a while, Qin Haonan directly initiated a communication with Yao Ruoxi.

"Ruomeng, do you have anything to do with me?" Unexpectedly, Yao Ruoxi quickly picked up, and her pleasant voice came from there.

"Ruoxi, I found a western magic circle, it should be like a teleportation circle. I want to ask if there are any players in your guild who understand this?" Qin Haonan said.

Yao Ruoxi was startled, and then replied: "Yes, there are people here who understand Western magic circles."

"Then I'll send you a photo, and you can take a look." Qin Haonan said, and then sent the picture.

While waiting for Yao Ruoxi's reply, Qin Haonan kept analyzing.The national border has not yet been opened, but there are still ways to cross the national border under some special circumstances.If it's just foreign players coming to China to do a special mission, there's no need to hide and hide like this.

Could it be that they came to investigate the strength of players in China?
In the last life, this kind of situation happened in the middle and late stages of the game. After all, there will be a national war in the future, and the game "Century" will control the situation of the world. There have been incidents where both sides sent undercover spies.

But it's too early for this kind of thing to happen now.

After all, it has been less than half a year since the game "Century" was launched. To the players in the world, this is just an online game.It has not developed to the important position in the later stage, and even the second upgrade is still far away, and the conversion of cash and game currency has not reached the standard.

It is too early to say that foreign players are coming to investigate now.

While waiting, Qin Haonan even had the urge to step into the central area of ​​the teleportation array to have a try.But unfortunately, there is nothing new to discover even after trying.

Because Erbai, a big white tiger full of curiosity, couldn't restrain himself for a long time, and took advantage of Qin Haonan's unpreparedness, he ran in by himself.But Erbai was not teleported, he just stood in the faint blue light, and he looked very beautiful when illuminated by this light.

"How could this be? I just saw that they were teleported from here." Xue Mei was also very puzzled.

But doubts are doubts, the facts are right in front of you.Several other contracted beasts also came in one after another, and finally even Qin Haonan walked in. After trying, it was found that it really couldn't be teleported.

At this moment, Yao Ruoxi's message was sent.

"Ruomeng, where did you find this secret magic circle? Have foreign players entered our map in China?"

"Yes, it's in Immortal Mountain. I met 6 foreign players. They were mysterious and they didn't know what they were doing." Qin Haonan said.

"I see. The magic circle has a time limit. I don't know when they opened it? The magic circle can last up to 24 hours. According to the magic spell on the photo, the magic circle on the other side is likely to be a country in Europe and America. " Yao Ruoxi said.

(End of this chapter)

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