game master

Chapter 301 – National Instruments

Chapter 301 – National Instruments
A national weapon, as the name suggests, is a national symbolic equipment weapon.

Each country will have 12 sets of national weapons in the game.Because each country has 12 occupations, and these 12 sets of national equipment are tailor-made for each of the 12 occupations.

The level of the national weapon is all the level of the holy weapon.And all of them are growth-type, which means they can be upgraded like Qin Haonan's equipment.

In terms of the combat effectiveness of the national weapon alone, it is not weak.After all, it is a growth suit at the level of a sacred weapon. When all of them are combined, the combat power is also explosive.Otherwise, how can it be called a national weapon.

In Qin Haonan's memory, the national weapon was only officially discovered by players in China one year before the start of the national war.At that time, the major forums were a sensation for a long time, and many patriotic players were looking for national weapons scattered around the world, saying that they wanted to gather all the national weapons and win glory for the country.

Qin Haonan also enthusiastically participated in it back then, so his memory is still fresh.

"Master, they stopped. It seems that there are other players coming in front." Xue Mei sent a sound transmission in time.

Could it be that Yao Ruoxi rushed over?Qin Haonan thought of this for a moment, and quickly moved forward.

If the opponent is really Yao Ruoxi, once the fire is fired, Qin Haonan must rush to support.At that time, it is inevitable to fight again with this group of foreign players.

It really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be there, Qin Haonan saw Yao Ruoxi approaching from a distance.But she was not alone, she also brought the Aqua Rose from the Fairy Demon League.

It is said that Aqua Rose changed her job to be a swordsman in the later stage. At this time, she has reached level 74, and Yao Ruoxi is level 77. If she wants to fight against this group of foreign players, she still has a good chance of winning.

Qin Haonan hurriedly checked the attributes and levels of this group of foreign players with [Beast Taming Suit: Mithril Thousand Magic], fortunately, their levels are not very high.

In this group of American players, except for Spirit Wolf which has reached level 78, the others are also around level 72.

Qin Haonan's estimation is not wrong. Thanks to Qin Haonan's drive, the overall level of players in China is already relatively high in the world.Compared with us, the United States, which is a powerful country in games, does not have an advantage at this time.

Yao Ruoxi had already seen the group of black-clothed players with hoods and cloaks from a distance at this time, and guessed that this group should be the American players Qin Haonan sent her a message about.

In fact, Qin Haonan had already sent Yao Ruoxi a text message during the process of following him.He was worried that when Yao Ruoxi arrived, he might run into this group of American players.Or they strayed off and couldn't meet Qin Haonan.

So Qin Haonan briefly told Yao Ruoxi about the general situation he knew.

Yao Ruoxi is a smart girl, and at this moment she also knows not to startle the snake.She pretended not to see anything, holding Aqua Rose's arm, chatting and laughing with her.

Aqua Rose also cooperated very tacitly. The two pretended to be ordinary players who came to Immortal Mountain to do missions, and just passed by the American players.

Qin Haonan had already clenched the God Punishing Demon Hunting Sword in his hand, and was always ready to rush out to protect them if something happened.

But this group of American players didn't seem to want to cause trouble, so they just brushed past Yao Ruoxi and the others.

Just as Qin Haonan was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw You Lang suddenly turn around and look towards Qin Haonan's position.Qin Haonan was shocked, could he have been discovered?Hastily lowered his head lower, but after a while, he didn't hear any movement.

"Captain, what's wrong?" Jiawen tugged at Spirit Wolf in confusion.

"It's okay, let's go, I heard wrong." Ghost Wolf turned around and hurried on his way after saying that.

Yao Ruoxi and Aqua Rose continued to move forward, ignoring the interaction with the American players at all.Soon the two groups separated, the American team went further and further away, and Yao Ruoxi and the others found Qin Haonan hiding behind a tree.

"It's just so dangerous, and that leader is so suspicious." Aqua Rose said, shaking her chest.

"Fortunately, the two of us were relatively calm and did not show any flaws." Yao Ruoxi also echoed.

It was only then that Qin Haonan realized that it turned out that Youlang turned around suddenly just now, not because he had discovered him, but because he wanted to test to see if Yao Ruoxi was with him.Seeing that Yao Ruoxi and Aqua Rose really didn't pay any attention to this team, they led the team away with confidence.

"Floating life is like a dream, you are really good, you can also meet this American player." Aqua Rose said jokingly.

"It's just a coincidence, it's called good character." Qin Haonan said.

"Okay, I'll praise you and you're still out of breath, you're a real person." Shui Seqiangwei pouted her lips as she said, and stopped talking to Qin Haonan.

Yao Ruoxi was not in the mood to make jokes at this time, so she hurriedly asked: "Ruomeng, we will continue to follow them, and we must not lose them. Also, you have to tell us the specific situation of American players in detail. I just read the information , What you said is very general, what happened?"

"Don't worry about stalking. I've got Xue Mei to follow me all the time, so I can't lose it. We shouldn't get too close. After all, we just met you, and that ghost wolf from the American team is quite wary. We'd better be careful." As Qin Haonan spoke, he explained in detail what he knew, as well as the ins and outs of his encounters and battles with American players.

Yao Ruoxi and Shuise Qiangwei were shocked when they heard this.

"National weapons, if what they say is true, the United States has already discovered national weapons. Otherwise, they would not have traveled thousands of miles to try their best to find them on the map of China." Yao Ruoxi analyzed.

Qin Haonan nodded, and said seriously: "I think so too. Even the United States has gathered a few national weapons. As for how they know that a certain national weapon is in China, I am quite curious."

"Follow up and have a look and you'll understand everything. If it's a national weapon, are we going to snatch it? We can't let them look for the national weapon on the map of our China region so recklessly!" Said Aqua Rose, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Well, let me expose them, post them in the forum, and post them in the chat channel?"

"It's possible, but not now. Let's follow up first, and when we find out the real purpose of these people and see the national equipment, it's not too late for us to start." Qin Haonan said with a smile.

"Okay, just listen to Ruomeng." Yao Ruoxi said straightforwardly.

In the front are the 20 players from the US team, in the middle is Xue Mei hiding in the grass, and at the end is Qin Haonan and the others who are following them all the way.Qin Haonan followed carefully, and soon followed to another peak of Shenxian Mountain.

This mountain has a name called "Chengxian Peak".It is said that thousands of years ago, a god became a fairy here, so this peak has its name.

Looking at this towering mountain surrounded by clouds, Qin Haonan suddenly realized that this is the only place where humanoid monsters haunt Shenxian Mountain, the Immortal Pavilion.

On the map of Shenxian Mountain, apart from the continuous mountains, lakes and streams, the Shenxian Pavilion is the only mountain building.

(End of this chapter)

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