game master

Chapter 303 - Mutation

Chapter 303 - Mutation
"Hehe, what a coincidence, we met again." Jiaqi Rumeng smiled and turned around to say hello, but her feet were not vague at all, and she still had to run when she should.

"You always like to get involved in things related to demonization. I should have guessed that it was you." Qin Haonan looked at Jiaqi Rumeng, who was far beyond them, and shouted, not sure if the other party heard .

At Jiaqi Rumeng's feet, looking from a distance, it seems that some kind of fairy art or acceleration spell has been added, shining emerald green light, making her very fast.

After a while, Jiaqi Rumeng had disappeared without a trace.

Yao Ruoxi looked back and found that the American players had been wiped out.At this time, the number of demonized black tortoises had reached nearly fifty, and everyone's scalp felt numb.Such a large group of bosses who are several hundreds of levels above him can't even fight!

Fortunately, Qin Haonan and the others were relatively far away from the enemy, and they ran in time. The demonized mysterious turtles never caught up.Qin Haonan and the others ran out of the area of ​​the Immortal Pavilion, worried and ran for a long distance, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this group of demonized mysterious turtles couldn't rush out of the area of ​​the Immortal Pavilion, otherwise they would really be in big trouble.After getting rid of the bosses whose combat power was exploding, Qin Haonan found a tree, leaned against it and sat down.

Yao Ruoxi and Shuise Qiangwei also sat down beside him, and let out a long breath.

"This piece is running fast, and the hunger level has risen. It seems that I need to eat something to replenish." Aqua Rose said, and took out food to reduce hunger from the backpack.

After Aqua Rose took out the food, she still didn't forget to give everyone points, so Qin Haonan hurriedly took out his own.You can't just eat the food given by the lady, he directly divided out his own food, and said with a smile: "Let's eat these, my recovery value is high."

"Okay, thank you." Aqua Rose and Qin Haonan were not polite, took it and started to eat, "But life is like a dream, I think the amount of information you encountered today is quite large. Chief, you Say?"

Yao Ruoxi looked at the gaze cast by Aqua Rose, nodded and said: "Yes, first of all, the American players teamed up and came to our China area. Instead of the 'Xuan Turtle Card' used for summoning, how the items in China get into the hands of foreign players is worth studying."

"With Jiaqi Rumeng here, all of this is easy to explain." Qin Haonan said straightforwardly, "Jiaqi Rumeng is a mystery, and I can't understand it more and more now. She asked us to help her before, just to pass the customs and hide Dungeons, and they are all dungeons related to demonization."

"I also know this, but Jiaqi Rumeng is also our player in China, why did she go to the United States? And she also went to help the United States find national equipment, what are you kidding?" Yao Ruoxi continued.

Qin Haonan didn't intend to hide anything from Yao Ruoxi, so he said, "I personally doubt that Jiaqi Rumeng was not a player in the first place. Do you remember Drunk Dream Qingcheng who joined the 'Yaole Guild' before?"

Aqua Rose frowned when she heard this.

"Remember, this person suddenly disappeared as if he had evaporated, and even the brick who ran away has not found his whereabouts." Yao Ruoxi said seriously.

"I have also investigated this Drunken Dream Allure, and it has always been very mysterious. We have never even seen his face. After the last gang battle, he disappeared inexplicably. The most important point, the Yaole Gang did not Received his withdrawal message, but his name was removed from the guild in such a miraculous manner." Aqua Rose added.

Qin Haonan nodded, expressing that he was not surprised by any of this. "At that time, I fought with Drunk Dream Qingcheng. During the last gang battle, before I defeated him, I received a reminder from the system that he was a BOSS."

"Isn't this amazing?" Yao Ruoxi was a little surprised.

"It's nothing to be surprised about, I'm used to it. There are still a lot of these strange things in this "Century" online game. I wonder if Jiaqi Rumeng will be like Drunken Dreams, a mess of the system Data?" Qin Haonan paused for a moment before expressing his conjecture.

After hearing Qin Haonan's guess, everyone remained silent for a while.No one wants to believe this kind of conjecture, after all, it is a bit too deviant.

Aqua Rose was dubious, but Yao Ruoxi believed most of it.

Ever since she met Jiaqi Rumeng and learned about the demonization incident, Yao Ruoxi had privately sought out "a dead tree does not make a forest", that is, Old Man Yang.In order to understand this demonization incident, Yao Ruoxi even went to Uncle Yang's laboratory and stayed there for several days.

When she realized that "demonization" and "realization" were the same thing, she felt bad all over.

"If this is the case, then Jiaqi Rumeng is an extremely dangerous boss. What is behind her plan is very intriguing." Yao Ruoxi spoke after a long time.

Qin Haonan hurriedly said: "We can ask Uncle Yang about this matter later and hear his opinion."

"Well, let's do it like this." Yao Ruoxi nodded.

While everyone was talking, the ground suddenly began to shake slightly.Qin Haonan and the others immediately stood up and looked around vigilantly.You must know that the demonized black tortoise cannot leave the area of ​​the Immortal Pavilion, but this earthquake really made people wonder if the demonized black tortoise came again.

"Master, the smell in the air has changed." Erbai's hair stood on end. This was the first time Qin Haonan saw Erbai in such a state.

"Master, the demonic aura is getting stronger and stronger, I feel something is wrong. Let's leave here quickly, it is best to leave the entire Immortal Mountain."

Qin Haonan nodded and said, "Okay, let's leave now. Several members of our guild are still in the cave not far from the entrance of Shenxian Mountain. I'll let them know first."

While speaking, Qin Haonan led everyone to run again.Fortunately, I ate some food to reduce hunger just now, otherwise if I continue to run like this, my hunger will rise rapidly, and it is estimated that attributes such as speed will decrease.

As Qin Haonan ran, he found that the ground under his feet was shaking even more violently.

The entire Immortal Mountain was almost completely dark.Lightning and thunder rumbled, and the entire sky, like a black cauldron, was pulled down abruptly like this, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

Bu Shi Style and others were still collecting rare stones in the cave, and the amount collected was almost the same, and suddenly felt a shaking.But this is a game after all, and no one thought of the word earthquake.

But it didn't stop after shaking a few times, and everyone felt something was wrong.Is this an earthquake?Or is there a big boss?Just when they were uncertain, Qin Haonan sent a message, saying that something happened in Shenxian Mountain, and everyone should be careful.

The level of this group of people, if you want to come out of the cave by yourself, the challenge is too great.After all, it was very troublesome for them to deal with those mobs just now.

So without losing style, they hurriedly initiated a newsletter to their leader.

"Guangzhu, I don't lose my style, where are you now, how do we meet?"

Qin Haonan had already thought of a way to deal with it, so he hurriedly said: "Take everyone and use the city return scroll to go back to the city directly. There are a lot of new bosses here, the level is too high, you can't deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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