game master

Chapter 307 - Building a Village

Chapter 307 - Building a Village
After returning from the coffee shop, Qin Haonan went back to the room to meditate.

He always felt that there was a force in the dark that was pushing the progress of the game forward continuously and rapidly.

And the speed of this advance far exceeds that of the previous life.

In the last life, this second upgrade will take a long time.But in this life, the upgrade speed of the players has increased a lot.Especially Qin Haonan. At this time, less than half a year has passed since the online game "Century" was launched, and Qin Haonan has already reached level 80.

At this rate of development, it won't be long until level 90.If you work harder, it will be level 100.

Qin Haonan had already thought of Jiaji Rumeng at this time, and he was thinking that the speeding up of the game process might be helpful for the actualization experiment of "Mastermind of the Century".Otherwise, "Mastermind of the Century" wouldn't have created so many humanoid bosses in the game, mixed in with the player group, and interfered so much in the game.

Thinking of this, Qin Haonan felt that he should talk to Uncle Yang and the others to discuss this matter.


It took a whole day for the game to be maintained, and then it went online again. Qin Haonan went to visit the Immortal Mountain and found that the map there was blocked.The system shows that the level here is too high, and it has not been opened yet.

Qin Haonan still can't figure out what is Jiaqi Rumeng's plan for doing this.The time in the game passed quickly. Every day was spent fighting monsters and leveling up, brushing up dungeons, and preparing materials for building villages.

Qin Haonan secretly kept what happened these days in his heart.

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and Qin Haonan looked at the piles of wood, stone, and rare stone in the warehouse...a great sense of accomplishment rose in his heart.

The materials are all in place, and the grades are up to standard.The first village in the "Century" online game will be built by them.Thinking of this, Qin Haonan was quite excited.

Early this morning, most of Mengran Jiangshan's gang members rushed to the place where the village was built.

After all, it is the construction of the village of your own gang, and everyone pays more attention to it.

Since the location of Jiancun is not under the jurisdiction of the main cities such as East Emperor City and Ziyun City, Qin Haonan can only find the "father of the land" in this area.

The land father-in-law belongs to a special NPC in "Century". Every area will have its own land father-in-law NPC.It's just that the place where they usually stay is not very conspicuous. If there is no special task, the players don't pay much attention to them.

The appearance of the land father-in-law NPCs is completely uniform, all of them are grandfathers in gray robes with white hair and white beard.The land father-in-law NPC looks amiable and has a touch of immortality.

Qin Haonan handed the "village building order" and coins to the land father-in-law NPC.

I saw the Land Father NPC with a smile on his face, and said seriously: "Your life is like a dream, you and your guild have met the requirements for building a village. I approve you to build a village here. Please tell me the name of the village. When naming it, you must Be cautious, because once the name of the village is named, it cannot be modified. If the village is upgraded to a town or city in the later stage, all of them must use this name."

"The name is 'Dream Ran Jiangshan'!" Qin Haonan said immediately.

In fact, everyone in the guild had already discussed the name of the village before they came.

Some say it should be called "Huaxia", some say it should be called "Chixia", some say it should be called "Juxian", and some say it should be called "Shenzhou".

In the end, Hou Yue suggested that it should be called Mengran Jiangshan!Hou Yue actually did it to save trouble. The gang is Mengran Jiangshan, and the guild's resident will also be built here.

Qin Haonan didn't intend to use "Dreams of the World" at first, but the gang members thought it was good, so they finally voted to approve it.

"Okay, I've recorded the name. You will draw the address of the village here." The land father NPC dutifully took out a map of the area and asked Qin Haonan to find the specific village location on it.

Qin Haonan took a pen and searched on the map.

It's a pity that this piece of land clearly marks where a village can be built, and where the land has already been used and a village cannot be built.Qin Haonan found the location he had chosen before, drew a circle on it with a pen, clicked the "OK" button, and the location selection was over.

"Great, congratulations, the process of building a village has been preliminarily completed." The land father-in-law NPC stamped the thick certificates one by one, and handed them to Qin Haonan.These are the approval documents and land authorizations for building a village.

"Thank you, Father Land." Qin Haonan said.

"Player's life is like a dream, now you can bring your guild members to the designated place to build a village. Good luck to you!" The land father NPC said with a smile, and did not forget to wave goodbye to everyone.

Holding this pile of documents, Qin Haonan was filled with emotion.Mengran Jiangshan now has his own land. Holding the documents, Qin Haonan and everyone returned to the specific location of Jiancun.

The real construction of the village begins. After arriving at the location, put the certificate on the ground.Qin Haonan and other gang members took out all the materials for building the village.

Everything was ready, Qin Haonan clicked the "Build Village" button.I saw a simple map shape on the ground in the area where the village was built with the certificate as the center.

The architects who did not lose their style were all surrounded by Qin Haonan at this time. It was the first time to build a village, and no one cares about the market.

"Ding dong~ Player is like a dream, you and your guild 'Meng Ran Jiangshan' will build a village at this time, please choose the architectural style of the village."

The pleasant system sound sounded, and the option frame appeared in front of Qin Haonan along with the sound.

"Wow, how important is it to build a village?" I was surprised that I didn't lose the style. I didn't think about building a village in the game, but I had to choose the style of building a village.

Qin Haonan dragged the long option box. There are 999 styles of the village here. Looking at the pile of options, Qin Haonan called all the leaders of the gang over.

"Let's take a look. There are Chinese style, Western style, classical, modern, Huizhou-style architecture, Beijing-style architecture, Sichuan-style architecture... If you have any ideas, you can tell them now." Qin Haonan is very democratic, let everyone Come and choose the village style.

A group of people researched for a while, and finally they tended to be more Chinese-style classical.Although the location of this village is by the sea, everyone still wants to build it full of Chinese characteristics, with a more magnificent atmosphere.

But now it's only at the village level, and it's impossible to be too resplendent.Once the style is determined, the village will continue to upgrade in the later stage, and when it reaches the level of the city, it will look really resplendent.

After confirming the final form, Qin Haonan handed over the initiative of building the village to them without losing style.

In the construction of the village later, Qin Haonan couldn't help much.This requires the hard work of life players, but the speed of building the village will definitely not be as slow as in reality.

(End of this chapter)

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