game master

Chapter 313 - The 9th Floor

Chapter 313 - The Ninth Floor

The millennium puppet raised the double hammers in his hands at this moment, and let out a breath from his mouth.The huge body began to move, and every time it took a step, the ground trembled.

Qin Haonan took his time and ordered the summoned beasts to surround the boss in an orderly manner.

The double hammers in the hands of the millennium puppet swung and hit the ground heavily, and the summoned beasts standing in front were knocked to the ground one after another.Taking advantage of this effort, the Millennium Puppet swung its double hammers and spun, and the powerful impact sent all the summoned beasts flying away.

The shadow wolves at the front suffered a series of blows one by one in the air, and their HP disappeared.However, the flamingos in the sky were not affected much. They vibrated their wings, and groups of flames spewed out, burning this area up.

Speaking of which, there are more trees on this floor.Qin Haonan was afraid that if there was a fire, he didn't let the flamingos breathe fire and attack as much as they wanted.

But trees are afraid of fire, and the mobs on this floor are all wood-type.When it's time to fight the boss, Qin Haonan doesn't care whether there is a fire or not.

As long as the BOSS is killed, it has nothing to do with him if there is a fire on this floor. Anyway, they went to the ninth floor, and the fire system on the eighth floor will automatically repair and extinguish.

The flame fell to the ground and burned on the vines.The Millennium Puppet's body also took up sparks and began to burn.

At this time, the millennium puppet also felt that the situation was not good, but unfortunately its IQ was not enough. It roared for a while, and summoned more than a dozen small puppets and wooden puppets to help.

As soon as these wood attribute monsters landed, they were entangled by burning flames.It can be said that it has not played any role in the battle, and it has become a combustion-supporting material.

hula hula...

The fire was soaring, and the sound of crackling and burning could be heard endlessly.

"Ruomeng, if we go on like this, we don't need to fight much, and we can enjoy the benefits of fishing." Yao Ruoxi looked at the current battle situation and said with a smile.

"Well, yes." Qin Haonan nodded.

At this time, the health of the mobs kept dropping under the fire, and Qin Haonan didn't need to do anything, and many of them died in a short while.

Daji and Linglong were in the rear, launching the group attack skills, adding fire to the enemies whose HP was already low.

After persisting like this for a short time, all the mobs died.Only then did the Millennium Puppet realize that it should deal with the flamingos flying in the sky.There is a row of organs in the abdomen of the millennium puppet. At this time, the wooden cover of the abdomen is automatically opened, and a series of flying arrows are shot from there.

The three flamingos were hit by arrows, and their HP dropped rapidly.

The Millennium Puppet saw that this trick was effective, and started an air attack.

Just as it diverted its energy to the sky, Erbai, Xuemei, Feimeng and Muqing had sneaked into the boss's side, and several contracted beasts became the main force to attack the boss.

The Millennium Puppet felt hopeless, and the batches of attacks caused its HP to quickly drop to 16%.The angry BOSS finally used his unique skills.

All the burning vines started to move, with the millennium puppet as the center, twitching rapidly.These vines are like long whips, waving in the air and on the ground.

Qin Haonan saw the right moment and asked Feimeng and Linglong to add defensive skills, while Yao Ruoxi supported the offense from the rear.

And Qin Haonan himself quickly ran to the Millennium Puppet, [Phantom Hidden Kill], [Cut Wind and Demon Blade], [Level 10 Thunder Sword Art], [Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 10]...

After several attacks, the boss fell to the ground.A lot of equipment and items burst out.

Erbai habitually ran to pick up equipment, Qin Haonan watched the fire gradually disappear in front of him, the stairs at the end of the hall had appeared, and the entrance to the ninth floor was right in front of him.

"Ding dong~ The player is like a dream, successfully cleared the eighth floor of the trial tower, and gained +1 attribute points and +1 skill points. Since your team is the first player to clear the eighth floor of the trial tower, the system rewards: Experience value +95000, skill point +2."

Yao Ruoxi also got a reward reminder from the system. It seems that the reward for the first kill is not bad.

"Ruomeng, now it seems that we can reach the eighth floor so smoothly, I guess it will not be a problem to surpass the tenth floor in one breath today!" Yao Ruoxi said happily after allocating attribute points.

Qin Haonan sorted out the items he picked up, and then said, "Well, we'll go back after challenging the tenth floor."

"Hey, are you no longer trying to go up?" Yao Ruoxi asked.

"It's enough to reach the tenth floor. In this trial tower, every tenth floor is a checkpoint. There is a big gap between the eleventh floor and the tenth floor. Our current level, the challenge to the tenth floor is already the limit." Qin Haonan said seriously .

"Oh, then I'll listen to you." Yao Ruoxi believed Qin Haonan's words very much.

The two packed their backpacks and walked up the stairs to the ninth floor.

The appearance of the ninth floor of the trial tower is completely different from the eighth floor.The ground on the ninth floor is all water.There are only a few bright and flat stones that players can step on and walk over.

"Wow, the scenery on this floor is so beautiful!" It was Linglong who spoke in admiration.

Qin Haonan looked at the lake in front of him, looked at the water lilies in the lake, and began to look for the direction.This level makes people feel no sense of direction, because they are standing in the middle of the lake at this time, and there is a large stone platform here.

In the four directions of the stone platform, all are paved with stone slabs, and in some places, lotus leaves are used to pave the road.Here is a maze, if you choose the right location, you can find the exit.If you choose wrong, you can only hang around here.

Qin Haonan remembered that this level was very difficult to walk through. In the past, some players summed up the formulas for clearing the level and put them on the forum for your reference.If you don't use formulas, you will have to study the map of this floor for a long time.

After so many years, Qin Haonan didn't remember very clearly.Only relying on general memory, I stepped on the leftmost stone slab.Yao Ruoxi followed behind him, walking slowly.

Although the area of ​​this floor is very large, there are very few roads.In order to avoid trouble, Qin Haonan put away all the contracted beasts, because there are no mobs here for the time being.

"Ruomeng, this floor is exquisite and beautiful, but there are no mobs. The difficulty is not a maze, right?" Yao Ruoxi has obviously realized this.

Qin Haonan nodded, and said affirmatively: "Well, I think that's it. The maze on this floor is more complicated. Later, Ruoxi, you can also help me to write down the path we have traveled. Let's try not to walk again."

"Okay, don't worry about this." Yao Ruoxi said and agreed.

Along the narrow stone slab, Qin Haonan walked all the way forward, and after a while, three forks appeared again.

Yao Ruoxi couldn't help frowning when she saw it, she really couldn't remember if she went on like this.From just now to now, it has only been two or three minutes, and there have been five forks.

After so many years, although Qin Haonan's memory is not very clear.But I still have an impression to some extent, because Qin Haonan didn't read the strategy at first, and walked through it on his own, and spent a whole day here.It took dozens of maps, and finally I went to the forum to study it, and then I quickly cleared the level.

As Qin Haonan walked, he saw a stone statue standing in the lake.

This stone statue is a fairy boy holding a lotus in his hand, and is showing people the way with his hand.By the way, it's here. It seems that he didn't go wrong. Qin Haonan remembered that this stone statue was a sign.At this point, the first half of the road is on the right track.

(End of this chapter)

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