game master

Chapter 318 - The Realm of Painting Immortals

Chapter 318 - The Realm of Painting Immortals
"Ding dong~ The player is like a dream, successfully cleared the ninth floor of the trial tower, and gained +1 attribute points and +1 skill points. Since your team is the first player to clear the ninth floor of the trial tower, the system rewards: Experience value +97500, attribute points +2."

Qin Haonan looked at the reward he had just received, and led the team quickly through the ninth floor.Go up the stairs, and the gate on the tenth floor is right in front of you.

The moment the door was opened, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi saw the tenth floor.

The so-called tenth floor is a scene surrounded by immortal energy.This place seems to be a fairy palace, surrounded by mountains and water. The most important thing is that the ground is all paved with scrolls.

People walk on it cautiously, and they all have the urge for fear of dirtying the beautiful mountains and rivers on the scroll.

This layer originally had a name called "The Realm of Painting Immortals".

Qin Haonan continued to walk forward with the team, and soon saw the little monster in front of him.

Level 84 - Painting Demon (Normal)
Level 84 - Pen Fairy (Normal)
Qin Haonan looked at the picture scroll monster and the brush monster in front of him, and directly ordered Erbai and the others to attack.Erbai, Linglong, Daji and the others were humiliated in the illusion array on the ninth floor, and they were all simmering with fire at this moment.

When they saw the mobs in front of them, they all rolled up their sleeves, worrying that there was nowhere to vent their anger, and at this time they just found a punching bag.

Qin Haonan also summoned the ghost wolf and other summoned beasts, and joined the fighting army together.

With this batch of contracted beasts and summoned beasts, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi basically didn't need to do anything, the team kept moving forward, and the experience points were constantly increasing.

"Ruomeng, the mobs on this floor are obviously much slower than before." Yao Ruoxi also felt that the strength of the mobs on this floor has greatly improved.

Qin Haonan nodded, and said seriously: "You can feel it too. There is a checkpoint every 10 floors in the trial tower. With our level, we can only pass to the tenth floor. After that, the risk will be greater and it will take more time. .Furthermore, no one wants to break into a trial tower and get killed and lose level 1, right?"

"Yeah, then we will go after challenging this level." Yao Ruoxi said.

"Well, okay." Qin Haonan responded, and now followed the team to the fork in the scroll ahead.

"Master, there's a maze here again." Linglong looked at the five forked roads, and didn't know which one to take for a while.

Qin Haonan looked at the five scrolls in front of him, and quickly made a choice.Qin Haonan is going to take the middle one. In his impression, this scroll with landscape paintings is the sign leading to the final point.

Speaking of the tenth-floor maze, it's a bit different from the others.

Here, the fairyland is painted, and the forks of the maze are pictures.Once you enter the wrong picture scroll, you will go back to the starting point and start again.Although it can't cause harm to the player, it's a waste of time.

So many players, knowing that there are more rewards in the trial tower, don't like to enter the tower for a break.There are really many mazes in the tower, and it is impossible to get out, especially the tenth floor, which hinders the enthusiasm of a large number of players to break into the tower.

Qin Haonan led the team and left the landscape painting in the middle. After entering, the picture in front of him changed again.The surrounding scenery turned into a beautiful fairyland, with mountains and water, exactly the same as the previous painting.

Many mobs were spawned, and it was another round of battle.

After defeating these mobs, Qin Haonan came to a new fork.

There are seven scrolls in front of him, there are pictures of flowers and birds, pictures of landscapes, pictures of animals, and pictures of maids with fine brushwork...Facing each of the exquisite scrolls, Qin Haonan walked towards the picture of maids with fine brushwork without hesitation.

"Ruomeng, the labyrinth here is so complicated...we..." Yao Ruoxi grabbed Qin Haonan's sleeve. She originally wanted to persuade Qin Haonan to make a serious choice before leaving.But considering Qin Haonan's ability to walk the maze, he felt that he was a little too worried.

"It's okay, Ruoxi, don't worry, just follow me." Qin Haonan hurriedly said.

The two stepped into the scroll again, and the scenery in front of them changed again.Only this time, the surrounding scenery turned into wooden pavilions.Peach red curtains hang down from the doors and windows, and peach blossoms are planted by the roadside, embellishing the whole picture scroll extremely beautifully.

The little monsters in front have also undergone tremendous changes.

Level 84 - Maid in Red (Little Elite)

Level 84 - Maid in Yellow (Little Elite)

Looking at the dozens of small elite monsters in front of him, Qin Haonan also felt that the difficulty of fighting here has increased a lot.He added [Sword Intent Level 10] to himself, and commanded the summoned beasts and the contracted beasts to charge into the group of mobs.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi stayed behind the team, constantly launching long-range attacks.

【Moon Blossom Dance】,【Wind and Demon Slayer Blade】,【Thousand Sakura and Luoyue Dance】,【Flying Flower and Butterfly Feather】,【Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 10】...

After fighting like this for a while, all the mobs here were wiped out.

Qin Haonan remembered that there seemed to be a beautiful fashion in this picture scroll.It is said to be unique, and the style is very beautiful.According to his memory, Qin Haonan found a relatively remote alley in the picture scroll.

"Ruomeng, what's the matter? Why did you come here? I saw a fork ahead." Yao Ruoxi asked curiously.

"Don't worry, Ruoxi, look there." Qin Haonan said, pointing to the treasure chest under the tree in the alley.

Yao Ruoxi couldn't help but said in shock: "You have seen such a remote location. Ruomeng, I have to wonder if you have the attribute of 'searching for treasure' yourself? This is too powerful!"

"Thank you, let's open the treasure chest." Qin Haonan said, and led the team to the treasure chest.Fortunately, the treasure chest was not locked, so Qin Haonan opened it easily.

[Ink Jiangshan Fashion (Male)] The wearer's defense +600, speed +360.

[Ink Jiangshan Fashion (Female)] The wearer's defense +600, mana +360.

Looking at the fashion in front of him, there are two sets for men and women.Qin Haonan remembered hearing people say that Yao Ruoxi likes to collect fashion, and giving her this fashion should please her.

Think about how Yao Ruoxi sent a lot of materials for building the village when Mengran Jiangshan built the village.She has helped him a lot, so I haven't thanked her very much!

"It turned out to be fashion?" From Yao Ruoxi's tone, one could tell that she was very happy.

"This set of women's clothes is for you." Qin Haonan generously handed over [Ink and Wash Jiangshan Fashion (Female)].

After Yao Ruoxi received it, she tried it on immediately. This set of fashion is in the style of ink painting, and it looks very artistic when worn.Yao Ruoxi was already pretty, but when she put on this outfit, she felt like a fairy walking out of a fairyland.

"Ruomeng, thank you. With you, I can always get a lot of good things." Yao Ruoxi said happily, and she turned around to appreciate the hungry fashion.

Linglong and Daji are still little girls, and they couldn't help drooling when they saw such a beautiful fashion.

"Sister Ruoxi is so beautiful!" Feimeng praised sincerely from the side.

"Thank you, Ruomeng, you can change into it too. Hurry up, let me see that men's suit." Yao Ruoxi hurriedly urged.

Anyway, there was no one else here, so Qin Haonan put on the suit directly. [Ink Jiangshan Fashion] has attribute blessings, and after wearing it, the combat power will increase a little.

(End of this chapter)

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