game master

Chapter 321 - The Secret of the Picture Scroll

Chapter 321 - The Secret of the Picture Scroll

"Okay, the tenth floor is also cleared. Let's not challenge the subsequent floors for the time being." Qin Haonan said, put away the contract beast, and together with Yao Ruoxi, clicked the challenge of exiting the trial tower.

After coming out of the trial tower, Qin Haonan was the first to take out the [ancestral scroll] that he had obtained earlier.

In the trial tower before, Qin Haonan didn't look carefully at the specific attributes of the items in order to hurry up.Now that it's out of the tower, you might as well study it carefully.

"Ruomeng, let's find a quiet place and sit down and study the scroll?" Yao Ruoxi looked around, seeing that there were many players and noisy, so she proposed.

Qin Haonan nodded and agreed: "Your proposal is not bad. By the way, I will take you to my shop. There are spare rooms over there, so you won't be disturbed in the past."

"Don't tell me, I almost forgot, Ruomeng, you are a local tyrant in the game. You have a house, a land, a car, a shop... Let me figure it out, what else is there?" Yao Ruoxi couldn't help joking after hearing this.But listening to her tone, I was still very happy.

"It's just in the game, let's go there quickly." Qin Haonan said, and began to lead the way.

"En." Yao Ruoxi responded.

The two soon came to Ziyun City. Qin Haonan's shop was constantly expanding under Fang Mengjie's management.Qin Haonan took Yao Ruoxi to a shop, greeted the people in the shop, and took Yao Ruoxi to the rest area behind.

There are already eight shops on Qin Haonan's side.

This one is a pet supply store, although not many players own pets in the game.But here also sells pet eggs, so many players often come here.

Everyone is taking chances, if they are lucky enough to meet a pet egg that suits them.

Inside the store, there are also warehouses and rest areas for staff.Qin Haonan brought Yao Ruoxi to the rest area, where there are sofas, tables and chairs, and the overall layout is quite warm.

"Please sit down." Qin Haonan asked Yao Ruoxi to sit on the sofa and wait for him, and then he poured two cups of weak tea.

In the "Century" game, tea is a relatively simple beverage to make, and the required materials are easy to collect.The taste is fragrant and pleasant, and Qin Haonan's life players have made a lot of them.It also reduces hunger by a small amount and is one of the most popular drinks in Age of Ages.

"The environment here is good! Ruomeng, I really admire you. In this game, you are the first player to open a store and run it well." Yao Ruoxi said. In reality, Yao Ruoxi Her family has many shops, and Yao Ruoxi occasionally sees her father managing these businesses.

Yao Ruoxi's Fairy Monster League is already preparing for building a store in the game.Not only the Fairy and Demon League, but also the Longzhan Tianxia, ​​Batu Dynasty, Yaoyue, Shengshi Shengge, Gods Realm...these big gangs are all preparing to develop business in the game.

However, Qin Haonan's Mengran Jiangshan took the lead.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Mengran Jiangshan Gang is a rising star.In terms of financial resources, manpower, and background experience, it can't compare with those old gangs.But after competition after competition, everyone found that they underestimated this gang.

Even in this competition of shops, these established gangs are far behind Mengran Jiangshan.Now Mengran Jiangshan has started to build a village. According to Yao Ruoxi's knowledge, the village will be built on their own village.

It can be seen from this that Qin Haonan's ambitions are also very large.Villages can be upgraded into towns, and later into cities.The growth of the city means the growth of the gang.

"Thank you for your compliment. The main reason is that the management on my side is good." Qin Haonan smiled modestly.

"Yanyufengyoumiao, I've heard of her." Yao Ruoxi still knows a lot of information, "But today is not the time to discuss shops with you, let's take a look at this scroll first."

"Well, okay." Qin Haonan said and took out the items.

This ancestral painting scroll was slowly opened, and when the scroll was gradually stretched, Qin Haonan realized that this painting was very long, much longer than he had imagined.

"Ruomeng, is this painting a map of China?" Yao Ruoxi noticed that the scroll was different.

"From the shape, it looks a bit like it." Qin Haonan echoed, at this time he was carefully checking every detail of the scroll.

This is a landscape painting with mountains and rivers in it.Some places will simply mark the city, and some places will also mark a small red dot.Qin Haonan counted the number of small red dots, and there were 11 in total.

Yao Ruoxi asked: "Ruomeng, can you understand what these 11 little red dots mean?"

"I don't know, this whole painting is just a simple map of China. And these red dots should have some symbolic meaning, or they are just for marking the location. Look, this is the location of Xinshou Village, Taoyuan Village. This is the ancient secret realm..." Qin Haonan pointed to Yao Ruoxi as he spoke.

"Ruomeng, don't you think this map is strange?" Yao Ruoxi seemed to have noticed the problem, "There is no city or village marked on the map, but an outline. The Taoyuan Village you mentioned is exactly Because we are familiar with it, we know that it is Taoyuan Village. If we switch to an area we don’t know, we will have no way to start.”

"We can compare the map." Qin Haonan said and opened his own China map interface.

Yao Ruoxi also opened the map and confirmed it with Qin Haonan. "Ruomeng, this is really a map of China. Comparing the painting according to the orientation and distance of the map, it is roughly the same. I was wondering, could these 11 red dots be treasures or something?"

"It's possible. Look at the introduction of the ancestral scroll, it says there may be a treasure." Qin Haonan said.

[Ancestral Scroll] A special item, it is said that there is a huge treasure hidden in the scroll.

Yao Ruoxi took a look, then frowned and analyzed: "Ruomeng, I was thinking, could these 11 red dots be 11 treasures? It's a pity that there is no word on this painting, and there is no hint for us. There are treasures in Xinshou Village , and... wait a minute, I found a very strange place."

"What's so strange?" Qin Haonan hurriedly asked.

"Your map and mine have different marks on it. If you look at Ruomeng, the point on the drawing is a large area of ​​Taoyuan Village on my side, but on your map, there is the place where the white tiger seals The red dot is actually on the land sealed by the white tiger." Yao Ruoxi said seriously.

Because of Yao Ruoxi's point, Qin Haonan immediately noticed the details.There is a red dot, and its location is precisely within the range of the White Tiger Seal.

Yao Ruoxi has never been to the land sealed by the white tiger, so it is very normal that there is no mark here on her map.But Qin Haonan has been there, so it is on his map.

"Ruomeng, look at this point again. You have been to the ancient secret realm. But I don't have it here. There is also this point, which is in the underground mine. You have been to these three points. So from the map, you can Compare it." Yao Ruoxi observed very carefully, she said seriously.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi have never been to the other 8 red dots.So in that area, only a rough mountain or city can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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