game master

Chapter 333 – The Enemy’s Road is Narrow

Chapter 333 – The Enemy’s Road is Narrow
Qin Haonan walked to the corpse and carefully looked at the purple flame in front of him.At this time, the flame became very weak due to the death of the host, as if it would go out at any time.

This is a strange kind of fire, Qin Haonan recognized it immediately.

This fire may not be useful to ordinary players.But Qin Haonan's life profession is blacksmithing, and a master blacksmith can use these fires to forge and temper weapons.

Knowing that this is a good thing, how could Qin Haonan let it go?He took out the bottle for collecting fire from his backpack, and quickly put away the purple flame.

Ziyan demon fire, this kind of fire will definitely be used in the later stage.

When Qin Haonan's blacksmith reached advanced level 10, his master gave Qin Haonan the bottle for collecting fire seeds, and told him how important it was for their blacksmiths to collect fire seeds.So since then, Qin Haonan kept the bottle in his backpack.

After going back, Qin Haonan was going to experiment with the effect of the fire.

This time, the BOSS also released a lot of blacksmith design books. Qin Haonan picked it out, and left what he had for the Assassin Alliance, and stuffed what he didn't have into his backpack.

After the selection, Yao Ruoxi walked to Qin Haonan's side. "I just got a few good pieces of equipment, Ruomeng, have you finished choosing? Shall we go back?"

"The selection is over, let's go." Qin Haonan was about to leave with Yao Ruoxi, but saw Yelan Tingyu slowly walking over.

Speaking of which, although Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi said that they scored [-]-[-] points this time, Qin Haonan mostly picked up some low-level equipment that players broke out, and even design books and the like.

Yelan Tingyu knew it well, this time Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi helped the Assassin Alliance.

"Master Yelan Tingyu, we have taken all our things and are going back to the city." Qin Haonan greeted Yelan Tingyu.

"Okay, I won't give it away either. I want to thank you two today." Yelan cupped her hands while listening to the book.

Qin Haonan immediately withdrew from the team and formed a team with Yao Ruoxi. "So farewell, we will meet later!" While speaking, Qin Haonan took Yao Ruoxi and left first.

Walking out of the map of Flowing Cloud Illusion, Yao Ruoxi smiled and said, "I'm listening to the rain this night, if I see that all the treasure chests in the hall are empty, how would I feel?"

"Why don't we leave before he looks at the treasure chest?" Qin Haonan said.

"Well, by the way, Ruomeng, if you don't have any plans today, let me accompany you to find the super magic weapon set?" Yao Ruoxi suddenly suggested, "11 sets, now you have 4 pieces, collect them as soon as possible, Aren't you invincible?"

"That's a good suggestion. Let's follow the instructions on the scroll and go to the northeast corner closest to here." Qin Haonan remembered that there was a red bright spot in the northeast corner of the scroll.It's just that under this point, there is also a difference sign.

Qin Haonan was also eager to know what this bad number meant.

"Great, then it's settled." Yao Ruoxi said happily.

Qin Haonan took Yao Ruoxi and left the map of Flowing Cloud Illusion, rode on the clear water unicorn, and headed northeast all the way.Qin Haonan didn't know much about the situation here.

In his last life, he didn't do much research on this area, and he rarely came here to practice.

Because the main task has nothing to do with this small area, Qin Haonan followed the marks on the scroll and searched slowly.In the wild area in this area, the mobs are all around level 95.

The leveling area in this area is called "Thousand Corpse Caves". The mobs are all zombies, skeletons, and souls. They look ugly, so there are not many players who usually come here.

The little monsters are of high level and will attack actively. Fortunately, the speed of action is slow, and the distance between each monster is far, so it will not cause a situation of being besieged.

"Ruomeng, I didn't expect such a gloomy scene here." Yao Ruoxi looked at the surrounding scenery and sighed, "But from the picture scroll, the red dot is near here. There are no missions in the surrounding area." NPC is just a wild leveling area."

"Well, yes! From the marks on the scroll, we should have arrived." Qin Haonan looked around and found a deserted altar not far away.

The altar is made of black stones, and the area is not very large.In this area, apart from mobs, there are dead trees and black soil, and only this altar can be explored.

"Ruoxi, let's go and have a look at the altar." Qin Haonan said, and walked over with Yao Ruoxi.

"Okay." When Yao Ruoxi followed Qin Haonan to the altar, she found that there was nothing in the area.The only three treasure chests are all opened and empty.

"Are we late? Looking at the situation, someone has already been here." Yao Ruoxi repeatedly checked the treasure chests around, and after confirming that nothing was found, she shook her head and said.

Qin Haonan thought for a while, and said: "I always feel that if there is a super artifact set here, it is impossible for others to take it so easily. There must be some tasks, bosses and the like. This is the leveling area of ​​the 95-level area , now the overall strength of the players in China, who can come here?"

Just as the two of them were analyzing, suddenly a poisonous arrow shot out from the bushes beside the altar, hitting Yao Ruoxi's back.Yao Ruoxi didn't expect to be attacked suddenly, only to see that her health dropped rapidly, and she became poisoned.

"There are players nearby!" Yao Ruoxi was shocked, and hurriedly summoned Mu Jin.

"Ding dong~ The player is floating like a dream, the player is enchanting, you are under the malicious attack of 'Two Moons Without Sleep'."

Qin Haonan immediately blessed himself with [Sword Intent Level 10], summoned all the contracted beasts and summoned beasts, and protected Yao Ruoxi in the middle.

Linglong and Mu Jin restored Yao Ruoxi's health while Qin Haonan rushed to the edge of the bush with Erbai, Xuemei, Feimeng and Muqing.Poisoned arrows shot out from the bushes one after another, and Qin Haonan released a move [Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 10] towards there.

Accompanied by the sword energy, the frost froze the entire bush.

I saw a team of 20 players who had already set up an ambush here.

"Ding dong~ Players are floating like dreams, players are enchanting, you have been maliciously attacked by 'Ba Tu@天浪'."

"Ding dong~ Players are floating like dreams, players are enchanting, you have been maliciously attacked by 'Ba Tu@罗雨'."


A series of system sounds sounded, and Qin Haonan immediately understood.It's really a narrow road to the enemy, he and Ba Tu @天给 this guy actually met here again.

But judging from Batu @天浪's posture at this time, it is impossible to fight Qin Haonan to the death.

"Who am I talking about? It's such a coincidence that the two of us can meet in this place? Maybe God gave me a chance to take revenge. If it weren't for your floating life like a dream, how could I, Tyrant @天浪, end up like this today?" Ba TU@天满 snorted coldly, and came waving a big knife.

"Hmph, I remember that at the beginning, you Tyrant Dynasty were chasing me hard, and I was just protecting myself." Qin Haonan smiled lightly, and greeted him with a long sword in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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