game master

Chapter 335 – The Fight

Chapter 335 – The Fight
Yao Ruoxi asked Mu Jin to lurk underground, and used her vines to find out what the runaway bricks were talking about, and then passed the words back intact.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi were in the bushes, listening to each other's conversation, they understood many things at once.

It turns out that this is where the runaway brick got Taotie, and there is indeed a seal here, and there is a super artifact in the seal, and there is nothing wrong with the records in the scroll.

"Ruoxi, I understand. The difference number on the red dot means that the super artifact here is no longer in this position." Qin Haonan said, and took out the scroll to show Yao Ruoxi, "Look, Taotie said that the super artifact is no longer in this position." He Baobao was taken away by a giant dragon, so there is a difference in this point."

"That's not right. If you calculate it this way, there should be a difference number under the four super artifacts you took away." Yao Ruoxi said, and looked at the picture scroll carefully.

Qin Haonan suddenly realized: "Ruoxi, look carefully. Is the color of these red dots that I took away from the super artifact different from the previous ones? These four are actually deep red, and those are all bright red."

"That's true. According to this, the crimson equipment is the equipment that has been identified, and the one with the difference number is the equipment that was taken away from the sealed place. And the bright red one is the equipment that is still in the sealed place." Yao Ruoxi She spoke out her analysis in one breath.

Qin Haonan nodded: "That's right, it should be like this."

While the two were talking, they heard a sudden confusion in front of them.Hearing the voice, it was that the two gangs had already fought.Qin Haonan looked up, only to find that the Batu Dynasty's ambush team rushed out from the bushes and dealt a heavy blow to Yao Le.

"It's started, it seems that Batu Dynasty is targeting the Yaole Guild today." Qin Haonan said indifferently.

"Let's just stay here and watch, don't get involved, after all, there are too many players on both sides." Yao Ruoxi said.

At this time, the Yaole Gang has a team of 60 people, but the Tyrant Dynasty has a team of 200 people.

Out of the team, Ba Tu Dynasty also split up several teams of 20 people, playing guerrilla beside them.

Just looking at the number of people, Qin Haonan could see that the Yaole Gang would definitely lose. Of course, the runaway brick also knew that he had encountered an ambush, and it seemed that he was going back to resurrect this time.

The way back has been cut off by the Tyrant Dynasty, and the runaway brick also knows that he is in big trouble this time.

All of a sudden, thunder and lightning flashed, and all kinds of brilliant skills shone brightly on the dark sky of the "Thousands of Corpse Caves".

"Ba Tu@Fanchen, I've written down this time's vendetta, you just wait for me." The berserk brick roared angrily, driving Taotie to turn around and run away.

Although there was no escape route, fortunately Taotie had a relatively large physique and a strong impact force, knocking away the players in the front row who were blocking the way, Taotie charged violently. "Players of Yaole, everyone find a way to retreat."

"Guard master, I can't retreat! I'm surrounded, medical immortals, give me some blood... ah..." With a mournful cry, a person died.

"I'm dizzy, my health drops too fast... I can't replenish it..." While speaking, another person hung up.

"Nimma, despicable Tyrant Dynasty, I will die with you!" Another two people hung up.


The Yaole Gang originally had a team of 60 people, but there were less than 10 people left in a short time.Seeing this situation, the runaway brick was filled with anger, he stopped running away, turned around and drove Taotie, and launched a large-scale group attack.

Taotie roared angrily, and the berserk brick launched the sword fairy's magnificent attack.

The battle between the two gangs with disparity in numbers has kept the Yaole gang in a passive position.

However, Batu Dynasty was not having a good time. Not long after the fierce battle started, more than 60 players were lost.From this point of view, in terms of strength alone, Yao Le is stronger than Ba ​​Tu Dynasty.

It's a pity that Ba Tu Dynasty used the tactic of repaying people, which made Yao Le suffer a lot.

"According to my estimation, this fierce fight will end within 20 seconds." Yao Ruoxi whispered.

"Ruoxi, if according to my speculation, after the Yaole Gang destroys the group, there will be more than 100 people left in the Batu Dynasty's team. Let's be careful not to be discovered by them, or we will be the ones who will be wiped out. Let's withdraw now." Qin Haonan watched the flames of war gradually approaching them, and didn't want to be involved.

Yao Ruoxi nodded obediently and said, "Okay, retreat."

The two evacuated carefully along the bushes.

At this time, the Yaole gang was left with only the runaway Zhuan, who was almost bloodless, and when he was angry, he drove Taotie to back and fight back.It was already close to the bushes where Qin Haonan and the others were hiding.

"I'm dizzy, why is this guy running towards the bushes?" Qin Haonan also felt that the development of the matter was not good.

"No, we will be implicated too." Yao Ruoxi said speechlessly, "Ride on the clear water unicorn, let's run!"

Qin Haonan couldn't care less, he summoned the clear water unicorn and rode on it, grabbed Yao Ruoxi, and escaped directly from the bushes.

Brick, who was running wild, didn't expect that he would find Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi hiding in the bushes by mistake.As if he had found a life-saving straw, he followed behind Qin Haonan and the others, and drove Taotie to run.

"Runaway brick, don't follow us." Yao Ruoxi felt helpless.

Unexpectedly, the runaway brick went too far, directly disbanded the original team, and sent Qin Haonan an application for joining the team.However, Qin Haonan didn't set any requirements for joining the team before, and the application of the runaway brick was added directly.

"I don't care, I'm going to die a bit." The runaway Brick villain Dezhi sarcastically directed at Qin Haonan.

"Whatever you want, don't forget that you owe me a favor today." Qin Haonan smiled and tossed a lukewarm sentence back, causing the runaway brick to roll his eyes.

"I'll go. Floating Life Ruomeng and Enchanting are still hidden here. Let's go together and destroy these three people!" Tyrant @天浪As soon as Qin Haonan saw that Qin Haonan was here, old sorrows and new hatreds piled up, and he immediately ordered ordered.

Tyrant way@fanchen also really wants Qin Haonan to drop one level. This god of floating life like a dream has been occupying the top of the rankings in China for a long time. How many forces want him to step down from the altar.

"Ruomeng, what should we do? They are so poor." Yao Ruoxi turned her head to look at the situation behind her, secretly screaming in her heart.

At this moment, Tyrant @天浪 led a team to outflank the path.Treat Qin Haonan and the others as dead.

In a fit of rage, Qin Haonan waved the God Punishing Demon Hunting Sword in his hand, and swung it away with a move of [Wind Chopping Demon Blade].

The situation is very critical. If the 20 players blocking the way can be eliminated in just a few seconds, there may be a possibility of escape.Otherwise, the possibility of returning to the city after dropping level 1 is the greatest.

Qin Haonan didn't want to lose level 1, he desperately thought of ways to escape in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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