game master

Chapter 347 - The Awakening of Nu Wa

Chapter 347 - The Awakening of Nu Wa
"...I wanted to compete with you at first, but now it seems that this is a fantasy, so I was happy for nothing." The Nether Dragon God said dejectedly, and then waved his hand, "Let's go, see now For the sake of a super divine beast here, if you don’t kill the two of you, hurry up!”

Qin Haonan didn't expect that the Nether Dragon God's personality was so off-line, and he vowed to catch them just now, but now he just let it go?The topic changed so quickly that Qin Haonan's little heart was thumping.

But seeing the other party's mood getting better again, Qin Haonan couldn't help feeling a lot more courageous.

"Cough... that Nether Dragon God, see if you can take the two pet eggs and the scroll that you just took away..." Qin Haonan was trying to get back what he just got, but he saw the Nether Dragon God turning his head back. Glancing at him fiercely, he immediately shut his mouth.

Yao Ruoxi couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat for Qin Haonan, why is this guy so bold, isn't he afraid of dropping level 1 and going back to resurrect?

"Master, I want to stay here for a while." Linglong suddenly made a request to Qin Haonan.

Qin Haonan didn't understand what Linglong meant, but he still nodded and agreed to Linglong's request.

At this time, I saw Linglong walking straight towards the Nether Dragon God. The Nether Dragon God did not expect that this super beast with only level 88 would have the courage to approach him.

"What? You don't want to challenge my mighty level 88 Nether Dragon God with an 1000-level posture, do you?" Nether Dragon God thought she was going to give up on herself, so she couldn't help laughing.

Linglong was very polite, and said softly: "No, Nether Dragon God, my name is Linglong. You are the first super beast I met. I have many questions and I want to ask you for advice."

"Ask me?... Tell me." The Nether Dragon God was in a good mood seeing the little Lolita's modesty, so he transformed into a golden throne and sat down on it.

Qin Haonan looked at the humanoid version of the Nether Dragon God sitting on the throne from a distance, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

"I want to ask, what do you mean when you said that the super mythical beasts in China are not Nuwa? Also, do we have a lot of super mythical beasts? Where can I find other super mythical beasts? Also, I always I think I lost a piece of memory." Linglong frowned as she said.

The Nether Dragon God laughed and said: "You have a lot of questions. In my impression, the super beast in China is not Nuwa, but Fuxi! Every country has a 1000-level super beast , do you know this?"

"I don't know, but I seem to know." Linglong said and patted herself on the head.

"Huh? Come here, let me take a look." The Nether Dragon God suddenly beckoned.

Qin Haonan watched from behind, screaming in his heart that it was not good.It always feels like something is going to happen, but no, it's about to happen.I saw that the Nether Dragon God had already pressed his hands on Linglong and her head, and a stream of black air flowed over Linglong's head.

"Linglong, you..." Qin Haonan was about to rush up to grab Linglong, but was stared at by the Nether Dragon God, and he froze in place, unable to move.

Yao Ruoxi originally wanted to rush up to help, but was stopped by the Nether Dragon God.No way, in the face of absolute strength, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi have no strength to fight back.

"Master! Don't hurt my master." Linglong saw Qin Haonan being immobilized, and just wanted to struggle, but her whole body was lifted up by the Nether Dragon God.

"Master? You call him master? Is he really your master?" There was a cold smile in the voice of the Nether Dragon God, "You have lost too much memory, let me help you recover."

Qin Haonan had already estimated in his heart, because he felt that the imprint of the contract between him and Linglong was slowly fading.If this trend continues, the final result may be that the contract will disappear.

"Linglong...Linglong..." Qin Haonan couldn't move at this moment, so he could only use his voice to call Linglong.

"Ruomeng, what happened? You see Linglong's appearance is so strange!" Yao Ruoxi also noticed something was wrong, because Linglong's figure was getting bigger and she was surrounded by black air.

Linglong stood on the pile of gold coins, her whole body was surrounded by the black energy attached by the Nether Dragon God.She frowned tightly, with a struggling expression on her face.

The entire Dragon Cave, centered on the Nether Dragon God, was filled with black mist.

But at this moment, Linglong's body suddenly burst out with colorful lights.The radiance flourished, and a long snake tail emerged from the radiance.

"I remember...I..." Linglong looked at her slender and beautiful fingers in surprise, then at Qin Haonan, her face was full of struggles, ""

Qin Haonan's mood at this time was extremely depressed. "The Nether Dragon God, what did you do to Linglong? What did you do?"

"Hehe, I just reminded her of many memories that should belong to her. It seems to be a lot of very interesting memories, but unfortunately, I can't seem to see it. What happened to you? Why is her mood fluctuating so much? ?” The Nether Dragon God couldn’t help laughing and joking as if he had found something interesting.

This dragon is really evil!

The Linglong in front of her eyes had clearly changed into her adult appearance.Long black hair, fair and charming face, and graceful figure, no matter how you look at it, she is a beautiful woman who is all over the country, sacred and inviolable.

Qin Haonan immediately looked at her attributes and levels, and felt even more chilled.

Level 1000-Nuwa (Super Divine Beast)

She is no longer his contract beast, she will be the original BOSS.Qin Haonan had no idea what method the Nether Dragon God used to cut off the contract between Linglong and him.

Linglong turned back to the big boss who has high magic and physical attacks, is basically completely immune to magic attacks, can replenish blood, and can summon mobs.But at this time, with her human head and snake body, her attack power and destructive power doubled in an instant, it was simply a nightmare within a nightmare.

Qin Haonan felt that his contract with Linglong had disappeared.

At this time, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi were suddenly able to move freely, and the immobilization just now was lifted.Qin Haonan looked at his pet pen, and as expected, the first pet pen belonging to Linglong was now empty.

"Linglong..." Qin Haonan really felt the pain when he lost it.

"You and your partner attacked the previous generation of Nuwa, and then got rewarded pet eggs?" Linglong frowned and asked softly.

Qin Haonan didn't intend to hide it at this time, so he nodded silently.

"I remember everything, the memory of each generation. After our super beasts are eliminated, they will be regenerated by the system after a certain period of time. But every time they are generated, they are not completely the original self. I will Remember the memories of each generation, isn't it... There are still many things that are wrong?" Linglong shook her head as she said.

"Linglong, what's wrong with you?" Qin Haonan was still very concerned about Linglong at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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