game master

Chapter 363 - Witch Forest

Chapter 363 - Witch Forest (2)

Qin Haonan immediately allocated the skill points to the skill [Little Demon Summoning], the skill level rose rapidly, and the number of little devils summoned quickly increased.

Finally, the skill level has been raised to level 10, and 10 little devils can be summoned to participate in the battle at the same time.

So far, Qin Haonan has a total of 6 summoning skills.At this time, when he used the summoning skills again, Qin Haonan discovered that there was an upper limit to the superimposed use of the summoning skills.

In other words, up to 5 summoning skills can be used at the same time.This is also the setting of the game for summoning professions. Otherwise, the summoning skills will be unlimited, and the summoners will be able to summon thousands of summoned beasts. The game will lose its fairness, and other players will not have to play.

After discovering this problem, Qin Haonan made adjustments on his own.Little devil, phantom wolf, sword slave, sword spirit, war tiger, Qin Haonan temporarily put away the flamingos flying high in the sky. After all, this is a dense forest, and flamingos can't fly very well.

Yao Ruoxi also summoned Mu Jin, followed behind Qin Haonan, and began to clean up the mobs in front of him.

In the Witch Jungle area, there are basically level 106 imps at this time.Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi beat monsters here, and gained a lot of experience.

Walking all the way to the depths of the dense forest, after walking for a while, Qin Haonan turned around and asked Yao Ruoxi, "Ruoxi, do you know where the NPC learning the skill is from?"

"According to my information, she is in the deepest part of this dense forest, on the east side. It is said that there is a witch's hut there. If you find it, you can learn skills." Yao Ruoxi replied.

"Okay, then let's go east." Qin Haonan led the team directly towards the dense forest to the east.

The deeper you go, the higher the level of mobs inside.At this time, the little devil had gradually disappeared, and what appeared in front of Qin Haonan and the others began to become a level 108 "Evil Witch" (normal) and a level 109 "Evil Witch" (little elite).

As the levels of mobs increase, the form of battle becomes more varied.

"Evil Witch" is a very annoying little boss, they will continue to throw a lot of magic to the players.In Qin Haonan's experience fighting the "Evil Witch", they only know one attack magic, and all the others are reduced.Decrease speed, decrease defense, decrease attack, decrease mana...

With this wave of weakness, the player's attack will be greatly reduced.

Not only that, but the "Wicked Witch" likes to run away.As long as its health is below 10%, escape is possible at any time.Qin Haonan, Yao Ruoxi tangled with this little boss for a while, and then grasped its pattern.

At this time, the last "Evil Witch" had only 1% of its health, and it ran away without even thinking about turning around.

"Erbai, Xuemei, Muqing, go and chase them!" Qin Haonan immediately ordered the three contracted beasts closest to the "Evil Witch" at this time, and they rushed up quickly.

But the Wicked Witch turned quickly into the thorny woods on the right.Mu Qing was suspended in the air, and she was the first to chase after her. With a flick of her tail, she dealt the evil witch a final blow.This small boss who was originally red-blooded died immediately.

When Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi chased after them, they saw a thorny area with a completely different style in front of them.There are very few trees in the thorny area, and the few scattered trees are also dead trees.

The trunk is black and grows in the bubbling swamp.There are blood-red bats flying in the air. This is a cursed area, a cursed dense forest.

"I didn't expect there to be such a dark area in this dense forest." Yao Ruoxi sighed as she looked at the swamp in front of her with a sharp sound.

"There seems to be no road here, and I can't walk in at all." Qin Haonan tried to walk forward, but every time he reached the edge of the thorns, the system automatically bounced him back.Qin Haonan tried many times, but to no avail.

Yao Ruoxi also tried it, and finally said: "Forget it, you can't enter here for the time being. The witch's hut we are looking for is not in this direction anyway. Let's find NPC to learn skills first, and then come here to try. Wait for the magic teleportation array to come here." In a few days, we can definitely practice more levels here."

"Okay, but my intuition tells me that there must be something good in this area." Qin Haonan looked at it with nostalgia, then turned around and walked in another direction with Yao Ruoxi.

After clearing countless mobs along the way, after a while, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi both rose to level 101 amidst the splendid brilliance.

At this moment, the mobs in front suddenly let out a sharp cry, and they scattered in all directions. The "Evil Witch" at level 109 and the "Secret Flower Vine" at level 110 quickly avoided them.

"What happened ahead?" Qin Haonan raised his vigilance, and saw the sound of a snake spitting out a letter slowly from deep in the dense forest.

A BOSS with the head of a man and the body of a snake slowly crawled out from the inside, holding a pair of hammers in its hands, Qin Haonan immediately took a general look at the opponent's attributes and levels with [Beast Taming God Set: Mithril Thousand Illusions].

Level 120 - Basilisk (spiritual beast)

It turned out to be a spirit beast level boss, Qin Haonan pulled Yao Ruoxi and immediately hid in the dense forest next to him.

"What's the matter, you don't dare to challenge a level 120 boss?" Yao Ruoxi asked curiously, in her impression, Qin Haonan would really like killing monsters and killing bosses by leapfrogging levels.

"No, look behind it again." Qin Haonan lowered his voice and whispered.

Yao Ruoxi calmed down and looked carefully, only to see another spirit beast boss of the same level as it walked out from behind the level 120 "Basilisk".This is a bat monster. Behind the two bosses, a group of mobs and small bosses slowly walked out.

Level 125 - Cursed Half-Snake (Little Elite)
Level 126 - Cursed Half Snake King (Elite)

Level 128 - Cursed Batman (Elite)

Level 129 - Cursed Bat King (Spirit Beast)


"What's going on, the little bosses go out together?" Yao Ruoxi felt that there must be a plot in it, and this kind of group activities of NPCs is definitely not so easy to see.

"Observe again, we are very likely to trigger some plot." Qin Haonan whispered.

Yao Ruoxi nodded, and together with Qin Haonan, stayed in the dense forest honestly, hiding herself.

Sure enough, when they led the team to pass by, Qin Haonan saw the rear of the team, pulling a huge cage.And in the cage, all the girls in white clothes were locked up.

After counting carefully, a total of 6 girls were imprisoned. The six girls were dressed in white, and their eyes were very dull, as if they had been enchanted by special magic and lost their self-awareness.

(End of this chapter)

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