game master

Chapter 365 - Witch Forest

Chapter 365 - Witch Forest (4)

Yao Ruoxi's attack did not stop at all, just after the thunder and lightning magic ended, another series of incantations followed, and the ground began to freeze instantly.The ice tendrils began to extend, rushing towards the position of the "cursed half-snake man".

The "cursed half-snake man" was instantly frozen by the massive frost, and his life value also dropped rapidly in the ice.Immediately afterwards, the strong wind accompanied by thunder and lightning shrouded them again.

Standing not far away, Qin Haonan felt a cold wind blowing, and shivered uncontrollably.

Yao Ruoxi's new tricks of magic are really amazing!

After several consecutive attacks, they caused huge trauma to the remaining 2 small bosses.

Qin Haonan watched from the side, and only then did he truly feel that the profession of Dragon Witch Witch is so powerful.It didn't take Qin Haonan's shot, Yao Ruoxi had already rushed in front of the little boss, kicked a "cursed half-snake man" away with a flying kick.

In the process of being kicked up, the "Cursed Half-Snake Man" lost his HP to zero and died.And the last "cursed half-snake man" is also dying at this time.

Yao Ruoxi's physical attack was mixed with magic attack, two or three hits down, and finally this little boss was also wiped out, bursting out a lot of items.

On Qin Haonan's side, it also showed that the first link of the mission was completed.He also received a small amount of experience rewards and started the second ring mission.

Erbai hurried over to pick up those items, while Yao Ruoxi looked at Qin Haonan with a smile and said, "Ruomeng, what do you think of my skills?"

"It's very powerful, but I'm curious. You, a dragon language witch, can still attack physically?" Qin Haonan asked.

If a profession can attack both physically and magically, then it is not easy to practice this profession.When adding points, in order to balance physical attacks and magic attacks, you need to add a lot of attribute points.

"Actually, this profession only needs to practice magic attack. It can convert mana into attack value for use." Yao Ruoxi opened her profession to show Qin Haonan.

Qin Haonan couldn't help sighing, this is really a good job.It can be attacked from a distance, and it can be attacked from a distance.

After reading the introduction and attributes of the profession, Qin Haonan discovered that not only that, but this profession also has a hidden secret.That is, in the contracted beast, if a giant dragon appears, the combat strength can be improved.

"Ruoxi, do you have a scroll to increase the number of pet slots? If so, I'll give you the two dragon pet eggs I got earlier." Qin Haonan said, and took out the two pet eggs from his backpack.

"No, you should keep it for yourself. There are so many gang members in your gang, it's better for you to share with them if there is a suitable opportunity." Yao Ruoxi refused, "I will slowly figure out a way in the future, after all, I have just Reaching level 101, there are still many opportunities in the future.”

Qin Haonan didn't care so much, and forcibly handed the two pet eggs to Yao Ruoxi. "Clean it up, I can get more pet eggs to share with the gang in the future."

"Well, thank you." Yao Ruoxi put away the pet eggs.

In fact, a long time ago, Yao Ruoxi got the [Cheats for Pet Bar Expansion] when she was doing tasks in Shadowmoon Valley.

At this time, Yao Ruoxi found the previous 2 [Pet Slot Expansion Cheats] from her backpack, tore them apart and used them.Then he will pick up two pet eggs and make a contract together.

After the gorgeous smoothing, Yao Ruoxi had two more contracted beasts.The two contracted beasts at this time are nothing more than two palm-sized little dragons, one red and one white, looking very cute.

"By the way, Ruomeng, what are you doing with a pink rabbit in your arms?" Yao Ruoxi realized at this moment that Qin Haonan had been holding a rabbit.

Qin Haonan hurriedly explained: "Oh, when you went in to learn skills just now, I triggered a mission outside. This mission is related to this rabbit."

While the two were talking, the pink rabbit moved in Qin Haonan's arms, and then jumped to the ground.Linglong came over to heal the rabbit, and after adding recovery spells, the pink rabbit quickly recovered.

"Thank you, I didn't expect you to have the strength to defeat these bosses. I want to see the witch, can you please help me later and save my master." The pink rabbit stood up and begged.

"Yes, I wonder what danger your master encountered?" Qin Haonan said immediately.

At this moment, the witch pushed open the door from the inner hut.At this time, the witch's expression was very serious, and he saw the pink rabbit squatting on the ground at a glance, so he walked over quickly.

"What's the matter with Liya? Xiaotu, tell me quickly!" The witch's expression was very solemn, and at the same time very anxious.

"Leah was caught in the cursed land by that dark witch." The pink rabbit said sadly, "I originally advised her not to care about it, but she really wanted to help those people in the village. So she mixed with the captured Among the girls, sneaked into the cursed land."

"Later, her plan failed, so she was completely trapped by the Dark Lady, right?" The witch immediately guessed the cause and effect of the matter.

The pink rabbit nodded sadly.

"Go, you lead the way, we are going to the cursed land." The witch said and acted, walking towards the direction of the cursed land.

The pink rabbit hopped up and followed, and soon walked in front of the witch.

"We also follow. Entering the cursed land is the content of the second link of this mission." Qin Haonan said, then took Yao Ruoxi's hand and followed.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi listened to their conversation along the way, and only then did they understand the general idea of ​​the matter.It turned out that the girl named Leah was the very calm girl who first saw her locked in the cage.

Leah is the witch's niece, a kind and righteous female magician.

And the dark witch of the cursed land is the senior sister of the witch.Back then, the Dark Witch and the Witch learned magic from their teacher here together. After the teacher passed away, the two teachers and sisters lived in two directions in the dense forest because of their different views.

The dark witch has been studying dark magic and becoming more and more evil.But the witch really couldn't understand what the senior sister did, and then the two stopped communicating with each other.

The Dark Witch often requires young tributes to sacrifice for her dark magic.As a result, the surrounding villages suffered disasters, and young women were paid tribute every year.

Leah wanted to help the villagers, so she mixed in with the attacking team to enter the cursed land.Because there are many enchantments around the cursed land, even ordinary mages cannot easily enter it.

At this moment, the witch brought Qin Haonan and others to the periphery of the cursed land.This place is covered by thick thorns, and black bubbles are constantly emerging from the swamp.

"It is impossible to enter here. I have tried it. Unless the dark witch's team passes by, otherwise, you can only exit but not enter." Pink Rabbit said.

(End of this chapter)

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