game master

Chapter 370 - The Night

Chapter 370 - The Night
"I'll go and have a look first, you don't want to come down." Before leaving, the violent brick left such a sentence.

"The runaway brick has such a quick temper, he jumped down before the matter was fully understood." Yao Ruoxi was very helpless.

"He was at odds with the bloodthirsty royal family, and when he saw the bloodthirsty royal family, he wanted to get involved." Qin Haonan sighed and said, "I asked the Nether Dragon God to lower his flight and help if necessary. "

As Qin Haonan said this, the Nether Dragon God had already lowered down.

At this time, on the ground, Brick who ran away took out his long sword, and was already close to the place where the two gangs were fighting.The two gangs have now stopped their armed attacks and turned to a war of words.

In the brief confrontation just now, they both lost several players to each other.After all, it's not easy to level up now. After this fight, it's just a resurrection after losing level 1. How easy is it to level up!

The "Bloodthirsty Royal Family" now has a total of more than 30 players, led by the deputy gang leader "Feng Mo", a level 98 berserker.And "Dream Not Far Away" has only 20 players, and the leader of the team is the gang leader "Like Night", a level 97 assassin.

"Rampaging Brick? It turned out to be you." Feng Mo heard about this Chinese player from Rossi. At this time, when he saw Rampaging Brick jumping down from a tree not far away, he was a little uneasy.

"Hmph, how fun it was for your gang to hunt me down before! Why do you have such an expression now?" Brick, who ran away, snorted coldly, "It can't be that the relegation is too miserable, is it scared?"

When Feng Mo heard the provocation from the runaway brick, he could not help but glance at his mouth.At this moment, he had already seen a huge black dragon hovering in the sky not far away.Feng Mo heard from Rossi that there are two players of level 118 and 117 teaming up with the rampant Brick, otherwise Rossi and the others wouldn't have lost so badly.

"Aren't you relying on the help of the two masters?" Feng Mo ran away indiscriminately.

From the conversation between the two just now, Ruye Bimei roughly guessed that there must be grievances in it.

"Feng Mo, you bloodthirsty royal family has made a lot of enemies! Let alone the grievances between you and that brother, how about our monster hunting? We should share some of the things we hit, after all, the boss has 82% The life points are all consumed by us." Ru Ye Bi Mei was a little bit reluctant.

Qin Haonan listened to their conversation from the sky, and directly ordered the Nether Dragon God to land next to the runaway brick.

"You are Feng Mo, the vice-leader of the Bloodthirsty Royal Family? I'm very curious, and I've always wanted to ask, the gang that has been chasing after my friends for the past few days is you!" Qin Haonan jumped off the back of the Nether Dragon God. , although there was an indifferent smile on his face, but another cold murderous aura came out wantonly.

Feng Mo didn't understand right away. He looked at Qin Haonan's level and knew that the gap was too big. He was thinking about how to explain it.

But what Feng Mo didn't expect was that the Nether Dragon God suddenly opened his mouth wide, and a series of dragon breath flames sprayed towards them.And Qin Haonan didn't have a chance to explain to the other party at all, dancing with the long sword in his hand, he had already rushed into the ranks of the bloodthirsty royal family.

Linglong, Erbai, Daji... They were all summoned in an instant.Brick, who ran away, didn't expect Qin Haonan to go to war at the slightest disagreement, he was stunned for half a second, and immediately reacted, raised his long sword and rushed into the team of the bloodthirsty royal family.

Yao Ruoxi was helping from the rear at this time, holding a magic staff and chanting a series of spells.Ice and snow magic first, then thunder and lightning magic, greeted Feng Mo and others from head to toe.

Ruye Bimei led the team beside him in a daze, never expecting such a rough fighting method.This is simply crushing, summoning a large number of contracted beasts in an instant, crushing the bloodthirsty royal family with absolute strength.

Of the more than 30 players of the bloodthirsty royal family, there were less than 15 left in a short time.

Ruye Bimei watched to relieve his anger, so he asked the priest players in the team to restore blood to Qin Haonan and the others.Seeing which bloodthirsty royal player is about to die, he will bring a few assassins or archers to make up a few knives.

In the end, Feng Mo fell to the ground with hatred, and a team of more than 30 people were all resurrected.

Qin Haonan directed Erbai to pick up the items and equipment that exploded. He looked at them like a charm in the night, and smiled gratefully: "Thank you for your assistance just now."

"No, actually we should thank you." Ru Ye Bimei felt a little embarrassed, "We alone really can't reason with the bloodthirsty royal family. Before they robbed our BOSS, they will also A team of 10 players were all sent to be revived, I was so angry that I brought the team here to reason.”

"Then take a look at the items and equipment they released. If there is anything suitable, take it back. After all, you also participated in the battle just now, and there must be something in return." Qin Haonan was generous, and directly asked Erbai to take all the things. Take it over.

A total of 12 pieces of equipment were released this time, 2 pieces of purple gold level, 8 pieces of gold level, and 2 pieces of silver level.There is also a job transfer scroll, 20 gold coins and more than 10 bottles of potions.

Ru Ye Shimei felt really sorry for being said so politely by Qin Haonan, and quickly waved his hand to express that they don't want anything.

"Don't be so polite, what is it, maybe there are items that were dropped by the robbed boss." Brick who ran away said with a smile.

Seeing that the other party didn't take anything, Qin Haonan directly picked up a few pieces of equipment and a job transfer scroll from the items, and handed them to Ruye Simei.Qin Haonan said seriously: "We don't need this job transfer scroll, it shows the assassin's hidden job 'Killer of the Night' on it. Our jobs are all wrong, and we can't transfer them. Keep it, let's make friends .”

"Thank you so much." Ruye Bimei took the item and thanked her again and again, "If you need any help in the future, just come to us."

At this time, a female archer named "Talia" behind Ruye Shimei came over and said something in Ruye Shimei's ear, and Ruye Bimei nodded happily.

"I almost forgot the business. I see that the levels of these people are quite high. I would like to ask, do you have a mission now? If not, can you do us a little favor." Ru Ye Bimei hurriedly said, "But don't worry, I won't let the three of you work in vain, we will pay you a certain amount."

Qin Haonan likes to do business the most. As soon as he heard that there was a reward, he immediately became interested: "Master Ruye Bimei, I don't know what it is, do you need our help?"

"That's right, we want to go to Xihai to do missions, but the level... is a bit low." Ru Ye smiled charmingly.

"Xihai?!" The runaway brick also became interested after hearing this.

"Yes, the West Sea is an area above level 100. I triggered this mission along the way. The mission has a time limit. Within 36 hours, there is no way to prepare to bite the bullet. Who would have thought that Thalia just Reminder, your level is so high, why don't we come together." Ru Ye Si Mei made an invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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