game master

Chapter 374 – Going to Sea

Chapter 374 – Going to Sea
The team in the Hall of Kings was in chaos for a while. Although they had summoners on their side, they couldn't summon on such a large scale as Qin Haonan!Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi's levels were already nearly 20 levels higher than this team's players, and they were absolutely crushed in terms of strength.

King Chasing Dreams originally thought about showing off his fighting skills and strong team commanding ability in front of so many onlookers in this battle.Who would have thought that he would fall here today, and the opponent he met was too perverted, so powerful that he couldn't describe it.

At this time, it was too late to surrender, and King Chaimeng regretted it.

At this moment, he can be sure that even if the leader of the clan, "The Peak of the King", comes, he may not be able to turn the situation around.

【Cut Wind and Extinguish Demon Blade】, 【Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 10】, 【Qianying Luoyue Dance】, 【Sword Filled with Shadows】... Under a series of skill attacks, the king chasing dreams watched his life value drop rapidly , I can’t make up even if I take medicine.

In 27 seconds, it took only 27 seconds for Qin Haonan to knock down all the players in the Hall of Kings.The moment Wang Zhuimeng's body fell to the ground, he chose to return to the city to be resurrected without hesitation.

King Chasing Dream felt that he really couldn't afford to lose that person, and the other players who died had the same idea as him, and they all quickly resurrected.

Qin Haonan looked at the equipment and items all over the place and was very happy.

In fact, the team of the Palace of Kings just now is not weak.Originally, Qin Haonan and the other three would not have been wiped out so quickly. The main reason was that they underestimated the enemy at first.

In addition, they have never fought against players in the Chinese region, facing illusions, poisoning... these series of injuries have not yet reacted.Qin Haonan's large group of summoned beasts and contracted beasts became their nightmare.

At this time, the American players who were watching the excitement dispersed one after another.They were obviously very disappointed. They originally wanted to see the first gang show their power, but they saw them relegated back to the city and revived in disgrace.

Everyone felt bored and listless for a while, and the pier on the west coast returned to its previous cool state.

However, there are also some players who are attracted by Qin Haonan's super strength and stay here to talk to them.

"As expected of the Palace of Kings, you see, there are even 3 pieces of purple and gold weapons. Haha!" Brick, who was running away, was in a good mood at this time, sighing, while picking up the equipment all over the floor.

"Yes, the things are indeed good, and the harvest is not small!" Yao Ruoxi laughed.

After Qin Haonan finished packing his things, he saw a beautiful blonde girl running over with a system camera.The blond girl greeted enthusiastically: "Handsome guy, are you really level 118? That's amazing, let's take a photo together?"

As soon as Yao Ruoxi heard the voice, her eyes immediately drifted over.

Fortunately, the runaway brick prefers to join in the fun, he rushed over quickly and said with a smile: "It's okay to take a photo with me!"

"I still have something to do here, let's take a group photo." Qin Haonan took the opportunity to run back, joking, Yao Ruoxi was watching from the side, he didn't want to make the other party unhappy.

In case Yao Ruoxi gets jealous because of this, she will still suffer later.Qin Haonan was very fortunate that the runaway brick helped him out of the siege.

Although the blonde beauty over there was a little disappointed, fortunately, Brick who ran away was also quite handsome.Besides, his strength is not bad, after the blond beauty took a photo with him, she left contentedly.

The three of Qin Haonan sorted out their things and did not go back to the pier to look for Ruye Simei.After all, they just completely offended the Palace of Kings, so I don't know if Ruye Shimei still wants to make friends with them.

At this moment, I saw Ru Ye enthusiastically running over from the pier.While running, he sent an invitation to join the team: "Life is like a dream, enchanting, runaway brick, hurry up and join the team, time is urgent, we are going to sea."

"Like a night, if you form a team with us, aren't you afraid that people from the Palace of Kings will trouble you?" Brick, who ran away, was the first to speak, and he asked what Qin Haonan wanted to ask first.

"You have helped our guild before, we are friends, this has nothing to do with the Palace of Kings. Alright, let's go to the team, let's talk about it on the boat." Ru Ye Bi Mei said and patted Brick on the shoulder.

Qin Haonan smiled and said, "Like Night, You are a good friend."

Everyone laughed for a while, and a group of people returned to the dock. The big ship had been cleaned up and supplies were already on board.A team of 23 people boarded the ship talking and laughing with each other.

The big ship was cleaned very clean at this time, there were still water marks on the wooden boards, and the sails had already been raised.It looks like a pirate ship.

There are several NPC sailors standing on the deck of the big ship, responsible for driving the ship and handling some maritime affairs.

A team of players, none of them returned to the cabin.All stand on the deck and enjoy the beautiful view of the sea.The speed of the big ship was quite fast, and after a while, the scenery on the pier could no longer be seen.

I have to admit that the scene design of the online game "Century" is so realistic and charming.At this time, the sea breeze is obviously stronger than that on the shore. Under the soft sunshine, the sea breeze blows gently.

In the sparkling blue sea, occasionally a few naughty fish jumped out of the sea, and then fell into the sea.Seagulls are flying in the sky and chirping loudly.

Walked up to the side of Qin Haonan and the three of them like a charm in the night, and sighed: "Life is like a dream, who are you guys? The level is so high, but I have never seen you in the United States. Judging from your appearance, you should be Chinese." Bar?"

"We are Chinese players." Qin Haonan said seriously.

"Like Night, I think you look a bit Asian, have you been in the United States all this time?" Brick who ran away suddenly interjected.

Ru Ye smiled, and continued: "My mother is Chinese, and I'm of mixed race. I suddenly had a very bold guess, you didn't come here from China, did you?"

"That's where we came from." Qin Haonan didn't intend to hide it from the other party.

I saw that the mouth was open like a charm like a night, and there was an incredible expression on his face.

At this time, there was a male player named "Qian Mo Wandering" in the team. He just passed by and didn't leave after hearing it. He ran over and chatted with them.

"Really? Are you really from China?" Qianmo Liuli asked earnestly, "I love Chinese culture very much. You can tell by my ID, what a Chinese name."

Qin Haonan was amused by the brown-haired boy, and said with a smile, "Qianmo Wandering is indeed a very Chinese name. You like Chinese culture so much, why don't you go to China with us in a few days."

"Hey, don't lie to me, I've already taken it seriously." Qian Mo Liuli's face was serious.

"Honestly speaking, Floating Life Ruomeng, are you really from China? No wonder I have never seen your profession before, and the skills you use are so strange." Ru Ye Bi Mei was still in a state of disbelief at this time Down.

(End of this chapter)

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