game master

Chapter 388 - Destruction in 50 seconds

Chapter 388 - Destruction in 50 seconds

Mu Qing hovered in mid-air, first took a big mouthful of seawater, and sprayed all the seawater on the players in the Palace of Kings.Then the lightning was drawn down from the air, crackling, and the current quickly spread throughout the team.

This continuous attack does so much damage that it incapacitates the entire team for 5 seconds.

In just 20 seconds, there were only 60 players left in the team of 30 people.Half of the players had already fallen on the wooden floor of the pier, and some players directly chose to return to the city to revive.

As for Yaoyao, who is at the back of the team, she has gained so much experience and is constantly upgrading.

After all, Wang Zhanmeng is the deputy leader of the big gang. Faced with the situation at this time, he quickly calmed down after being shocked.

"Everyone, don't panic. Didn't we eliminate a lot of summoned beasts just now? Judging from the number of our two sides, we still have the advantage." Wang Zhemeng hurriedly shouted in order to calm people's hearts.

But at this moment, chaos broke out in the team again.

"I'm going, who is attacking us? Come out to me!"

"I'm really drunk, why do I always feel that someone is passing by me? I was hit hard just now, and lost a lot of life points. Fainted, the priests are recovering blood, and the health points have dropped again..."

"I can't see it, is it some kind of stealth skill of the assassin?"


The 30-member team was helpless at this time. In the American region, the invisibility of the assassin profession could be lifted by the priest's [Light Art].But at this moment, no matter how many 【Light Spells】 the pastor players threw, they still couldn't see their attackers.

Qin Haonan used the [Concealment] skill attached to the equipment, and at this time sneaked into the team of the Palace of Kings.Qin Haonan's purpose was to get close to the vice-guild leader King Chasing Dream. Along the way, he ran forward while attacking. With Qin Haonan's high attack power, several players were killed by the attacks along the way.

King Zhuimeng was trying to control the situation of the battle when he suddenly felt a pain in his back and his health dropped rapidly.

[Phantom Hidden Killer], [Wind Slashing Demon Blade], [Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 10]... Qin Haonan's attacks did not stop at all, he attacked quickly and continuously.King Zhuimeng couldn't understand the situation at all for a while. With his rich experience, he could clearly understand that he was attacked by surprise, but he couldn't find the attacker.

After drinking a bottle of potion, his health had just recovered a little, but it dropped again in the next few seconds.Moreover, the speed at which the health value drops far exceeds the speed at which it recovers.

For the first time, Wang Zhemeng felt that he seemed to have provoked the wrong person.Maybe he shouldn't have challenged Qin Haonan and the others in the first place, or he should have brought a larger team to attack.All in all, he was a bit late in realizing his dream of becoming a king.

In desperation, Wang Zhuimeng waved the weapon in his hand and began to attack the surrounding 360 degrees.With the idea of ​​a king chasing his dream, even if he is killed by many parties, he still has to slash the opponent a few more times before being killed.It would be even better if they could bring the other party back to the city to revive together.

But King Chasing Dream never expected that when Qin Haonan sneaked into the King's Palace team, in order to avoid being accidentally injured by everyone, he had already added [Xuantian Shield] to himself.

At this moment, Qin Haonan can be said to attack recklessly without fear.There is no need to worry about being injured at all, because the damage from the attack is absorbed by [Xuantian Shield].

[Concealment] and [Xuantian Shield] are always time-limited, Qin Haonan already has a plan in mind.Before the end of the time, the deputy gang leader of the Palace of Kings must be dealt with.

"You're right by my side, right? No matter what skills you use, special invisible items, or even equipment, there is always a time limit. I don't believe that with such a heaven-defying skill, you can last for a long time." King Chasing Meng obviously noticed this too, he sneered as he swung his weapon to attack.

What King Chasing Dream was thinking was right, but unfortunately he underestimated Qin Haonan's level and attack power.With Qin Haonan's damage value, it would not take that long to destroy King Chasing Dream.

Qin Haonan didn't speak at all, he was not going to make a sound to let the other party find his position.Qin Haonan sneered, and swung the God Punishing Demon Hunting Sword again.

King Chasing Dream's HP was about to bottom out, and this sword was going to be the final blow.With Qin Haonan's last stab, he hit a crit easily.

"Deputy leader! You can't fall down, deputy leader!"

"Not good, the deputy leader is dead!"

"Evil sneak attacker, if you have the ability, let's fight face to face."


For a while, a commotion broke out in the team of less than 20 people in the Palace of Kings.Qin Haonan's [hiding] time is coming soon, and he is going to deal the final blow to this team before showing up.

At this moment, Qin Haonan suddenly discovered that Wang Zhemeng had really revealed a sparkling gemstone.Qin Haonan is the person who loves babies the most.He hurriedly leaned over to pick up the gem, glanced at it roughly, and put the gem away.

[Teleportation Star] special material, which can be used to upgrade the teleportation magic circle.

Although Qin Haonan doesn't know exactly what this thing is for, but looking at the notes, it seems to be related to the teleportation magic circle.This thing can be taken out and given to Carol, maybe he can use it.

In the few seconds before Qin Haonan shook his head, the Nether Dragon God and Taotie had already broken into the team of the Palace of Kings.It seems that the shield knights, berserk warriors, sword knights and other melee professions in front of the King's Palace team are almost dead, and at this moment they can't stop the mounts from attacking wildly.

[Sunset Meteor Level 10], [Wind Slashing Demon Blade], [Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 10]...Qin Haonan launched several skill attacks in a row, killing all the mage players around him.

The berserk brick has also rushed over with the flying sword, and the long sword is flying, and the lethality is amazing.

50 seconds, in only 50 seconds, the team of 60 people was wiped out.

This time, it can be said to be a heavy blow to the Palace of Kings.I don't know how King Chasing Dream will explain after returning. They should not come to make trouble in a short time.

The onlookers were also extremely shocked at this time, and some people even recorded the battle just now, sorted out the video, and prepared to go back and post it on the forum.

Such as "The first gang was destroyed by the group", "The palace of the king has a false name, and the group is destroyed in 50 seconds", "60 players lost to a team of 4", "America's thrilling hidden master"... all kinds of names.

Qin Haonan never imagined that in the next few months, the 50-second group annihilation event would cause quite a stir in the American forums.

In this way, Qin Haonan's invisibility effect has not disappeared, and the battle is over.

(End of this chapter)

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