game master

Chapter 395 - The King's Peak

Chapter 395 - The King's Peak

Yao Ruoxi and the violent brick added speed buffs to themselves, and they ran along the route Qin Haonan pointed out. The BOSS followed them all the way, and the other three gangs also followed and returned to the original point.

"TMD, we were tricked by these three people!"

"I felt that the direction was not right just now. This road turns out to be going in circles!" The Ice God of the Frost Mercenary Corps muttered in the team, and only then did he point out the point.

"We were tricked by the three of them!"

"No, we're going to kill them. If it gets out, our three big gangs will be played around by three foreign players. What's the face in the future?"


There were voices of protest and anger.After Qin Haonan entered the team, he immediately gave instructions in the team chat: "Ruoxi, you and Brick who ran away first go to entangle the boss, and I will deal with this group of players."

Yao Ruoxi immediately said: "No problem, you have to be careful yourself."

"Just you? Alright, alright, you are a master of life like a dream, so we're going to fight the boss." Brick, who ran away, knew Qin Haonan's defensive strength, so he just replied, and took the lead in attacking the boss.

Qin Haonan smiled, thinking that it is a very happy thing to have teammates who trust him so much.

Qin Haonan ordered Erbai, Mu Qing, and Feimeng to help Yao Ruoxi and the others fight the boss, while he brought Xuemei, Linglong, Daji, and Yaoyao to face hundreds of hostile players.

Yaoyao followed Qin Haonan to fight mobs in the Frozen Mountains for a long time today, and gained a lot of experience.At this time, Yaoyao has already reached level 76, and her water magic has been fully awakened.

"Yaoyao, give them a wave of attack first." Qin Haonan commanded.

Yaoyao nodded, she was suspended in mid-air, wiggling her blue fish tail, and immediately recited the incantation.A lot of water columns suddenly gushed out from the snow mountain, and soon the ice and snow under their feet melted into water, accumulating more and more, rushing towards the players of the three guilds together.

Linglong immediately used [Lei Yin Jue Level 10], the sky thunder rolled, and with the help of the water, an area not far away was turned into a field of thunder and lightning.

Relying on his extremely high defense, Qin Haonan charged directly into the enemy's team.With a long sword in his hand, the little devil, sword slave, war tiger, sword spirit and flamingo were all summoned.

[Phantom Hidden Killer], [Wind Slashing Demon Blade], [Clear Water Xuanbing Sword Level 10]...

After launching several moves in a row, Qin Haonan has easily killed 10 ordinary gang members and the Ice God's deputy gang leader.For a moment, the gang leaders headed by the top of the king felt tremendous pressure.

Only then did the three guilds realize that this Floating Life Ruomeng who dared to challenge the King's Palace guild turned out to be such a powerful and ruthless character.After these few rounds, there are quite a few players attacking Qin Haonan, but it's a pity that none of them can break through his defense.

MISS, MISS, MISS... The top of the king saw the string of words floating from Qin Haonan's head, and he was in a bad mood.

People from the three guilds can't beat Qin Haonan, and Qin Haonan's attack power can basically knock down a player below level 100 with one or two moves, regardless of any profession.For the three gangs, this battle was a one-sided killing, and it was impossible to fight at all.

"What's the matter, why are you retreating so far?" Qin Haonan sneered, but the attack in his hand didn't stop.At this time, Qin Haonan alone could stop the team of hundreds of people in front of him.

1 player died, 2 players died, 3 players died... Qin Haonan's attacks did not divide into gangs, as long as he was within the attack range by his side, he would take down all of them.

"Ruomeng, the boss is going to use a big move!" Yao Ruoxi yelled, and ran towards Qin Haonan.

The runaway brick was very happy at this time, he led the boss to a crowded place here.

All the players from the three guilds were stunned. They didn't get the boss, but now they have to pay for the boss' big move.The three of Qin Haonan are really too ruthless, and the last big move of this red-blooded boss has to be shared with those unlucky ones.

"Let's retreat!" The king's top saw that it was not good, and he turned around and ran away with a roar.

The players in the Hall of Kings immediately responded to the leader's order, and a team of less than 100 people ran down the mountain mightily.The Frost Mercenary Group and the Cavaliers Alliance were bewildered, and after realizing it, they fled regardless.

Qin Haonan, Yao Ruoxi and the violent brick also followed behind this group of players, and the boss followed them like this. The BOSS's health has dropped to 8% at this time, and she is chanting a spell while floating to catch up.

Suddenly, the ground of ice and snow trembled.With the BOSS as the center, all within a radius of 15 meters are affected.

"Humble human beings, suffer yourselves!" The Ice Banshee BOSS roared, and instantly summoned many "Ice and Snow Leopards" from the ground.

Speaking of this "Ice and Snow Leopard", it is actually just an ordinary mob at level 104.But it can't stand the huge number. Looking at it, there are almost 500 of them.

The locations where the "Ice and Snow Leopards" appeared were relatively scattered, which meant that the players of the three guilds were all surrounded by these mobs.Forced to fight even if they don't want to fight, the players of the three major guilds headed by the top of the king are extremely depressed.

Seeing the situation, the King's Peak immediately summoned his mount.

A golden dragon appeared from the summoning formation, and the King of Kings directly rode on it, holding a spear and a shield in his hand.Driving the golden dragon, the top of the king has already started a counterattack.

The golden dragon opened its bloody mouth, and in an instant it would spit out a large piece of golden flame, burning the "Ice and Snow Leopard" on the ground.

Qin Haonan took a closer look, and found that this golden dragon turned out to be a rank 10 mount.

"Enchanting, did you come to America to cause trouble for me?" King Zhiding was riding on the golden dragon with a very depressed expression on his face.

Yao Ruoxi didn't reply right away, Qin Haonan helped Yao Ruoxi kill a few mobs next to her, and looked at her face curiously.Qin Haonan couldn't hold back in the end, and asked softly, "Ruoxi, do you know the leader of the Palace of Kings?"

"It's not considered acquaintance. I'll explain it to you in detail when I get back. Let's kill the boss first." Yao Ruoxi said calmly.

"Okay." Qin Haonan responded, and broke out of the encirclement directly.

At this time, Linglong and Feimeng are fully activating the defensive spells and blood recovery spells, so that the three people in the team and the contracted beasts can maintain the best fighting conditions.

Yao Ruoxi looked up at the summit of the king, and said coldly: "The summit of the king, the boss in the wild is originally for players to grab, I fight the boss, what's in the way of you?"

(End of this chapter)

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