game master

Chapter 397 – The Capital of the Gods

Chapter 397 – The Capital of the Gods
"Clan leader, be careful!" A gang member behind the top of the king just shouted, and Qin Haonan's side has already launched three consecutive attacks.

Yao Ruoxi and Brick's attacks also followed one after another. The King's Peak is indeed the number one player in the United States. Normally, the player must have died under this kind of attack.But at this time, the peak of the king still has 20% of his health left.

The players of the three major guilds were shocked. The strength of this person in front of them had a huge impact on their hearts.Qin Haonan may not know that the name "Floating Life Like a Dream" has become a lingering nightmare in the hearts of these players for a long time from today.

The king's peak reacted at this time, and quickly added the acceleration skill to himself, quickly dodged and retreated, and then rode on his golden dragon mount.During the period of hiding at the King's Peak, the priests of the King's Hall have already replenished the health of their leader.

Seeing that his health had recovered to 80%, King Zhizhi just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief.But Qin Haonan followed closely behind, and at the moment before he was lifted into the air, Qin Haonan's long sword struck again.

[Phantom Hidden Kill], basic attack, critical attack...

Qin Haonan quickly and skillfully launched a skill and two general attacks, and his figure retreated again.The Nether Dragon God was summoned, and Qin Haonan jumped on it with a light leap.

At the same time, Yao Ruoxi and the violent brick also ran over, and were pulled up by Qin Haonan.

The King of Kings originally thought that he was the only one in the United States with a flying mount, and he thought that he would not be threatened again after he took off.Who would have thought that Qin Haonan also had a huge black dragon. The dragon's figure looked much bigger than the golden dragon on the top of the king.

Yao Ruoxi and Brick who ran away were not going to let the king's peak go, and their skill attacks also came one after another at this time.

The HP that King's Peak had just recovered dropped to 18% again.

"The top of the king, don't make unnecessary struggles!" Qin Haonan snorted coldly, took a light step on the back of the Nether Dragon God, and jumped up. He turned around deftly in the air, and directly Just jumped onto the back of the golden dragon.

The top of the king was dazed by the sudden attack, before he could react, Qin Haonan had already rushed over.Qin Haonan didn't use any skills, he simply used basic attacks.After a critical strike, the HP of the King's Peak dropped to 0.

The corpse that was slowly disappearing on the top of the king, Qin Haonan knew that this guy couldn't hold back his face, so he had already returned to the city and revived.Picking up an object that fell from the sky, it was caught by the Nether Dragon God.

Qin Haonan smiled slightly, and looked at the item that just exploded from the top of the king, it turned out to be a special token.

"I'm sorry, we don't have time to play with you. Goodbye!" The runaway brick sat on the back of the dragon and waved down, leaving the three major gangs with a smile.

At this time, Qin Haonan took back all the contracted beasts, commanded the Nether Dragon God to fly into the sky, and flew in another direction.

The members of the three major guilds silently watched Qin Haonan and the others leave, there was nothing they could do.

[God's Order] The entry token of the capital of the gods, the holder of the token can enter and leave the capital of the gods at will.

Qin Haonan carefully read the introduction of the token just released, and couldn't help turning his head to ask: "Ruoxi, Brick who ran away, do you know the capital of the gods?"

"Hey, I seem to have heard of it somewhere, let me think about it!" Brick, who ran away, was still immersed in the joy of snatching the boss and killing the top of the king, when Qin Haonan asked him this question, he was stunned.

Yao Ruoxi hurriedly said: "I know, when I was chatting with Carol before, I heard him mention this name."

"Oh? Where is the capital of the gods? I don't see it shown on the map." Qin Haonan asked seriously.

"I remember Carol said that this city of the gods is a hidden map, and it will only be displayed on the world map after you have visited it yourself. It is said that you must get the key to enter the city, which seems to be some kind of token, before you can enter." Yao Ruoxi thought for a while before replying.

"Then let's go back and find Carol, I remember he is still working with Spirit Wolf today to create a magic teleportation array to China!" Qin Haonan said.

"Well, let's go and have a look." Brick ran away muttered, and had already started to organize the items harvested today, "I said you two, why don't you take a look at the items you got from the BOSS today?"

Qin Haonan waved his hand, and said calmly, "Except for the 'Village Construction Order', you can take everything you like. Erbai has already told me the general list of the items he got, and there is nothing I need."

"You can choose the brick you want to run away at will." Yao Ruoxi also smiled.

"In this case, then I'm not welcome." The rampant brick said happily, and began to load items into his backpack.

The night has completely enveloped the earth, and there is a crooked moon hanging in the sky.

The Nether Dragon God flew quickly in the sky, and after a while, he arrived at the location where Carol and the others made the magic teleportation array.To be honest, this area is really hidden. It is estimated that no players will come here in a short time.

On the wide lawn, a large area has already been painted with runes.Looking at this speed, it won't be long before Qin Haonan and the others can return to China.

"Look, that person in the sky is like a dream." Spirit Wolf saw the Nether Dragon God in the sky, turned his head and said to Carol who was working.

Carol put down his work and waved towards the sky.

The Nether Dragon God gathered its wings and landed steadily on the lawn.The three of Qin Haonan got off the back of the dragon, and after exchanging a few words of pleasantries, Qin Haonan directly got to the point: "You wolf, Carol, do you know the capital of the gods?"

"The capital of the gods?!" Carol was startled, and hurriedly said, "Could it be that you have obtained the [God's Order]?"

"Well, yes, do you think this is it?" Qin Haonan took out the token while speaking.

[God's Order] is a silver-white token with a gold border, a pattern of wings on it, and a big word "God's Envoy" in the middle.

Carol and Ghost Wolf were very excited when they saw it, and Ghost Wolf explained: "Yes, that's it. Now in the whole of the United States, I heard that only 50 [God's Order] has been released. Who can get the [God's Order]?" ], that is definitely a huge opportunity. If you can enter the capital of the gods, you can get more treasures."

"Hey? Where exactly is this capital of the gods, and what is it for?" Brick, who ran away, was very curious.

Carol cleared his throat, and said seriously: "What you don't know is that the capital of the gods is actually a main city. It is a hidden main city. I heard that only players who have obtained the [God's Order] can get it." You can enter."

"Listen to you, the gods are very extraordinary!" Yao Ruoxi sighed.

"Yes, the city of the gods has the most comprehensive NPC shopping street in the United States. There are many limited-edition top-quality equipment, special-effect potions, out-of-print fashions, top-quality skill books... and even some strange hidden job transfers. Job scrolls and so on. Besides these, I heard that there is also a huge auction where you can buy many rare treasures." Carol continued.

(End of this chapter)

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