game master

Chapter 402 - Auction

Chapter 402 - Auction (3)

After all, among the 10 pieces of equipment this time, this fairy artifact is the highest quality.

But not long after, the last fairy weapon [Death's Disguise] was also photographed by a female player in a private room on the left.The voice of this female player is very sweet. She didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and she came out to quote the price when the final decision was about to be made.

The mysterious female player offered a price of 80 purple gold coins and successfully won this piece of equipment.To be honest, it was completely beyond Qin Haonan's imagination that this piece of level 120 fairy equipment could be auctioned at this price.

Generally, for equipment that cannot be upgraded like this, level 120 is a low level, and it will be eliminated soon after it can be eliminated in the later stage. Even the son of a big family will not spend too much money on it.

This is the end of the first round of auction.

Not long after, the NPC waiters lifted up five beautifully decorated boxes, and the second round of auction officially started.The host NPC cleared his throat and began to speak: "Dear guests, I think you must be very curious. What are the five boxes in front of you? You can guess..."

Hearing the host's teasing, some voices of discussion immediately came from some private rooms.

"Looking at the size of the box, shouldn't it be a pet egg or a mount egg?"

"Host, don't hide it. It's no fun to keep secrets like this. Tell us quickly."

"The box hasn't been opened yet, how do we guess? Equipment? Pet eggs? Rare materials?"


The host NPC waited for everyone to express their opinions, and then said: "Actually, someone guessed it right just now, it's a mount egg!"

While the host NPC was speaking, all 5 boxes had been opened.The camera zoomed in again, and the appearance of the mount egg was displayed on the big screen.

"The first piece is a bloody horse, a mount of level 1, which can be upgraded to level 8 in the end. It runs fast and has the ability to accelerate. The starting price is 10 purple gold coin."

At the same time, the appearance of the bloody BMW contract was displayed on the big screen.I saw the image of a red horse with a well-proportioned figure and strong hooves.

"The second item, the Silver Snow Wolf, is a mount of Tier 2, which can be upgraded to Tier 8 in the end. The Silver Snow Wolf was born in a snow-capped mountain, and naturally uses ice magic to attack. The starting price is 10 purple gold coins."

"The third item, Goshawk, is a mount of level 3, which can be upgraded to level 8 in the end. It can fly, belongs to the flying mount, and can use wind magic. The starting price is 10 purple gold coins."

As soon as the image of the goshawk appeared on the big screen, Qin Haonan faintly heard the voices of discussions in many private rooms. It seems that this mount has excited many players.After all, it is a flying mount, and only Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi have it in the entire China region, and only the top of the king has a golden dragon in the American region, so it's no surprise!

"The fourth piece, the unicorn, is a mount of level 4, which can eventually be upgraded to level 9. Sacred unicorns like people with pure hearts, suitable for MM and priest professions of ice mages. The starting price is 10 purple gold coins."

"The fifth piece, the Nether Terrain Dragon, is a level 5 mount that can eventually be upgraded to level 9. It is suitable for the profession of a dark mage or necromancer. The specific attributes are unknown. The starting price is 10 purple gold coins."

As soon as the host NPC finished speaking, the sound of bidding began.

"Youlang, do you see that the last Nether Terrain Dragon is very suitable for you?" Qin Haonan knew that Youlang was a hidden professional necromancer, so when he encountered a mount that matched his profession, he naturally paid more attention.

Ghost Wolf didn't speak, just nodded.

Among the mount eggs this time, only 2 are rank 9 mounts.To be honest, the quality of mount eggs produced in the United States is indeed very high. Before Qin Haonan came to the United States, China did not have such a high output of mounts.

"Then let's take a picture of it." Qin Haonan said.

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Ghost Wolf replied, but he was still a little worried. According to the quality of this mount, the price shouldn't be low, and he didn't know if he had enough coins in his pocket.

At this time, the auction of the bloody BMW is first, followed by the silver snow wolf... In this order, the Nether Terrain Dragon has not yet been ranked.

The bidding for the mount egg was obviously much more intense than the previous equipment.The first two were okay. After a short fight, the egg finally came out.But for the third flying mount, each family began to refuse to give in to each other.

For the goshawk mount in each private room, the asking price has already reached 1 crystal coin.

I only heard a man's voice in a private room on the right, a little annoyed: "I said that the king chases dreams, and you already have flying mounts in the king's palace. What do you mean by asking such a price? Didn't you just rob our BOSS, and now you want a flying mount?" Come to grab the mount egg?"

"Furious, what do you mean by that? We didn't get the BOSS, and we lost a lot of brothers in the end. You need to find the person who robbed the BOSS to find Floating Life Ruo Meng." The voice of the king chasing dreams came from the private room.

Qin Haonan temporarily turned off the loudspeaker, and the words in the private room could not be heard.

"I'm dizzy, it seems that there is more than one [God's Order] in this king's palace!" Brick who ran away commented unhappily.

"The big gang, it seems that losing a [God's Order] will not affect them. Shall we make trouble?" Yao Ruoxi suddenly said mischievously.

Qin Haonan smiled and agreed: "Okay! How do you want to make trouble?"

"If Meng, you turn on the loudspeaker, I'll quote." Yao Ruoxi said hastily.

"Okay." Qin Haonan nodded and turned on the loudspeaker.

At this time, King Chasing Dream has already started a war of words with the gang leader of the "Savage Tribe", and you started a verbal war with each other.

"King Chasing Dreams, can't you give our other guilds a chance, and ask for the highest price?"

"One crystal coin is still called high. If you don't have money, what kind of auction will your barbarian tribe come to?"


The two sides were arguing, and the deputy leader of the Frost Mercenary Group, Bingshen, who hadn't spoken much, suddenly said, "I'll give you 2 crystal coins."

"I'll offer 3 crystal coins." Yao Ruoxi suddenly asked for the price.

"I'm going, why did I hear a nice female voice? Who is in that private room, so proud?" Hurricane was left speechless by the sudden two price increases, and could not help but tease a few words.

Yao Ruoxi lowered her voice a little while speaking, because she didn't want to be recognized by the players at the Palace of Kings right away, so it wouldn't be fun.

"It's just a rich man. If you can't afford it, then don't raise the price." Yao Ruoxi gave a simple answer, but at the same time did not forget to provoke the other party.

"3 crystal coins plus 1 copper coin." Ice God said again coldly.

"3 crystal coins plus 2 copper coins." Wang Zhemeng continued to follow.

"3 crystal coins plus 3 copper coins." Ice God said.

"3 crystal coins plus 4 copper coins." Wang Zhemeng followed suit.

"Hey, hey, it's not fun for you to increase the price like this. If you don't have money, you are still bidding here. I will offer 8 crystal coins, so don't grab them." Yao Ruoxi continued to provocate.

With Yao Ruoxi as the leader, the big gangs who just bid were not very willing.No one knew who was in that private room, who dared to speak nonsense in front of several big gang meetings.

(End of this chapter)

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