game master

Chapter 413 - The Place to Bury Bones

Chapter 413 - The Place to Bury Bones (3)

It seems that the location shown by this [mysterious black stone slab] is also the central altar of this unnamed village.

"Sure enough, the altar and the stone slab reacted." Hyde showed a gratified expression when he saw this situation, "This adventurer, I don't know what your name is? You are the Dragon Knight Amy back then." The person chosen by the adults."

"My name is Floating Life Rumeng." Qin Haonan replied.

"Hello Floating Life, please put the [Mysterious Black Slate] in your hand on the altar." Hyde said happily, "I have been waiting, waiting for that great profession to come into the world again, and now I finally It's time to wait."

"What does Great Magician Hyde mean?" Yao Ruoxi interjected curiously. To be honest, everyone hasn't figured out what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd.

"It's a job change, Dragon Knight's job change!" Hyde hurriedly replied.

"Wait a minute, I'm afraid I won't be able to switch to this profession, Great Mage Hyde. I only have one career position, if you don't believe me, you can see for yourself." Qin Haonan opened his attribute bar while speaking.

Hyde seemed to have discovered something, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.But he thought about it for a while, and then he said: "Life is like a dream, it can't be wrong. [Mysterious Black Slate] chose you. It doesn't matter if you already have a job. I can erase your current job. Then learn Dragon Knight again. You have to know, there is no greater profession than Dragon Knight in this world.”

Looking at Hyde's fanatical expression, Qin Haonan couldn't help shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Dragon Knight is great, but I still like my current job. Besides... my current job is an agility attack class, and the requirements for adding points to attributes are probably different from Dragon Knight."

While speaking, Qin Haonan had already stopped in his tracks and hadn't completely climbed onto the altar.

"Why do you think so? The dragon knight is a strong attacking profession, and has strong requirements for attacking. Only strong attack is the kingly way. Now you are talking about summoning or not, and saying that the sword fairy is not completely a sword fairy job. Can’t compare with Dragon Knight!” Hyde was depressed for a while, but he didn’t expect this young adventurer to look down on this profession.

"Magician Hyde, why don't you recommend me to change jobs after I find someone with a suitable job?" Qin Haonan asked tentatively.

It is absolutely impossible for him to give up the profession of Comprehension Summoner. Without this profession, Qin Haonan's pet column would not have so many vacancies.

In that case, what would Erbai and his group of contracted beasts do?

"No, absolutely not. The person chosen by [Mysterious Black Slate] is you, how can you change people casually? You are disrespecting Lord Dragon Knight Amy. Sigh... wait, allow me to think about it , just add another job vacancy, there will always be a way." Hyde persuaded earnestly, but refused to give up.

"Ruomeng, let Lord Hyde think of a way." Seeing Qin Haonan coming to speak, Yao Ruoxi pulled his sleeves directly, signaling him not to give up such a good opportunity casually.

"Life is like a dream, if it doesn't work, you can add another job slot. Isn't there a corresponding expansion scroll? Thinking about our level of guild leader, it is not easy to get a scroll?" Brick who ran away hurriedly reminded.

But Qin Haonan shook his head and smiled at them: "The second profession is not as simple as imagined. Ruoxi has two professions, but her two professions are long-range attack mages. The requirements for attribute values ​​are all in mana. In terms of attributes and spirit. But I am different this time..."

"Oh, I seem to understand what Sect Leader Floating Life Ruomen said. This has something to do with adding points to attributes. Dragon Knight is a strong attacking class, so the attributes are required to be on attack. Is it different from adding points to your attributes?" Spirit Wolf seemed to understand. What, hurriedly said.

"Yeah, my comprehension summoner doesn't have high requirements for strength. It mainly focuses on defense, speed and spirit, and assists when attacking attributes. So if I learn the profession of Dragon Knight, although my equipment has additional The attribute is very high, but with my current attribute allocation, I can't fully play the role of Dragon Knight." Qin Haonan nodded as he said.

"No wonder some people say that if two professions conflict with each other, it's better to practice one profession alone." The rampant brick sighed with his chin in his hands.

"That's the reason." Qin Haonan smiled.

But at this moment, the Great Magician Hyde, who had been deep in thought, suddenly thought of something, and the expression on his face was almost crazy.He suddenly took Qin Haonan's hand, and said seriously: "Haha, I have thought of a way, a way to get the best of both worlds... Haha, life is like a dream, you have to believe me."

Qin Haonan was startled by the sudden enthusiasm of the great magician Hyde, but saw the young magician running up quickly.The young magician NPC is the apprentice of the great magician Hyde, seeing his expression when he rushed up, he was full of worry.

"Teacher, you don't want to use that method, do you? No, it's too risky. You haven't succeeded in that experiment...that experiment." The young magician said eagerly.

Hyde couldn't control that much, and said sternly: "Ryan, who is your teacher? I have the final say on this matter, but I will also ask for ideas that are like dreams, and I will not act blindly."

"Oh... well, teacher." Ryan retreated dejectedly.

"Mage Hyde, what the hell is this?" Qin Haonan looked at him curiously.

Then Hyde said enthusiastically: "I thought of a way. This is an experiment I have been doing all the time, called 'separation'. If this 'separation' experiment is successful, I can make another copy of your data. , that avatar can learn the profession of Dragon Knight."

"Clone?" Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi were all shocked.

Qin Haonan had never heard of clones.Of course, it is even more uncertain how much advantage the avatar has, and whether it is convenient to operate.

"Avatars are a subject that I have studied for many years. Each individual actually has its own data. I need to create another avatar for you by copying the data. The avatar has all your attributes, but its pet column is empty. , the mount column is empty, and the profession is empty... His level is initially level 1, and you need to start from scratch. The level of the avatar can never exceed the main body, this is my idea." Hyde hurriedly began to explain.

"Sounds very good, but can you guarantee success, Master Hyde? If you fail, will you be affected?" Yao Ruoxi became cautious when she heard this.

"According to my current data, there is an 80% success rate. If you dare to give it a try, you will immediately become a peerless master. But there are risks, and I must tell you clearly in advance." Hyde thought for a while , answered cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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