game master

Chapter 415 - The Place to Bury Bones

Chapter 415 - The Place to Bury Bones (5)

Ryan had already raised his staff and chanted a spell, and pieces of frost condensed, and a large area of ​​mobs were frozen, and then hung up.When Ryan killed monsters in this area, it was an instant kill. The absolute level suppression made this large group of mobs wiped out instantly.

On Qin Haonan's side, they relied on the contracted beasts to contain the blood corpse, and then Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi attacked from a distance.For blood corpses, Qin Haonan's Zhan Hu, Jian Nu and other summoners were useless at all, and the summoning was instant.

So Qin Haonan didn't even count on summoning beasts, not even summoning them.

After a lot of consumption, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi managed to kill a blood corpse with great difficulty.Turning his head, he found that Ryan had already entered the deepest part of the enemy's camp and exchanged fire with the BOSS.

"Let's hurry up and wrap around the second blood corpse, we'll be victorious if we defeat it." Qin Haonan said, and rushed towards the other blood corpse quickly.

Yao Ruoxi and Ghost Wolf followed closely behind without hesitation.

Erbai and Brick who ran away quickly picked up the things that fell on the ground, and followed them in a hurry.

On the other side, in the innermost part of the enemy camp, Ryan's body was hanging in the air, with solid icicles under his feet.Dark clouds appeared in the sky, and as large pieces of frost fell from the sky, lightning soon began to wreak havoc.

Ryan is a magician of the ice and thunder systems, and only those with a level over 500 can release such a large area of ​​magic.Soon, the boss was also killed.But for the mobs and bosses killed by Ryan, Qin Haonan can't get any experience, and won't reveal mission items.

Qin Haonan managed to get rid of the last blood corpse, and went to meet Ryan.

"Life is like a dream, let's go in quickly. The boss here will spawn again after 30 minutes, and the mobs will refresh faster." Ryan said, and had already entered the main tent in the camp first.

After some investigation, there was nothing to take from the tent.

"We checked every tent. I just checked. There are a total of 12 tents here, and we will be able to check them soon." Qin Haonan said firmly.

Everyone immediately searched for the tent separately, and after a while, Qin Haonan saw that the runaway brick was the first to run back.

"I found it, the small tent inside." Brick said and pointed.

"Okay, let's go there right away." Qin Haonan then followed the runaway brick to find the most inconspicuous little tent. As expected, the tent was full of treasure chests.

After a rough count, there are a total of 6 large treasure chests.

Yao Ruoxi and the others also came to join them, saying that there was nothing in the other tents.

"These six treasure chests are all locked, which is troublesome." Ryan squatted down to check, and shook his head involuntarily.Without the key, Ken would not be able to open these treasure chests.

And all this way, no trace of the key was found.

According to Qin Haonan's analysis, the key is likely to be on the BOSS.If the player kills it, the key can be exploded.But this time it's a battle between NPCs and NPCs, so nothing is gained.

"What should we do? Without the key, wouldn't our work be in vain?" Brick who ran away was also a little anxious at this time.

Qin Haonan took his tools out of his backpack calmly.Using the lockpicking skills I learned before, I quickly opened the first treasure chest.

"Hey, floating life is like a dream, how did you do it?" Brick, who ran away violently, was surprised.

"Don't be surprised, I got a skill book before and learned the lockpicking skill." Qin Haonan said calmly.

"It turns out that this is the case. The problem in front of us has been solved. Let's see what's in the treasure chest." Ryan was also very happy when he heard that, and hurriedly participated in the work of checking the treasure chest.

What was placed in the first treasure chest turned out to be the "Thousand Years Soul Eater Grass".This is a purple magic grass, it looks very ordinary, but the system's display is indeed true.

"How lucky, I found one of the three materials as soon as I came up. This is a good omen, if you open the other five treasure chests, there may be materials inside!" Yao Ruoxi was a little excited at this time.

The second treasure chest contains a piece of equipment.However, it shows that the profession is a necromancer, a 250-level purple gold weapon.When Qin Haonan saw it, he immediately gave it to Youlang.

In the third treasure chest were two skill books, one for the swordsman class and one for the dark mage class.Qin Haonan didn't need it either, and finally gave it to Youlang, asking him to share a point with the original members of Hellfire War Song.

The fourth treasure chest is rather peculiar, and there is a strange sheepskin map inside.Qin Haonan and the others looked at it several times, but they didn't understand what was drawn on the map. They only saw many strange runes.

In the fifth treasure chest, a "dragon bone" appeared.This is also one of the three materials. I didn't expect to find 2 required materials in one camp, which is really very happy.

The last treasure chest, this is a set of battle armor.Two pieces of clothes and trousers.Qin Haonan took a closer look, and it turned out to be [Sealed Knight Armor] and [Sealed Knight Trousers].Both pieces of equipment are of the level of immortal artifacts. Judging from the names and the two pieces obtained at the auction before, it seems to be a set.

If so, that would be a real windfall.

Ryan looked very excited at this time. He looked at the battle armor and pants, and sighed: "This is absolutely God's will. This suit was worn by Lord Amy back then. Although it was sealed, I also recognize it. I am in I have read the records in the book, and it is like this. Floating life is like a dream, you are so lucky, if you get this set of equipment together, then you will be invincible."

"Actually, besides these two items, I have two items in my backpack." Qin Haonan took out his spear and shield as he spoke, and as expected, Ryan's eyes lit up, "Wow, really. That's great, Dragon Knight This profession is about to reappear in the world again. Haha..."

"Ryan, don't be so excited." Even Brick who ran away was startled by Ryan's frenzy.

"By the way, Floating Life is like a dream, you take all these equipment back to my teacher. The teacher has been studying this all year round, maybe he can help lift the seal. There is also the sheepskin map that I just obtained. The runes on it are I can only understand a little bit of Tianmowen, so I can take it back and study it for the teacher." Ryan suggested.

"Your teacher is amazing, you know everything!" Ghost Wolf exclaimed.

"Ryan, why does your teacher, Great Mage Hyde, know so much about Amy, the Dragon God Knight? And also the master of Heaven and Magic?" Qin Haonan was a little curious at this time, and couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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