game master

Chapter 418 - The Place to Bury Bones

Chapter 418 - The Place to Bury Bones (8)

"Oh, that's really great, it saves a lot of trouble." Qin Haonan nodded.

At this time, Hyde and Ryan have already started to clean up the magic circle on the ground, as expected, just as the Nether Dragon God said.Wherever the exorcism water is poured, the rune on the ground will disappear.

However, the exorcism water consumed by the disappearance of the celestial magic culture on the ground is also very large.Under normal circumstances, if you encounter an ordinary magic circle, sometimes it only takes one drop, and the connected runes will disappear together.

But the magic formation on the ground is obviously not an ordinary formation.No matter where the exorcism water is poured, the small piece of rune associated with it will disappear.

"This magic circle is huge. According to this calculation, there is not enough exorcism water. What can we do?" Hyde encountered a new difficulty at this time.

"Where can I get the exorcism water?" Yao Ruoxi hurriedly asked.

"You have to go to the Magician's Guild at the headquarters, and it's not that expensive. Exorcism water is a very precious magic potion, and even the Magician's Guild at the headquarters doesn't have a lot of it in stock." Hyde was a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you where to pour the remaining exorcism water." The Nether Dragon God pointed at the small piece of rune in the center with his claws, and said calmly, "You pour the exorcism water into the center Fall down at a key rune, which is the center of the entire magic circle. If it is destroyed, the power of the entire magic circle will be extremely weak."

"Okay." Facing the giant dragon, Hyde was still very obedient.

I saw him walking over quickly, and sprinkled the exorcism water around the stone as required.As soon as the rune at the center was destroyed, the entire magic circle dimmed instantly. In the end, the light on the ground almost disappeared and turned dark gray.

"Master Shenlong, even if this is the case, the power of the magic circle cannot be completely eliminated?" Hyde asked hesitantly.

The Nether Dragon God shook his head and said disdainfully: "This is enough. This mountain range is what the magic circle wants to contend with. The magic circle is already so weak that the dragon's breath in the mountain range is enough to defeat the entire magic circle. We, the Black Dragon Clan, are born with tyrannical combat power, and the dragon's breath alone is enough to completely destroy this magic circle."

As soon as the Nether Dragon God finished speaking, Qin Haonan saw that the incomplete magic circle on the ground began to vibrate.It seemed to be attacked by some powerful force, and the runes on the edge began to disappear automatically.

"Look, really, this magic circle can't hold it anymore." Brick, who ran away violently, was extremely excited when he saw this scene.

Everyone can feel that the mountains behind him seem to emit endless power at this time.This force completely defeated the magic circle on the ground.

There was only a "click" sound, as if glass was broken.The magic circle on the ground burst, and then disappeared completely.The faint light on the stone suddenly floated up and flew towards the sky.

"Grab it, this is the best material, don't let it run away." Hyde yelled, Qin Haonan and Brick jumped up and caught the "Remnant Soul of the Heavenly Demon" together.

"This remnant soul of the demon is the soul of the emperor of the demon outside the territory, haha, this is a once-in-a-lifetime treasure." When Hyde took over the "remnant soul of the demon" from Qin Haonan, he began to mutter happily.

Ryan was a little unhappy and said: "Teacher, it turns out that you let us find the remnant soul of the Heavenly Demon, which is actually the soul of the Emperor of the Heavenly Demon from outside the Territory? Why didn't you tell us earlier, how dangerous this thing is, aren't you afraid that we will be hurt by it?" ?”

"Oh, you boy, the soul of the emperor of the extraterrestrial demons has been here for so many years, what danger can there be?" Hyde became angry as he spoke.

But at this moment, the ground began to tremble.On the mountain behind him, a few pieces of gravel fell down.Looking at the posture, it seems that it was either an earthquake or a landslide.

"No, what's the matter? Could it be that we touched the seal and triggered some major event?" Brick, who ran away, shouted in surprise.

"Don't worry about it so much, let's get out of here quickly." As Hyde spoke, he had already summoned the portal, ready to take everyone away.

But who would have thought that at this critical moment, the Nether Dragon God flew up and flew straight towards the collapsed mountain range.

"You guys go first, I have to stay." Qin Haonan hurriedly said.

"Damn, it's already this time, why do you care so much? Life is like a dream, enchanting, runaway brick, ghost wolf, come here quickly!" Ryan was also extremely anxious at this time, Hyde and Ryan had already It's by the portal.But this group of people refused to escape because of a black dragon.

"If Meng doesn't leave, I won't leave either. I must always be with him." Yao Ruoxi's attitude was very firm.

"I can't go. My mount is still here? I think he must have found something. You should retreat first." Qin Haonan couldn't care less, and ran towards the mountains while turning around and shouting.

"Life is like a dream, we are with you." Brick who ran away said and followed.

"Sect Leader Floating Life Like a Dream, it's better for the four of us to be together." Ghost Wolf also shouted.

Ryan saw that there was nothing he could do, and Hyde put away the portal directly. He couldn't escape alone without these young adventurers.What's more, this team is still a candidate for the Dragon Knight.

The Nether Dragon God flapped its wings towards the mountains like crazy.The clouds in the sky were rolled by the strong wind and thunder, and it was already terrifying at this time.The night completely enveloped the earth, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, as if something terrible was about to come to the world, the earth was also shaking.

The entire Burial Ground has been affected by the mutation of the mountains.

"Brother, I can feel his breath." The voice of the Nether Dragon God reached Qin Haonan's ears through sound transmission.

Qin Haonan was shocked. The eldest brother of the Nether Dragon God, the mount of the Dragon Knight Amy, the previous Dragon God, with so many titles, what kind of behemoth is it?
"Master, the aura of a super divine beast." Linglong somehow ran out by herself, and her expression was very solemn when she came out.

Qin Haonan stopped when he heard that, Yao Ruoxi and the others were quite surprised when they heard Linglong's words.How high is the existence of super mythical beasts? In the entire "Century", the game progresses here. There are probably no more than 10 players in the world who have encountered super mythical beasts, right?

But following Qin Haonan, he always dealt with divine beasts and super divine beasts.I didn't expect to meet a super beast again today.In Yao Ruoxi's view, this super mythical beast is almost as common as the Chinese cabbage on the street.

A large number of stones fell from the entire mountain range, and in the center of the mountain, a huge black monster was slowly standing up from the mountain range.

Suddenly, a huge wing stretched out, and then another.

An invisible force that frightens all living beings is emanating from the mountains.That kind of coercion cannot be described in words.That is a kind of majesty that dominates the world, and it is a kind of power that is beyond the world.

"Who is it that destroyed the magic circle of the demon? Who is it that has disturbed my sleep for thousands of years?" A huge roar came from the mountains, shaking the mountains for a while.

The sound was like thunder, hitting everyone's eardrums.Qin Haonan couldn't help covering his ears, his brain felt dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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