game master

Chapter 420 - The so-called doppelganger

Chapter 420 - The so-called doppelganger

As for the avatar that Hyde mentioned before, in fact, Qin Haonan also vaguely understood it before.This time, I just took this opportunity to learn more about it.

The so-called doppelgänger is actually copying an individual with equal data and strength based on Qin Haonan's original data attributes.Of course, the avatar can retract the main body at any time, but it can also fight alone.

In fact, the avatar is more like building another trumpet for Qin Haonan, and the avatar needs to be cultivated from level 1.There is one occupation slot and two life occupation slots.You can contract 2 contract beast and 1 mounts, and have 3 pieces of equipment available, which is completely equivalent to adding another Qin Haonan.

Qin Haonan was quite surprised when he heard that, if this avatar can succeed, then Qin Haonan would be invincible.He is so powerful as a player at the level of a god, and having a clone is equivalent to fighting with two Qin Haonan at the level of a god.

"Hyde, in this way, can I have an extra suit? But that means, I can equip two sets of equipment? I want to ask, can the attributes of these equipment be superimposed? Or are they summoned?" Qin Haonan said at this time. Excited.

"Of course it's superimposed, why not count it as a clone?" Hyde is also extremely serious.

The ancient dragon god listened for a long time, and suddenly said: "Listen to you, the avatar is really powerful. And you just said that with the help of the power of the altar, plus auxiliary materials, you can have a chance to only be a doppelganger. I agree with this point of view. Approved. But the risk of this experiment is extremely high, I have to go and see it myself, otherwise I can't rest assured. Amy's inheritance must be successful."

"In this case, let's go back to the altar of Wuming Village together." Qin Haonan said hastily.

"Okay." The ancient dragon god nodded.

After that, Hyde opened the portal, and a group of people walked in one after another.

Before the ancient dragon god entered the door, he turned his head and looked at the flattened mountains in front of him, as if he saw the great battle thousands of years ago.

The Nether Dragon God noticed his elder brother's abnormality, and said softly, "Brother, let's go."

"Oh, I see." The Ancient Dragon God sighed softly, then turned his head and left.

The transmission of the magic portal is very convenient, and in a blink of an eye, a group of people returned to Wuming Village.Soldiers in Wuming Village were lining up at this time, and groups of NPC soldiers were led by the captain and were running towards the entrance of the village.

"What's going on? Another riot?" Hyde and Ryan asked eagerly pulling a soldier.

"Yes, two mages, just now, all the undead in the Boneyard rioted. We must rush to support immediately. If we don't suppress it, there will be big trouble." The NPC soldier said.

"Okay, I see, you guys go to work quickly." Hyde responded, and let a group of NPC soldiers leave.

The Ancient Dragon God seemed to understand what was going on, he looked around Wuming Village, and suddenly closed his eyes.It seemed that he was meditating, and after a while, he opened his mouth and said, "The Boneyard has only recently started to have riots, right?"

"Yes, Lord Dragon God. It just started in the past few days. At first, there were only a few small skeletons, and then slowly, the rioting mobs began to increase. The number of mobs exceeded five times the usual number, and they left one after another. I lost my original activity area and started running around." Ryan hurriedly reported.

"Sure enough, I think this riot should be related to [Mysterious Black Slate]. Amy's power has been suppressed here, and all demons and extraterritorial demons have been imprisoned in a permanent seal. And here The mobs are all undead who died in battle in ancient times, whether they are from the human race or the demon race, they will be restless when they feel Amy's breath." The ancient dragon god said.

"Then is there any way to suppress it?" Hyde asked curiously.

"It's okay, when I watch Floating Life Ruo Meng complete the inheritance, I will naturally suppress it." The ancient dragon god said calmly.

Hearing that the ancient dragon god was going to suppress it, the Nether Dragon God suddenly became very excited. "Brother, how do you decide to suppress it? You can't use your own body to seal it, right?"

"Hey, Xiaoyou, what are you thinking? Just those guys with such a low level, you still need me to sacrifice the seal? You are too flattering them. I have my own way, so don't worry about it. We Finish the inheritance first, hurry up!" the ancient dragon god urged.

"Okay, okay." Hearing this, Hyde hurriedly led everyone up to the altar.

At this time, the altar felt a powerful force, and the approach of the [mysterious black stone slab] emitted a dazzling light.The older the light, the brighter it was, and soon it illuminated the dimly lit nameless village into daytime.

Qin Haonan hurriedly gave all the three materials he had obtained to Hyde.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have completed the 'Avatar material task'. You have received task rewards: +999 million experience points, 1 purple gold coin, +5 skill points, +5 attribute points."

With the sound of the system sound, Qin Haonan and others upgraded in unison.At this time, Qin Haonan had risen to level 132, Yao Ruoxi was level 131, Brick of Rampage was level 131, and Spirit Wolf was level 130.

Hyde asked Qin Haonan to withdraw from the team, and then stood alone on the altar.

The altar at this time is extraordinarily dazzling under the light.The ancient dragon god also walked up and stood by the altar, as if thinking of something.But he was stunned for a while, and quickly recovered.He said softly, "I'm here to protect the Dharma, you guys hurry up and start."

"Okay, thank you, Lord Dragon God. With such a powerful guardian like you, it seems that the success rate of this experiment will be greatly improved." Hyde was very happy and excited at this time, and it was difficult to hide his enthusiasm on his face.

At this moment, Hyde, who loves research, saw the existence of his dreams again.I am implementing the experiment I have wished for for many years, and I have to see the long-awaited inheritance. To be honest, it is impossible not to be excited.On the same day, all these good wishes will be fulfilled in front of him.

"Life is like a dream, are you ready?" Hyde asked while taking out all the materials.

"No problem, let's start." Qin Haonan said calmly.

"Okay, since that's the case, the production of the avatar will begin." Hyde reminded loudly, and then vigorously threw the materials in his hand towards the altar.

For a moment, the light on the altar changed color.From the original dazzling white light, it has changed into many brilliance.

Red, yellow, blue, green, purple... many colors mixed together, Qin Haonan's whole body was suspended, entwined by these rays of light, and brought to the very center of the altar.

The ancient dragon god also activated his strong dragon power to protect the surroundings of the altar.

Hyde was chanting, but at this moment, [Mysterious Black Slate] suddenly flew up automatically, rushing into the bright light.

No one knew why [Mysterious Black Slate] moved by itself.

But the ancient dragon god was extremely calm, he said softly: "Let's go with fate, don't worry about it, just activate the magic circle needed by the avatar."

"Okay." Hyde responded, and then he concentrated on chanting the mantra.

Ryan also stood behind Hyde, raised his staff, and chanted the spell to cooperate with Hyde's magic.

(End of this chapter)

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