game master

Chapter 424 - Inheritance

Chapter 424 - Inheritance (4)

This makes upgrading much easier.The "Mount Upgrade Dan" provided by the mobs in the woods can help the mount upgrade faster.And a lot of experience points can greatly improve Qin Haonan's level.

The mobs along the way in the woods have all been painted as "Dragon Soul".Qin Haonan walked back and forth in the woods with his avatar and Nether Dragon God, and the mobs he fought along the way made them upgrade continuously.

Qin Haonan didn't know how much time had passed since he entered this independent space, the game time was no longer displayed.Qin Haonan was also unable to communicate with everyone outside. Although he was a little anxious, there was nothing he could do.

Qin Haonan had no choice but to work hard to level up quickly, trying to meet the requirements as soon as possible, so as to pass the level as soon as possible.

One after another, the speed of leveling is getting faster and faster.All the "Mount Upgrade Pills" obtained, Qin Haonan used all of them on the Nether Dragon God.It has to be said that this place is indeed a treasure land for leveling.If Qin Haonan is not in a hurry to go out, it would be good if he waits to practice here all the time.

Because here, the experience value is much richer than outside.

After a long time like this, Qin Haonan rose to level 150, and the Nether Dragon God also reached level 148 through the upgrade of the "Mount Upgrade Pill".The avatar has gained a lot of experience at this time, and has reached the level of 137.

Qin Haonan looked at the Dragon Bone Mountain not far away, and said to the Nether Dragon God: "Let's try again? See if we can fly up."

"Okay." The Nether Dragon God nodded in agreement.

While speaking, the Nether Dragon God changed back into a dragon form again, carried Qin Haonan on his back, and tried to fly again.The huge wings of the Nether Dragon God fluttered, and this time the flying height was much higher than the last time.

But after a while, due to the influence of coercion, it fell from the sky again.

"It still doesn't work! Could it be that the level is still low?" Qin Haonan scratched his head depressingly, how many levels does he have to reach if he continues to upgrade like this?
"Master, don't be discouraged either. Judging from the flying height just now, we will be able to fly up to the 200th level at most." The Nether Dragon God was not discouraged, flapping his wings eagerly.

"More than 200 levels?" Qin Haonan was shocked, "The average level in the world is estimated to be around 102 at this time, and I want to reach more than 200 levels? When you say that, why do I feel that I am really going to become a master? "

"Let's try it. You saw it just now, Master. We just missed flying up." The Nether Dragon God encouraged.

"Okay, that's all. But to be honest, I'm quite worried. This is an independent confined space, and the game time cannot be displayed in the space. If we continue to practice like this, when can we go out? How worried are Yao Ruoxi and the others outside?" Huh?" Qin Haonan had to express his concerns.

The Nether Dragon God shook his head and comforted: "Master, don't worry, I think Lord Amy has a sense of proportion. In fact, time can be controlled. The Dragon Clan has a secret technique that can adjust the time. I think we Although a long time has passed in the space, in fact, the time outside has not progressed so fast."

"Ah? The time can still be controlled? Could it be that one year has passed here, and only one day has passed outside?" Qin Haonan was shocked again. He used to think that the sky and the earth were just a legend, but he didn't expect that the Nether Dragon God actually You can tell him in all seriousness that it's okay.

Who would have thought that the Nether Dragon God really nodded, and sincerely said: "Although it's not as exaggerated as you said, it's about the same! My elder brother used to know this kind of secret technique, which can speed up and slow down the time. Actually it's not Changing the time is just to increase the speed of a person. For example, you are watching a drop of water fall from a high place into a pool, and you feel that the drop is falling very fast. But if you record this scene, and then use Slow motion playback, you can see every detail of the water droplets falling."

"...Okay, this is more profound, I don't deny your point of view, let's practice leveling quickly and try to get out sooner." Qin Haonan said helplessly.

This was the first time Qin Haonan felt that time passed so slowly. He, the Nether Dragon God, and the contracted beasts, as well as their avatars, repeatedly killed every little monster in front of them in this forest.The speed of killing monsters is getting faster and faster, because Qin Haonan is already very familiar with the fighting modes and attributes of these mobs, and Qin Haonan has completely mastered a set of quick and perfect plans for killing monsters.

Qin Haonan felt that he had passed many days and nights, and his level was improving faster and faster.

During this mechanical battle, Qin Haonan's cooperation with the Nether Dragon God and the contracted beasts became more and more tacit.In the end, Qin Haonan finally rose to level 201. The contracted beasts also rose to level 201.The Nether Dragon God was also successfully upgraded to level 201 under the effect of the "Mount Upgrade Pill".

Even the avatar that has not participated in the battle has reached level 195.

"Master, I think there will be absolutely no problem this time." The Nether Dragon God said confidently.

Qin Haonan nodded, he put away all the contracted beasts, and rode on the Nether Dragon God again.The Nether Dragon God flapped its wings, and this time it flew very smoothly into the sky.

It was at this moment that Qin Haonan realized that the endless leveling just now was also a checkpoint.In an environment without the concept of time, it is actually a great test for people.

Being able to persevere without flinching is actually a kind of exercise and challenge.

When the Nether Dragon God flew to the top of Dragon Bone Mountain smoothly, Qin Haonan saw Amy's consciousness standing on the platform on the top of the mountain, and waved to them with a smile.

"Lord Amy, have we passed the test?" Qin Haonan jumped off the dragon's back and ran to the other side.

Amy nodded with her spiritual sense, and said with a smile: "Actually, this test is not difficult, and it is quite difficult if it is not difficult. Haha, you have done a good job. Now you are all 201, and you can also inherit my Shenlong The knight profession. Um, no! You are level 201, but the avatar has not yet reached level 201?"

"Ah? Why does it have to be level 201?" Qin Haonan asked puzzled.

"Dragon Knight belongs to the second job, requiring players to reach level 201. The previous job is Sword Knight. I can transfer the job of Sword Knight here, but I can't help if the level is not enough." Amy His consciousness explained.

In this way, Qin Haonan understood that this hidden job is a second-rank job.In the "Century" online game, the player changed his job for the first time at level 30, and the second job change was at level 201.

Speaking of which, I didn't expect to reach level 201 so easily in the independent space, and it seems that I have to go to the second level of the Summoner profession when I return to China!

(End of this chapter)

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