game master

Chapter 436 – Retreat

Chapter 436 – Retreat

Seeing this situation, Aqua Rose immediately said angrily: "Aofeng, you are too much! Aren't you trying to grab the position of leader? The Immortal Demon League was established by sister Yaoluo, and it has been well-managed for so many years. Why did you go back to the country? What kind of brother are you to attack Sister Yaoluo? And you Damo Kuangdao, how kind is Sister Yaoluo to you? You betrayed by saying betrayal for the sake of profit?"

Damo Frenzied Knife bowed his head immediately after being told by Aqua Rose.

And Aofeng was also taken aback at this time, he thought that Yao Ruoxi would bow his head to him and say something soft because of his vanity.Who would have thought that his younger sister has a very hard temper, and whoever abdicates will abdicate.After all, this is Yao Ruoxi's business that was built by Yao Ruoxi and has been carefully managed for many years. Aofeng did not expect Yao Ruoxi to let it go so decisively.

Being teased by Yao Ruoxi like this, Aofeng was a little bit hard to get off at the moment. He originally wanted Yao Ruoxi to take him with him more, after all, he hadn't fully established his foothold in this guild with many female players.

That's fine, it's self-defeating.But Aofeng's arrogance does not allow him to admit his mistakes and bow his head. At this time, he can only bite the bullet and go on.

After Aqua Rose's words, Qin Haonan's evaluation of this girl was a little higher.It seems that Aqua Rose is really Yao Ruoxi's good sister, and she stepped forward to speak for Yao Ruoxi at this time.

Yao Ruoxi smiled and said, "Qiangwei, don't be angry, this place is no longer the Fairy Monster League."

"That's right, without the enchanting sect leader and our beautiful goddess, what would it be called the Fairy Beast League? The Fairy Beast League I see now is nothing but an empty shell of internal strife, division of forces, and open and secret fights." Standing out at this time was a handsome male sword fairy in white.

Qin Haonan recognized at a glance that this is the first sword fairy of the Fairy Monster League, Rain Flying.

"That's right, the current Fairy Demon League has been made into a mess by you people." Long Jianxian also stood up at this moment, complaining for Yao Ruoxi.

Yao Ruoxi's resignation from the position of gang leader caused chaos in the whole gang.The players staying at the station all ran over to see what happened.Those who were not in the resident asked in the guild chat channel one after another.

"Brothers and sisters, it is very regrettable that I am stepping down. The leader of the Fairy Demon League will be my eldest brother Aofeng in the future, and he will lead everyone to better develop the guild." Yao Ruoxi was generous and bowed to the members of the guild. hand over.

Not only talking, Yao Ruoxi also sent this passage to the gang chat channel at the same time.

At this time, Yao Ruoxi's original fans and some old gang members in the gang voiced their grievances.In fact, everyone has seen it more or less recently. Since Aofeng brought a large number of players into the gang, many people have known the identity of this person because of his deeds overtly and secretly.

Everyone couldn't understand this domineering young master and the group of people he brought.

The original unity of the Fairy Monster League was disrupted by Aofeng.In fact, Yao Ruoxi has been in the United States for the past few days, Rain Flying, Water Rose and the others have sent messages to Yao Ruoxi, telling him that Aofeng blatantly squeezed out the original old gang members, especially some weaker female gang members.

Many members of the Girls' Gang were so angry that they wanted to withdraw from the gang. It was Yao Ruoxi who contacted one by one in private to ask everyone to be patient until she came back to deal with the matter.

"The Immortal Demon League was originally a family business, just like Dragon War, Tyrant Dynasty, and Yaole Guild. I heard that the previous gang leader of Tyrant Dynasty, 'Batu@天浪', did not manage well, so he stepped down and changed his boss. What are you excited about, brother Aofeng is powerful, isn't it much better for you to follow brother Aofeng than to follow a woman?" A tyrant sword player behind Aofeng snorted coldly.

Qin Haonan knew this person, "Xing Chen", the deputy leader of the Fairy Demon League in the later period.

"I think what Xingchen said is quite right. Take a look at the Fairy and Demon League. More than 70.00% of the players are female, and the entire yin is flourishing and yang is declining. Sister enchanting, you are a woman, and you can only lead the gang like this." Said arrogantly, all the words were ridiculed.

"What's wrong with our female players?" Xia Yingsha said unhappy.

"The Immortal Demon League was originally a guild of female players. There are not many female players but there are more male players?" Aqua Rose was furious.

"The strength of female players will never be comparable to our male players. The enchanting gang leader is already outstanding among female players, but most of the female players are weak. The enchanting gang leader has worked hard to lead a group of weak girls. Think about it, the gang leader How strong can it be? This is also the reason why we have never been able to compare with Long Zhan Tianxia." Da Mo Crazy Saber also stood up at this time.

His speech directly angered all the female players in the guild.

In fact, Yao Ruoxi created the Fairy and Demon League specifically for female players at the very beginning.At that time, online games were dominated by male players.After all, the number of female players who play online games will be smaller, and their skills are relatively weak.Yao Ruoxi felt aggrieved when she saw many female players being excluded and bullied in the game.

So a guild was set up specifically for female players, named Xianyaomeng.

There are too many female players in the Fairy Monster League. They have found their confidence and learned the skills of the game here. Everyone works hard and grows together.Freedom, mutual assistance, love, and unity have always been the core spirit of Fairy Monster League. This is a paradise for girls to play.As more and more girls play games, the Fairy Monster League is also constantly expanding and changing.

Many girls have boyfriends, Yao Ruoxi allows those male players to join the gang.

Gradually, Yao Ruoxi's influence in the online game industry continued to increase.She is known as the Fairy Queen, and she has many fans, who come here especially for her name.In this way, the Fairy Monster League also has many male players.

However, under the management of Yao Ruoxi, the Fairy Monster League has always been a gang full of positive energy.Bullying and underestimating female players are not allowed here, and male players are willing to develop gangs with girls.Many male players are proud of having more girls in gangs, and they are happy to pay more in the game.

Speaking of the Desert Crazy Knife, I mentioned to Yao Ruoxi before that there are too many female players and the guild is not strong enough.It seems that Desert Crazy Knife's ability to betray Yao Ruoxi is also related to the idea of ​​belittling female players.

Aofeng smiled dismissively, then patted Damo Kuangdao on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Sister, now you understand why the Fairy Demon League has not been able to compare with Long Zhan Tianxia for so many years, right? The whole of China How many female players are on the list in the district. There are still many male players. You have been thinking about developing a game paradise for girls all day long. Have you ever thought about how much money your father invested in the gang?"

"That's right, the BOSS invests much more money in the Immortal Demon League than Long Zhan Tianxia. You have a problem with your leadership ability. If the Immortal Demon League wants to grow and grow, it should be like Long Zhan Tianxia. , mainly male players." Xing Chen said, "Look at the deputy leader of the Fairy Demon League, only the Desert Crazy Saber is a man, and the one-vote women's army. won't make a difference."

"According to what you say, you don't want to see female players anymore?" Yao Ruoxi's eyes were extremely sharp at this time, and she said coldly, "I'll just put my words here today, no matter how bad the Fairy Monster League is, it is also one of the four major gangs in China .It is this group of female players that you look down on, and I established this top four guild together. In team battles, we are more united than male players. You say that female players are weak, but female players are stronger than you imagined Much stronger."

(End of this chapter)

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