game master

Chapter 442 - God of Beast Control

Chapter 442 - God of Beast Control (3)

"Gufang doesn't admire himself, I want to ask if you know that there is a place called the Valley of Forgotten on this island?" Qin Haonan hurriedly asked the key point, which is what Qin Haonan cares most about.

After hearing about the Valley of Forgotten, Gu Fang nodded immediately and said seriously, "I know, but where are you going? That place is quite scary. I just looked around and never went in. .”

"Terror? What kind of horror method?" Qin Haonan was taken aback.

"It's just that the level of mobs there is very high, all above level 200. But your level is 204, so it should be fine in the past." Gu Fang couldn't help but pause when she said that, "But that area is very evil. It is easy to get lost in the end, and there are always strange noises, so I am determined not to go in."

"Do you want to leave this island and take a look outside?" Qin Haonan suddenly asked a question that the other party was very concerned about.

"I want to, of course I want to." Gu Fang replied immediately without admiration, "But from your tone, it seems that there are conditions. You don't want me to take you to that forgotten valley, do you?"

Gu Fang is also a smart person who doesn't admire himself, so he guessed it all at once.

Qin Haonan nodded with a smile, and said seriously: "I have a mission, I have to go to the Valley of Forgotten. It is also fate that we meet here, how about making friends? You help me, I will help you too, isn't that good? ?”

"Okay, then I'll take you there." Gu Fang said without admiring herself and sent a friend request to Qin Haonan.

Qin Haonan asked his friend to join him, and saw that Gu Fang was already leading the way without self-admiration.But along the way, Qin Haonan had to be responsible for killing monsters throughout the journey, because Gu Fang's self-appreciated attack power was really pitifully low.

The two walked quickly along the woods together, and they kept asking what the world outside the island was like along the way.In fact, he can only know the movements of players in China through the official website and forums.

But he couldn't do without this forgotten island, Gufang said that the name of this place was really good, he really felt that everything here was forgotten.

Along the way, Qin Haonan told Gu Fang Bu Zi Appreciation about the settings and game skills in the game, but Gu Fang Bu Zi Appreciation listened very carefully.After walking for a while, Qin Haonan suddenly asked: "What is your job as a Weakness Master? Why does it seem useless to me?"

"As you can see, it's useless. As a weakness master, I can see the enemy's level, attributes, and weaknesses. Of course, the NPC level cannot be higher than my level 300, otherwise I really can't see it. My own I don’t have much combat power, and I can’t prepare weapons, so I researched a method of killing monsters and throwing stones.” Gu Fang said helplessly without admiration.

Qin Haonan was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "Can you still see the other party's weakness?"

"Yeah, when I see the other party, there will be a row of characters at the bottom, where the weakness of the other party is written." Gu Fang said without admiration, "Not only that, I can also create weaknesses for the other party. Sometimes I'm thinking, if it's a group battle, I'm a support job, and I'm useless in a single player battle."

"Hey? Your profession is quite interesting. I'd like to see it if I get a chance." Qin Haonan said curiously.

Gu Fang smiled and said: "We have both become friends, and in the future there will be opportunities for you to appreciate the tastelessness and strength of the weak point master. Well, the valley of oblivion has arrived. Go in and fight monsters later, and I will help you see them." Weaknesses, you solve them!"

"This is no problem, just leave it to me." Qin Haonan said hastily.

At this time, Qin Haonan and Gufang were standing on the edge of the woods without admiring themselves. Qin Haonan looked into the distance from here, only then did he realize that they were standing on a high ground.

And directly in front of them is a valley, with steep cliffs at their feet, and they can see a large area of ​​green vegetation when they look down.Qin Haonan glanced down, and couldn't help but look around, looking for the entrance to the valley.

Due to the fog in the valley, the vision became blurred for a while.

"This is the Valley of Forgotten." Gu Fang said earnestly, "but the entrance to the valley is no longer here, you and I continue to go forward. There is only a small road ahead, which is the entrance to the valley, but there is a boss guard."

"Oh, what level is the boss?" Qin Haonan couldn't help asking.

"I remember it's a level 200 spirit beast boss. Anyway, I can't beat it, so it's all up to you then." Gu Fang patted Qin Haonan's shoulder as he said without admiration.

Qin Haonan nodded and followed the other party to move on.After walking for a while, I saw a small road in front of me.Looking from the direction where the path extends, it happens to lead to the Valley of Forgotten.

The Nether Dragon God looked at the path and couldn't help sighing: "Where is this Forgotten Valley? It doesn't even repair a road. After all, there is a path, and there is a BOSS guarding it?"

"Don't tell me, this Valley of Forgotten is really not an ordinary place." Gu Fang said without admiration, "It is said that there is a god sealed here, and this god seems to have caused something, so this place has become a taboo. "

"Ah? Is this rumor accurate?" Qin Haonan asked curiously.

"I don't know if it's accurate, anyway, I heard about this story indirectly when I was doing a mission on the Forgotten Island before." Gu Fang said with a smile, "There are actually quite a few NPCs on this island. I can take you to see the mission here. Floating Life is Like a Dream, you can ask them about the legends here."

"Okay, thank you, I understand." Qin Haonan responded, and the group continued on their way.

Walking to the small road, I didn't see half of the mobs and BOSS.Just when Qin Haonan and Nether Dragon God thought that Gufang was fooling them, Qin Haonan suddenly heard a piercing sound.

This sharp cry came from above, and Qin Haonan raised his head following the sound, and saw a huge bat flying down with its teeth and claws open.

"Ignorant human beings, don't step into the restricted area ahead, offenders will be killed without mercy!"

The black and red bat made an icy sound, flapped its huge wings, and attacked Qin Haonan.Qin Haonan pulled Gu Fang not to admire himself and hurriedly dodges, but the Nether Dragon God spewed out a breath of flame.

Level 199 - Death Bat (Elite)
Qin Haonan [Mithril Thousand Magic] looked over, and immediately saw the opponent's attributes and levels.After a quick look, it was found that the other party was not the spirit beast boss.

"This is not a BOSS, you have to be careful, the BOSS is very likely nearby." Gu Fang hurriedly reminded, "This elite BOSS attack is poisonous, and it will also suck blood. Attack High, high speed. Its weakness is average defense, afraid of flames."

"Hey, you are not lazy as a weak point master!" Qin Haonan had already clenched his weapon and was about to launch an attack, and he praised casually.

(End of this chapter)

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