game master

Chapter 444 - God of Beast Control

Chapter 444 - God of Beast Control (5)

"I was thinking, this should be a bustling city, right?" Gu Fang could not help but look around and exclaimed, "Why is it like this now?"

Qin Haonan stood on the ground paved with stone slabs, looking at the ruins around him, he was speechless for a while.This is the center of the Forgotten City, and I don't know where to find the NPC who changed jobs.

"Hey, floating life is like a dream? What is the mission for you to come to this ruin?" Gu Fang asked curiously.

Qin Haonan said helplessly, "In order to come here and do the 201-level job transfer task."

"Professional transfer task? But it seems that there is not even a NPC found here?" Gu Fang looked around the whole ruins in surprise, with a ignorant expression on her face.

"Yeah, I didn't see NPC either." Qin Haonan frowned as he spoke.

"Master, let's go over there and take a look? I feel a breath of life in that direction." The nose of the Nether Dragon God is still quite useful, and he seems to have discovered some new clues.

"Okay." Qin Haonan responded, and immediately led the team towards the direction pointed by the Nether Dragon God.

It can be seen from the remains here that it was supposed to be a bustling street.

Just after turning a corner, Qin Haonan realized that there was an old man sitting in this piece of broken wall.The old man's hair was gray and his clothes looked a little tattered, but his face gave off a radiant look.

Before Qin Haonan could open his mouth, he saw the white-haired old man take the initiative to speak excitedly: "Haha, after so many years, someone finally came. Great, if the stone gate can light up, my mission will be completed .”

"Hello, old man. I want to ask what's going on here, why are you the only one in the whole ruins?" Qin Haonan stepped forward, looked at the old man and asked.

The white-haired old man stood up, looked at Qin Haonan and the others, and then said: "I am the guardian of this place. This place used to be a prosperous and beautiful country. But there was a war tens of thousands of years ago, and this place was destroyed by the gods and demons." The army has been wiped out. Why did you two come here?"

"So that's the case." Qin Haonan murmured, "I'm here to change jobs, old man, do you know where there are..."

Qin Haonan hadn't finished speaking when he saw the white-haired old man's eyes light up.The white-haired old man smiled, hugged Qin Haonan, and was very excited: "Great, I just saw that you are different. Is your profession a cultivation summoner? Haha... It seems that the inheritance is hopeful."

"Er... old man, you hug me too tightly, I can't breathe." Qin Haonan hurriedly struggled to escape from the opponent's clutches.Gu Fang who was not self-admired was so frightened that he took several steps back.

"I'm sorry, I'm too excited." The white-haired old man adjusted his tattered clothes while speaking, trying to make his image more convincing, "Come with me, I'll take you to do beast control God's legacy."

While speaking, the white-haired old man began to lead the way ahead, and Qin Haonan and Gu Fang followed behind.The white-haired old man walked very quickly, but Qin Haonan walked this way, and immediately found that this road led to the center of the ruins.

"I'm quite curious. What is the profession of this Beastmaster God? Why did he change his profession in this ruin?" Gu Fang couldn't help being curious, and asked the doubts in her heart.

Unexpectedly, when the white-haired old man heard this, the expression on his face became slightly depressed.But the white-haired old man coughed lightly, and then he opened his mouth: "There used to be a god living here, a god who can control all living things in the world. He is powerful and mysterious, but he is too conceited. After all... oh... He was sealed..."

Qin Haonan and Gu Fang couldn't help themselves when they saw that the old man was about to start telling a story, so they immediately pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"The God of Beast Control was originally a human being. He is endowed with extraordinary talents and is friendly and harmonious. All animals and plants in the world can communicate with him. He has been through continuous hard work and experienced nine levels of thunder calamity before he ascended to the throne. Become a god. Beast Control God loves the mortal world and does not like the battle between the gods and demons. Although he is kind, he is also arrogant and conceited. Because he can summon a large number of contracted beasts, his combat power is too strong, and he is favored by the gods and demons. Afraid." The white-haired old man stopped here as he said that, because they had already reached the altar in the center.

I saw that the stones on the altar had been broken, and many pillars had fallen to the ground in pieces.

Qin Haonan could clearly see that there was a huge stone gate in the center of the altar.This stone gate is dim and dull, although there are countless gems inlaid on it, but the gems seem to be covered by an invisible force, all of them are dark gray.And there was already a crack on the altar, Qin Haonan followed the white-haired old man and walked up it cautiously.

Every time he took a step up, Qin Haonan felt like the altar was about to collapse.

"This city was originally inhabited by humans. The God of Beastmasters has always chosen to live in the world because he doesn't like the battles between the gods of the gods. He wanted to build a beautiful and free utopia, so he built a city on the East China Sea. This city." The white-haired old man slowly talked about the past.

"There used to be the kindest residents here, not only people, but also animals, birds, fish... They can all live in harmony here. There is no killing, no disputes, and no predators of the weak. The beasts no longer eat meat, and the poisonous snakes You can play with the children at will, this is a Utopia, a real Utopia.”

"I've heard of this legend, but I'm curious, why was such an inviolable beast god sealed away? And why did this Utopia become like this?"

The expression of the white-haired old man became serious at this time, and he said seriously: "Because the summoning power of the beast god is too powerful, which affects the balance of this world. Although he has nothing to do with the world, those gods and demons are Be afraid of his power. You must know that in that era, the human race was just a very humble race. Human life was short and their power was small, and the gods and demons looked down on the human race."

"But the God of Beastmaster, who came from human cultivation, cares about human beings, which is also the reason for the intensification of the conflict between the two sides." The white-haired old man paused, and continued, "The gods want to exercise absolute hegemony, and they want to treat the human race like ants. At the mercy of the God of Beasts, but the God of Beasts does not allow it. The demons and the gods are originally hostile, and the demons are warlike and full of desire for war. They want to win over the God of Beasts, but unfortunately, the God of Beasts is unwilling to join them."

"Understood, the God of Beast Control didn't join the lineup of the demons, but also offended the gods, so this place was wiped out by the two races of gods and demons. Is my understanding correct?" Gu Fang analyzed without appreciating himself.

(End of this chapter)

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