game master

Chapter 446 - God of Beast Control

Chapter 446 - God of Beast Control (7)

"The Beast Taming God is no longer here. He was seriously injured in the war at that time. After being sealed for so many years, his body has long been washed away by the power of the seal. But if you change jobs to Beast Taming God, you should be able to see his remnant soul." The Eight-Headed Snake was full of sadness when he said this.

"So that's the case!" Qin Haonan responded.

"The inheritance has begun." The eight-headed snake didn't want to bring up those sad topics, so it hurriedly said.

"Okay." Qin Haonan replied, and saw that his whole body was surrounded by brilliant light.After the warm light passed, Qin Haonan found that his career had changed.

With the second career change, Qin Haonan's attribute points have also increased a lot.When changing to a second job, different jobs will have more or less blessings on attributes.The more powerful the hidden occupation, the more attributes it will bless.

The attribute blessings brought by the beast master profession, attack +50, defense +50, speed +50, mana +50, and spirit +50.+6% immunity to poison, +6% immunity to spells, +6% immunity to illusions.

Qin Haonan looked at the attributes that fluctuated so much, and couldn't help but marvel at the power of the beast master profession.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations, player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have completed the 'Professional Second Transfer Mission', mission reward: experience value + 20, and a skill book of "Contract Summoning"."

The previous task has been completed, and with the addition of experience points, Qin Haonan has also successfully upgraded to level 205.

At this moment, Qin Haonan saw an illusory phantom appearing beside the eight-headed snake.This is a middle-aged man, dressed in white, with an indescribable bearing.

The middle-aged man's clothes are very simple, but his eyebrows reveal a kingly air.Qin Haonan could immediately conclude that this was the remnant soul of the beast god.

"I didn't expect my inheritor to be so young, haha, what a formidable young man!" The remnant soul of the Beast God smiled and looked at Qin Haonan with admiration.

Qin Haonan hurriedly greeted the Beast God: "Hello, I am Floating Life Like a Dream, and you must be the senior of the Beast God."

"Yeah, but don't call me senior, under normal circumstances you should call me master!" The God of Beast Control immediately corrected Qin Haonan's mistake, "In the future, if you learn the skills of this profession, you will come here to find me."

"Yes, Master." Qin Haonan replied.

"Apprentice, if you don't have anything to do, you should leave here as soon as possible. You should come here as little as possible to the Forgotten Valley. You are too weak now. If you are discovered by the God Realm and the Demon Realm, it will be bad." The Beast Control God said with a smile.

The eight-headed snake on the side couldn't help but nodded its head, and echoed: "Well, what the master said is true. Floating life is like a dream, you should leave as soon as possible. Although the outside world doesn't know about this place, this Forgotten Valley has been given by the gods and demons all year round. Keep an eye on it. If you find out that a new beast god is born, there will be no small trouble."

Qin Haonan heard something hidden in their words.It seems that this Forgotten Valley can trigger the plot.

"Is that so? Since I have obtained the inheritance from my master, I have to do something for the Valley of Forgotten." Qin Haonan was also kind, so he couldn't help but ask.

The remnant soul of the Beastmaster smiled gratifiedly, and said calmly: "You can do as long as you have the heart, but now your level is too low, and you can't help me with anything. After you reach level 800, come to me again, and I will pay you back." I really have a lot of tasks for you."

"Okay, Master, then I'll listen to you, go back and practice hard." Qin Haonan obediently said, "Before I leave, I want to ask Master if there are any skills that I want to learn? If so, I will learn them together. It’s not easy to come here later.”

"You are now at level 205, and you can only learn two skills." The beast master handed two skill books to Qin Haonan while speaking.

Qin Haonan took a look and saw that one was called "Sword of Explosive Flame" and the other was called "Summoning Heart Sutra".Coupled with the "Contract Call" given by the previous mission, Qin Haonan can learn 3 skills at once.

Qin Haonan clicked "Learn" without hesitation, and he learned all three skills at once.

[Contract Summoning Level 1] Passive skills, a total of 10 levels, each training level will increase the attributes of all contracted beasts, contracted beasts attack +20, defense +20, speed +20, mana +20, spirit +20.

[Blast Flame Sword Level 1] Beast Master uses skills, a total of 10 levels, burning flames on the weapon, causing 270% damage to the target, increasing the critical strike rate by 30%, and consuming 320 true energy points.

[Summoning Heart Sutra Level 1] Passive skill, a total of 10 levels, the summoned beast can originally summon up to 5 types, and each level of practice will increase the upper limit of the summoned beast type.Summon type +1.

Qin Haonan looked at the newly acquired skills, and couldn't help but sigh, if the Beast Master God profession is powerful, it would be no wonder if he is not powerful if he continues to summon like this.After learning this "Summoning Heart Sutra", you can summon 6 types of summoned beasts in the future. If you continue to upgrade, you can summon more types, and finally you can form a huge summoning army.

"Apprentice, you don't want to practice the skills of the sword fairy and the comprehension summoner anymore, save up all the skill points, and only practice the beast god profession. You must know that your current level is still very low, and you are so powerful You can’t learn the summons yet. But you will be extremely powerful in the future, understand?” the beast-controlling divine language instructed earnestly.

Qin Haonan nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Okay, you leave now. Remember in the future, every time you come here to learn skills, don't stay too long, and leave here as soon as you finish. When you are strong enough, Master will naturally tell you everything. "The God of Beast Control said seriously.

"Okay, I understand. Master, then I'm leaving." After Qin Haonan bid farewell to the beast god, he walked out of this pure white independent space.

After a ray of light passed, Qin Haonan stood outside the Shimen, and the Shimen returned to its original dimness.

After Qin Haonan walked out of the stone gate, he only saw Gu Fang not admiring himself, but the original old man disappeared.Just when Qin Haonan was curious, Gufang was the first to answer his doubts: "Life is like a dream, you have come out! The old man seems to be able to sense that you have successfully changed jobs. He said that his mission has been completed." , and slowly disappeared."

"Ah? Disappeared?" Qin Haonan couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the development of things.

Gu Fang smiled without admiring himself: "He was originally a ray of soul, the former city owner of this Forgotten Valley. His mission is to wait for the arrival of the inheritor. When you come, his mission is completed, and he will be reincarnated naturally. gone."

"It turns out that this is the case. This Forgotten Valley seems to have a lot of secrets. But my level is too low, and Master didn't tell me." Qin Haonan muttered leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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