game master

Chapter 456 - Penglai Wonderland

Chapter 456 - Penglai Wonderland (6)

[Longteng Wanli]'s attack, when it hit Qin Haonan's body, broke his defense and knocked out 1 point of life.From Qin Haonan's point of view, Long Xingtian is indeed very good at breaking his defense.

But from Long Xingtian's point of view, this powerful attacker only lost 1 point of blood, and he had already predicted that this time the team might be wiped out.Long Xingtian's heart has entered into a fierce struggle. Whether to grab the boss this time or not, Long Xingtian hesitated.

On the other side, Tyrant @风虫, although there are many medical immortals and charm masters behind him to restore blood, and there are many helpers from the guild leader, but still failed to escape the attacks of 205-level Xue Mei and Yaoyao, and has been hanged Lost.

I don't know which fairy doctor from the Tyrant Dynasty was quick enough to revive the Tyrant @fanchen who had lost level 1 in an instant.But just 1 second later, Tyrant @fanchen, who had just been resurrected and hadn't recovered his HP, was stepped on by a phantom wolf again, and died again.

Seeing the situation, Ba Tu@fanchen immediately chose to return to the city to revive, fearing that some brain-dead medical fairy would revive him again, wouldn't it mean that he would lose another level.

After leveling up to now, every player cherishes their own level, after all, it is not easy to upgrade to level 1.

Xue Mei and Yaoyao led an army of summoned beasts, and had already swept away the Tyrant Dynasty's team.After all, the level of this group of players is only around 126, so they can't handle the contracted beasts that are so much higher in level!
Tyranny @天浪 also learned to be smart this time, and the leader is not here, so he shouted: "Retreat, retreat quickly!"

A group of players of Tyrant Dynasty also had the same intention at this time. When Tyrant @天浪 yelled, the troop quickly turned around and ran, never wanting to have anything to do with Qin Haonan's contracted beast.

Individual players even added [Wind Walk] to themselves, in order to make themselves escape faster.

Xue Mei and Yaoyao were very reluctant to see the other party fleeing in large areas.After all, the task they received was to wipe out all the players of the Tyrant Dynasty, so what's the matter with running away collectively?

So Xuemei and Yaoyao followed closely behind with an army of summoned beasts, killing several players who were running slowly along the way.

Long Xingtian saw that the Batu Dynasty was already very bleak, and then looked at Long Zhantianxia who had lost more than 30 elites in this short period of time, so he also let go of his face and shouted: "Dragon All the gang members of Zhan Tianxia, ​​we also retreat!"

When Long Xingtian shouted, the gang members of Long Zhantianxia couldn't help being stunned.To be honest, after playing the game for so long, this is the first time Long Zhan Tianxia escaped in embarrassment.

Although everyone was reluctant, but if they couldn't beat them, they couldn't beat them. In desperation, everyone ran away with the gang leader.

Qin Haonan saw that Long Xingtian chose to evacuate, so he didn't chase after him anymore. After all, the relationship between Long Zhantianxia and Mengran Jiangshan was not bad, and Long Xingtian himself had no trouble with him.

If it weren't for the extremely important boss this time, Qin Haonan would not be willing to confront Long Xingtian head-on.

"Xuemei, Yaoyao, you all come back." Qin Haonan also saw the perseverance of Xuemei and Yaoyao, but the Batu Dynasty had already fled away, and his summoned beasts had all disappeared due to time.Qin Haonan hurriedly summoned his contracted beasts to prevent them from chasing them any further.

The fighting situation between Bingfeng and Qianhuashang is fine, after all, only a few players from the League of Assassins are dealing with them at this time, and the two of them can handle it, so Qin Haonan doesn't need to worry.

At this time, the team of the Assassin Alliance was also thrown into chaos by the attack of the Nether Dragon God during the period just now, and several shadow killers had already died honorably.

But fortunately, Qin Haonan's main force was not placed on their gang. In this short period of time, the Assassin Alliance still suffered the least loss.

Charlotte and Ruthless Shadow are still entangled with Yelan Tingyu over there, the two are weak after all.As soon as the invisibility effect ended, he quickly retreated and dodged, not daring to melee in the Assassin League team.

Qin Haonan saw that the health of the two had dropped below 30%, so he immediately dodged to the side of the two, letting Xuemei and Yaoyao protect them.At this time, the summoned beasts such as the shadow wolf, sword slave, and little devil were summoned again, forming a team with extraordinary combat power, and fought fiercely with the Assassin Alliance in the front.

"Charlotte, Ruthless Shadow, hurry up and drink medicine to replenish your blood." Qin Haonan reminded, and rushed to Yelan to listen to the rain.

"Brother Ruomeng, be careful!" Charlotte reminded, and immediately used the potion to bring back the dangerous life value.

At this time, Yelan Tingyu had already opened the [Nether Ghost Formation], and the summoned beasts and Qin Haonan who entered the attack range were all weakened by the power of the ghost formation.The attribute value is forced to drop in a short period of time. At this time, the combat power and defense cannot be compared with the peak.

"Life is like a dream, maybe I am not your opponent in a frontal battle, but the method of fighting is not limited to this." Yelan Tingyu said coldly, "Today I want to show you my unique hidden weapon."

When Qin Haonan heard what Yelan and Yu said, he immediately thought of the opponent's top hidden weapon [Rainstorm Pear Blossom].

In fact, Yelan Tingyu's hidden weapon attack was brought by the equipment he just obtained.This is an accessory type of sacred equipment. There are many thin needles hidden in the hidden compartment of the equipment. Once activated, it is difficult to guard against.

Yelan Tingyu didn't know that Qin Haonan knew so much about him, this was the first time he used [Rainstorm Pear Blossom] against an enemy, and at this time he also wanted to see how effective the power of [Rainstorm Pear Blossom] would be on Qin Haonan.

"Charlotte, Ruthless Shadow, hurry up and meet them without losing style." Qin Haonan immediately shouted a reminder.

The Ruthless Shadow hadn't reacted yet, but Xia Luo, who had cooperated with Qin Haonan a lot, immediately understood what Qin Haonan meant.Qin Haonan can make them withdraw quickly, it must be because they are about to encounter some danger, and their strength is not enough to deal with it.

At this time, Charlotte and the ruthless shadow were far away from Yelan Tingyu, so Charlotte grabbed the ruthless shadow and started to retreat as quickly as possible.They are retreating now, and they can still hide.

But on Qin Haonan's side, because the distance was too close, he couldn't dodge at all.

Strings of thin silver needles were shot out, and Qin Haonan couldn't dodge the densely packed area.

At this time, Qin Haonan had already opened the [Xuantian Shield], hoping that the protective shield would be more or less effective.Qin Haonan is well aware of the power of [Rainstorm Pear Blossom], as long as the player's defense can be broken, this move can basically ignore any protective shields on the raise, and forcibly deduct 90% of the player's health.

Regardless of whether the opponent's health is high or low, it will be deducted in proportion.

But [Rainstorm Pear Blossom] also has a fatal weakness, that is, the cooling time is too long.Every time it is used, it needs to be cooled for 36 hours before it can be used.

Qin Haonan remembered that in his last life, Yelan Tingyu eliminated many masters with this trick in the later stage.So he already had the potion in his hand, and he was going to take it as soon as his health was lost.

The fine needles were flying all over the sky, and the total HP of Qin Haonan's summoned beasts dropped to 10%, Xue Mei and Yaoyao were no exception.And Qin Haonan's defense was successfully suppressed, and his health dropped rapidly.At this time, Qin Haonan had seized the opportunity, drank the potion, and immediately replenished it.

(End of this chapter)

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