game master

Chapter 470 - Go to the United States again

Chapter 470 - Go to the United States again

"Oh, Floating Life Ruomeng still has a village now? This kid has developed well!" Master Wu didn't reject Yao Ruoxi's request in the slightest.

Qin Haonan saw the hope, and hurried to strike while the iron was hot: "Yes, I have two villages in Guild He, and the one I want to invite you to is Mengranjiang Mountain Village at level 19. The environment there is beautiful, surrounded by mountains and rivers, Master Wu I can give you a store and a house for free after you pass by."

"Oh, don't you have an appraiser over there?" Master Wu hurriedly asked, "Actually, I also want to move, and I planned to travel to other places for a while. If your village is really that good, I might as well go and have a look. The villages are all at level 19, and they will be upgraded to townships at level 21. It's about the same level as Tianqing Town!"

"There are only two appraisers on our side now, but they have only reached the level of intermediate appraisers. What does Master Wu mean to agree?" Qin Haonan was overjoyed.

When Mengran Jiangshan Village was built, the system automatically arranged for an appraiser NPC.As the level rose, after the guild level exceeded level 10, Qin Haonan spent money to hire another one, and by the way, spent money to train the previous one to reach the current level.

"Well, the level of appraisers in villages can't be high. In towns, they can reach advanced or expert level appraisers. Only cities can have appraisers close to mine. But it's still far from my level. .” Master Wu said proudly.

"Then what Master Wu means is that he is willing to come over?" Yao Ruoxi hurriedly struck while the iron was hot.

"Haha, it's not enough yet, I'll go with you to have a look first. If you want me to move in, you have to be a town at least! For an appraiser of my level, such requirements are very low." Master Wu hurriedly said, " If I hadn’t had a good relationship with Fu Sheng Ruo Meng, even if invited by a city at the main city level, I wouldn’t have gone.”

"Status reminder: Life is like a dream, you have triggered the 'invite Master Wu task', please upgrade Mengran Jiangshan Village to a township. Task reward: guild funds +8888 million, each guild member's skill point +2, level +1. "

Qin Haonan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the prompt from the system tone.Is this a hidden mission that has been triggered, or a hidden mission automatically generated by the system.This reward is really generous, just looking at the reward that every guild member has been promoted by 1 level is awesome enough.What's more, there are skill points added to each person. You must know that all the more than 2 members are rewarded at the same time.

"Okay, okay. When will Master Wu leave and come with us to have a look?" Qin Haonan asked.

"Just now, do you want to go back to the village?" Master Wu asked.

"Yes, we can go back to the village quickly by using the teleportation array." Qin Haonan nodded and said, "Master Wu, come and have a look with us!"

"Okay, let's go now." Master Wu was also a cheerful person, saying that he was going to go, so he immediately packed his things and prepared to go.However, Master Wu only agreed to go and have a look, and did not say that he would move into Mengran Jiangshan Village immediately.

Qin Haonan took Yao Ruoxi and Master Wu out of the house, and followed the shortcut to the teleportation array in Tianqing Town.It is convenient to have a teleportation array. In the blink of an eye, in a bright light, the three of them arrived at the teleportation array in Mengranjiangshan Village.

In Mengranjiangshan Village this season, the ice and snow have faded, and the leaves have begun to sprout.Small bridges and flowing water, green mountains and green trees, and rows of antique buildings are simply a beautiful picture.When Master Wu came out of the teleportation array, he was also shocked by the scenery in front of him.

"Life is like a dream, your village is beautifully built. I think it will be one of the most beautiful cities in China when it becomes a city. I have traveled to many places, and it is the first village with such a unique scenery. I saw it for the first time." Master Wu smiled.

"Master Wu, spring has just entered, and the ice and snow have just melted. When spring comes, the scenery will be really beautiful. There is a cherry blossom trail in Mengranjiangshan Village. When the pink and white cherry blossoms are in full bloom, they are accompanied by winter jasmine, Peach blossoms... are absolutely beautiful. There is also a "Watching the Moon Lake" over there, and the lotus and lotus flowers will compete in summer, and the night is definitely the beauty of the moonlight in the lotus pond..." Yao Ruoxi acted as a guide and explained to Master Wu Dreaming of the characteristics of Jiangshan Village.

"Oh, there are so many beautiful scenery in your village?" Master Wu listened with great interest.

"Yes, in autumn, there is a flower garden on the other side of the mountain. The most famous ones are chrysanthemums and sweet-scented osmanthus, which will overflow with fragrance. In addition, there are hibiscus flowers, begonias, mulberry, okra, and cosmos. , Ginkgo, Chinese rose and other flowers are in full bloom, and it would be a great pity in life not to come here to enjoy the scenery. In winter, we have a plum garden, which is on your right hand side." Yao Ruoxi continued to explain, "There are a few branches of plums in the corner, Ling Han Open alone; I know it's not snow, only the dark fragrance comes."

"Hey, you girl is very eloquent. After what you said, I think the old man should stay here all year round to see the beautiful scenery you mentioned!" Master Wu laughed heartily at Yao Ruoxi's words .

At this moment, Qin Haonan saw Youlang walking hurriedly with a team of players.

"Sect Leader, it's inconvenient for you to speak further." Spirit Wolf looked anxious.

Master Wu is a very smart NPC. The game system endowed him with artificial intelligence. Of course, he understood that Qin Haonan, the village head, had important matters to deal with at this time, so he hurriedly said: "Life is like a dream, I have a charming little girl here, You go about your business."

"Okay, Master Wu, then I'll go there first." Qin Haonan hurriedly said, "Ruoxi, take Master Wu around, and you can go to the restaurant over there for dinner later."

"Well, no problem, just leave it to me, go get busy." Yao Ruoxi waved her hand while speaking.

Qin Haonan hurriedly walked to You Lang's side, and immediately asked: "You Lang, what happened?"

"Master, our teleportation point in the United States seems to have been detected by players. Just now, Carol and I went back to the United States to learn skills. When we went there, we found that one of the guards outside the magic teleportation field had been destroyed." You The wolf reported earnestly, "We have checked around and found no suspicious person for the time being."

"Well, I'll take a group to the American area right away." Qin Haonan immediately said, "It's not too late, let's build the village over there first, so that there will be villages to protect the magic teleportation array. Not only that, If the village is attacked, the gang system will automatically remind everyone."

"Okay, let's do it like this. Leader, I will take a team to the American area first, and protect the magic teleportation circle first. We will wait for you there." Spirit Wolf said seriously.

"Well, you guys go first." Qin Haonan agreed to You Lang's request, and when You Lang left, Qin Haonan immediately went to mobilize manpower and get materials for building the village.

(End of this chapter)

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