game master

Chapter 473 - The Barbarian Tribe

Chapter 473 - The Barbarian Tribe

"Okay, gang leader." The gang members answered very neatly at this time.

"Everyone, don't be under pressure. We Mengran Jiangshan Gang don't cause trouble, but we are never afraid of trouble. They come to make trouble, and we will let them taste our power." Qin Haonan said.

The gang members responded in unison again. Qin Haonan, Brick and Yao Ruoxi discussed the deployment here, and then summoned the Nether Dragon God and flew Yao Ruoxi into the sky.

Qin Haonan sat on the back of the Nether Dragon God and pointed out to him the location of the "Barbarian Tribe".

The Nether Dragon God flapped its wings and flew quickly in the sky.Along the way, Qin Haonan kept in touch with Ruye Simei, in order to determine their exact location.

When they reached the periphery of the "Barbarian Tribe" map, the message was sent again like a night.At this time, the players of the Dream Gang not far away have also evacuated here.The gang members of the Palace of Kings have been chasing after him, but fortunately they have put aside a certain distance, and it is not so easy to catch up.

The design of the "Barbarian Tribe" map is a forest with a large number of tropical plants, but there is also an area that belongs to the grassland, with a large expanse of grassland.The settlements where barbarians gather are all tents, which have a special flavor.This kind of style full of roughness and wildness, but without losing the beauty, makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Qin Haonan commanded the Nether Dragon God to land slowly, and finally joined Ruye Bimei on a relatively hidden map.

At this time, Ruye Bimeihui has a small team of more than 50 people behind it. Most of the players in this group are melee fighters or agility attacks like assassins.As soon as Ruye Shimei saw Qin Haonan's black dragon, he stopped on the spot and kept waving towards the sky.

"Floating Life Ruomeng Sect Master, we are here!" Ruye Shimei shouted.

The Nether Dragon God landed not far from them, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi quickly ran over after getting off the dragon's back.Qin Haonan said: "It's like a night, how is the situation here?"

"Our side is okay, the guild's resident is gone. The members of the guild who were killed have been demoted, and many of them have been forced to go offline." Ru Ye said truthfully, "We are also planning to find a safe place. Go offline and hide first."

"Are the players from the Hall of Kings chasing after you? You won't be able to hide forever if you hide for a while. I'll think of a way." Qin Haonan said seriously.

"Life is like a dream, why did you come to the United States again? Didn't you go back? The location of your magic teleportation array has been discovered by the Alliance of Kings, you'd better worry about yourself first." For the sake of.

"You don't need to worry about me. I'm building a village in the American area, and the guild's resident will also set up one in the American area. You can take everyone to my side, relatively speaking. Ruoxi and I Go and surround the players of the League of Kings." Qin Haonan said to himself, and he sent the coordinates to Ruye Simei while speaking.

Ruye Shimei was very surprised when he heard that, he didn't expect Qin Haonan to have such strength that he could establish a village in the American area so quickly.You know, since Qin Haonan took the first village building order, the Alliance of Kings has worked hard, and finally got the second village building order last night.The first village in the American district has just begun to be established, and Qin Haonan has already established a village in the American district.

"Master Floating Life, I know you and Yaoluo are very strong, but please be careful. The team chasing us this time is estimated to have about 150 people. You have to be more careful, we will stay to help you two." Ru Ye Said with sincerity.

In fact, he has seen the video of Qin Haonan's 1-pick 600, so he is very relieved about Qin Haonan's strength.But in the battle, there will inevitably be some variables, and Ruye Bimei wants to do her part.

"Okay, then you guys help me lead them to the opposite area. There are quite a lot of mobs over there. I happen to have a plan." Qin Haonan did not refuse the other party's kindness, and smiled.

"No problem." Ru Ye Bi Mei agreed in one gulp.

Next, Qin Haonan briefly explained the battle plan to everyone, and Ruye Ximei led everyone to start preparations.

Speaking of this plan, it was Qin Haonan's idea just now.The surrounding area is exactly in the central area of ​​the barbarian tribe, and it is also the area with the highest level of mobs.The barbarian tribe belongs to the leveling area from level 150 to level 180, but all the mobs on this map are passive attacks.

This is also the reason why they can run here unimpeded all the way like night charms. When Qin Haonan arrived at the sky above this area, he simply took a look at the layout and boss distribution here.Qin Haonan even let the Nether Dragon God fly at low altitude, and tried the mobs and boss here by throwing stones.

In this way, the battle plan has been formed.

Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi rode the Nether Dragon God and flew into the sky again, and the team from the Palace of Kings had chased after them after a while.The player leading the team in the Hall of Kings this time is the deputy gang leader "King Master of Swordsman". At this time, he is a level 131 swordsman.It seems that King Juggernaut's leveling is also very hard. When the average level in the United States was 129, it was not easy for him to reach this level, not to mention that he had failed and dropped a level under Qin Haonan before.

When King Sword Master saw Ruye Bimei, the expression on his face was extremely joyful.

The king sword master taunted: "What's the matter, didn't you run very hard? Why don't you run now? Do you feel that you are doing useless work, or do you regret that you shouldn't fight with Fushengruomeng?"

Ru Ye Shimei snorted coldly, and said without showing any weakness: "Hmph, we are already like this, why don't we burn the boat and die together with you."

"Master, we all listen to you." The members of Mengmeng who were not far away hurriedly responded.

Speaking of the Dream Gang not far away, although there are not many members, they are very united.The gang encountered such great difficulties, and not many players in the gang quit the gang.Most of them are fighting against the same enemy, but the gang leaders fight side by side like night and night.

King Juggernaut laughed when he heard this: "Okay, this is really fun. You are overthinking yourself, brothers, today we are going to remove Dream not far away from the list of gangs in the United States, everyone agree?"

"Okay, get rid of the dream not far away, get rid of the night like a charm!"

"Let the dream not far away fully appreciate the absolute strength of our guild!"


Amidst the cheers of players in the Hall of Kings, the team battle between the two gangs officially started.Qin Haonan was in the sky, ready for a sneak attack at any time.

As for Ru Ye Bi Mei's side, at this time, they put all their strength into defense.

(End of this chapter)

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