game master

Chapter 481 - Village Defense

Chapter 481 - Village Defense (5)

In this world, strength is king.

Qin Haonan knew very well that he had to rely on this battle to completely establish his prestige.Let the resident of Mengran Jiangshan Gang completely take root in the land of the United States.

The top of the king is riding a golden dragon, and is rushing towards Longteng Wanli Village quickly through the sky.He was furious in his heart, he was able to dodge just now, but he was dealt with by the violent brick before the reinforcements arrived.This incident made the top of the king very depressed. At this time, he had no choice but to drive his mount and quickly came from the sky to command the battle.

But when the top of the king rushed back to the sky above the forest, he felt like he was about to spurt out a mouthful of old blood.His body was teetering on the back of the golden dragon, and he was half-depressed by the energy cannon at the entrance of Longteng Wanli Village not far away.

You know, if Qin Haonan moved out these energy cannons earlier, the King of Kings would definitely choose to retreat and would not continue to attack.

There were 20 energy cannons in front of him, and the King of Kings had already predicted how embarrassing his gang would be if all these energy cannons were fired.

Standing at the entrance of the village, Qin Haonan also saw the golden dragon in the sky in the distance.Qin Haonan knew that this was the top of the king who came back to command the battle, so he couldn't help laughing secretly.

"Brothers and sisters of Mengran Jiangshan, everyone, get ready. Back off, the energy cannon is forward, ready to fire!" Qin Haonan rode on the Nether Dragon God, flew into the air, and began to issue orders.

Xianxu and I immediately commanded the energy cannon team and drove the fort to a suitable position.

The cover had been removed, and the muzzles of the energy cannons began to gather strength, emitting a faint golden light. 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, and when the 3 seconds were up, the muzzle of the energy cannon shone brightly, and golden beams of light shot out.

The range of this energy cannon is much farther than the magic cannon in the Palace of Kings.Not only that, the lethality and attack range are more than doubled.

The teams of the Palace of Kings, Knights Alliance, Frost Mercenaries, and Bloodthirsty Royal Family have just approached the village at this time.Unexpectedly, this sudden and powerful attack wiped out a team in an instant.This kind of power is simply an instant kill.

A large piece of gold renders the entire battlefield into a golden piece, which looks very beautiful.But in this beauty, there is domineering and dangerous.

The lawn outside Longteng Wanli Village was completely wiped out after being attacked by such a wave.The entire ground was 1 meter shorter, and wherever the golden light went, it was like pulling out a layer of skin.

Seeing such a miserable scene on the ground in the sky, the top of the king has no intention of fighting anymore.Because of the thousands of gang members he had just dispatched, after this blow, all of them were revived except for the sporadic hundred people at the rear.

The Cavaliers Alliance and the Frost Mercenary Corps were wiped out.The bloodthirsty royal family who walked at the back still had less than 60 players left. This battle of attacking the village can basically be said to be impossible to fight again, and the gap in strength is very large.

"Hall of the King, all retreat!" The King's hands trembled, but he still typed this sentence in the guild chat channel.After typing, the King's Peak closed the chat channel, drove the golden dragon, turned around immediately, and flew towards the location of his guild.

Qin Haonan saw the movement of the king's summit from a distance, and he already knew that the battle to attack the village was over.

Qin Haonan's Longteng Wanli Village was also saved.In a short time, these gangs will no longer harass.But the next time is also extremely precious.This short period of tranquility is a period of vigorous development of Longteng Wanli Village, because other gangs will definitely put in their best efforts and strive to upgrade during this period.

When the guild war officially started, the contest between Mengran Jiangshan and other guilds would officially kick off.

"Ruomeng, they retreated." Yao Ruoxi saw the few teams in the distance, turned around and started to leave, so she quickly ran to Qin Haonan's side and gave him a big hug.

Qin Haonan hugged Yao Ruoxi and responded softly: "Yes, we won."

"Hey, I know you two are happy, can you consider how we feel about being single?" Hou Yue half-jokingly teased Qin Haonan.

"Hey, I'm sorry!" Yao Ruoxi stuck out her tongue, but she still couldn't break free from Qin Haonan's arms, and the two hugged each other very tightly.

Brick, who ran away, commanded the team and was cleaning the battlefield.At this time, I walked back slowly, and I was extremely happy to see the helpers cheering happily.The runaway brick felt that his decision to merge the gangs was not wrong at all.

"Everyone clean up the battlefield. I have something to announce to you later." Qin Haonan hurriedly sent a message on the guild chat channel.

Nightmare: "Understood, leader. Can we celebrate after we cleared the battlefield?"

Huang Guoqiu: "Yes, yes, boss, we want to celebrate!"

Gu: "We'll clean up the battlefield right away, the leader can rest assured that we will complete the task."


Qin Haonan looked at everyone's speeches, and couldn't help but smile, so he wrote: "Everyone clean up the battlefield first, and I will announce the matter later, and I will give you time to celebrate!"

At this moment, Qin Haonan suddenly called Hou Yue, Brick Runaway, Night Like a Charm, Youlang, Yao Ruoxi, Xia Luo, and Fang Zhen who had just rushed over from China.

At this time, the other gang members in the gang were organized by the elders to clean up the battlefield.

"Everyone come with me, I have something to tell you alone." Qin Haonan was still pretending to be mysterious at this time, and the eight people got together and came to the meeting hall in the center of the village.

Qin Haonan found a seat in front of the conference table in the meeting hall and sat down, then quickly motioned for everyone to sit down and talk.

"What is it that needs to be so formal?" Fang Zhen also felt Qin Haonan's prudence at this time.

Qin Haonan smiled, and said seriously: "These are all deputy gang leaders. I would like to discuss with you and add 2 more deputy gang leaders to help take care of the village construction in the American area and help the public expand their enrollment."

"If you think about it carefully, the situation in the U.S. region is more serious at this time. All the American gangs regard us as a thorn in their side. In the next period of time, we really need 1-2 deputy to manage the U.S. region. Gang leader." Yao Ruoxi analyzed, "The construction of Longteng Wanli Village must be the top priority. Once the level falls behind, it is very likely that other gangs will besieged again."

"I think so too, and on the American side, we must recruit a group of helpers from the mainland." Hou Yue nodded.

"It's a good thing to recruit American players from the American region, but I'm a little worried. It's very likely that many undercover agents from the Palace of Kings, the Knights League and other gangs will be recruited." Brick ran away worried.

Qin Haonan coughed softly, and said seriously: "Well, I have considered everything you said. So I was thinking that we need to upgrade Longteng Wanli Village in the American area as soon as possible. Besides, we need a new deputy. The guild leader leads the players to level up, clear dungeons, and run missions..."

"Brother Ruomeng wants Ruye Simei and Youlang to be the deputy gang leaders, right?" Charlotte heard what Qin Haonan meant, and asked at this moment.

"Yes, I wonder if you have any opinions?" Qin Haonan said.

Youlang is already the elder of Mengran Jiangshan at this time, and Ruye Bimei has just merged the gang into it, and doesn't have any duties yet.But since the two of them were just called in to talk, they predicted that Qin Haonan would make a major decision.After all, all the vice gang leaders were called this time, with the exception of the two of them.

Ruye Shimei and Youlang didn't speak either, they just waited quietly for Qin Haonan to express his opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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