game master

Chapter 491 - Return to Dream City

Chapter 491 - Return to Dream City

"I don't know what kind of profession Huanwu Leshen is. Let's collect it quickly! I'll find out when I come back after completing the mission of Fantasy City." Yao Ruoxi knelt down and started collecting together with Qin Haonan.

"Well, okay." Qin Haonan responded, and started to collect the magic sound grass together with Yao Ruoxi.

As soon as the matter was over, Qin Haonan took Yao Ruoxi and left the Magic Sound Hall.I remember that Ziyan the Nightmare Tapir gave Qin Haonan a "Dream Token", and it is said that this token can be used to teleport back to the "Dream City" at any time.

Walking to the edge of the map of the Magic Sound Hall, Qin Haonan directly used the "Fantasy Token".A huge portal suddenly appeared in front of him.The portal emits a faint purple light, and the scene in the fantasy city can be seen from the gate.

"Ruoxi, let's go in." Qin Haonan turned his head and said, then stepped into the portal.

Yao Ruoxi walked in behind Qin Haonan, and came to another world in a purple light.When the portal behind them disappeared, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi found that they were already standing on the map of Dream City.

At this time, the two of them were standing at the main gate of Dream City.

As soon as Feimeng came home, her mood became extremely happy.I saw her soaring into the sky at the gate of the fantasy city, flapping her wings and flying happily over the city. "Haha, I'm back, I'm back! Aunt Ziyan, I'm back!"

As Feimeng's call resounded over the fantasy city, adult nightmares flapped their wings and flew out of the city.

"Xiao Zi, you're back!" The one flying in the front was the nightmare tapir Ziyan.

Ziyan was in the form of a nightmare at this time, her huge purple body descended from the air, immediately transformed into a human form, and hugged Feimeng in her arms.Ziyan's eyes were a little moist, and she hugged Feimeng and cried: "Little Zi, I miss you so much. And why has your curse been lifted? I see that you have broken through level 200. I am really happy for you."

"Aunt Ziyan, later I will slowly tell you what happened after I left Dream City. I went to many places with my master, learned a lot, and made many friends." Feimeng said happily .

The other nightmares also fell to the ground and turned into human forms. Several elders of the nightmare clan came over first and greeted Qin Haonan: "Young hero who lives like a dream, I didn't expect you to come back so soon. This time Fantasy City, but found the magic sound grass?"

Qin Haonan smiled slightly, and hurriedly said: "Several elders, that's exactly the case."

While talking, Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi took out all the magic sound grass they had collected.When the elders saw the magic sound grass, their eyes lit up.Even Ziyan came over with Feimeng in her arms, her face full of joy.

"Great, all the materials have been prepared. We, the Nightmare Tapir, can finally get rid of the shackles of the curse." Ziyan the Nightmare Tapir said excitedly, then turned to look at Qin Haonan, "Life is like a young hero, Thank you this time. Hey, who is the beautiful woman behind you?"

"It's the hostess." Before Qin Haonan could speak, Feimeng answered first.

"Congratulations Fushengruomeng, you are married, your wife is so beautiful." Zi Yan hurriedly greeted Yao Ruoxi.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while, and the elders of the nightmare clan invited Qin Haonan and Yao Ruoxi to the main hall in the city.The nightmares are looking forward to the curse that will be lifted soon.

At this time, the magnificent hall was full of members of the Nightmare Clan, and everyone was full of gratitude to Qin Haonan.

Qin Haonan handed the magic sound grass to the leading elder, and at this moment, the system sounded.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations to the player Floating Life Like a Dream, you have completed the 'Finding the Magic Grass Mission', and you have received mission rewards: +240000 experience points, +20 gold coins, and +800 friendliness in Dream City."

Before coming here, Qin Haonan shared this task with Yao Ruoxi, so Yao Ruoxi also got the reward for this task at the same time.

Yao Ruoxi's heart was moved when she saw the item of friendship in Fantasy City.Yao Ruoxi took a step forward and asked with a smile: "Several nightmare elders, Yaoluo has a question to ask."

"Haha, just say whatever you want." Elder Ziqing said.

"After the nightmare clan lifted the curse, the highest-ranking non-meng is the divine beast. Your nightmare clan should also have nightmare beasts of various levels, such as holy beasts and fairy beasts. So I want to ask, how close should our relationship be? To be recognized by the totem?" Yao Ruoxi asked boldly.

When Qin Haonan heard the word "totem", his eyes lit up.

Not many people knew the word totem in "Century" at this time.Because only guilds reaching level 25 will open the "totem" system and have their first totem.As the gang level continues to rise, the totem position will gradually increase.However, there is a rule in "Century" that all totems are unique and there will be no repetition.

In other words, if a guild has the Nightmare Tapir totem, no other guild will have this totem.In other words, during gang wars, the same totem duel will not occur.Different totems give completely different blessings to gangs.

The requirement for obtaining a totem is to establish friendship with a high-level race that possesses divine beasts, and then gain their trust. Finally, the image of this family is bestowed as a totem.

Qin Haonan had forgotten about the totem before, and immediately paid attention to Yao Ruoxi's question.His own guild was already level 25 at this time, and happened to have the first totem slot.The Nightmare Clan's auxiliary combat power is very strong, and there are not many races in China that can obtain totems, and there are also a few gangs that have totems in the previous game.

Finding a totem is a difficult thing, because the requirement here is to have a mythical beast.There are only a few mythical beasts in the whole of China, and they must be ethnic groups.You must know that most of the beasts are solitary, or that there is only one beast with no relatives or reasons.There is no such thing as the Nightmare Tapirs, a group led by divine beasts, organized and disciplined.

"I didn't expect the enchanting woman to know the totem. Our nightmare clan can indeed give the gang a totem." Zi Yan walked over at this time and answered seriously.

"Then I wonder if our gang will have the honor to obtain the totem?" Qin Haonan hurriedly asked.

Zi Yan smiled, and said happily: "The guild of Floating Dream Young Hero and Enchanting Heroine can naturally get the Nightmare Tapir Totem. But you have to wait a while, we are bound by a curse now, our level is limited, and we cannot give it to him." The blessing of the totem. How about we talk about it after we lift the curse?"

"I understand, this is naturally possible." Qin Haonan said readily.

"Okay, then please take a rest in the main hall, or go out for a walk. The elders of the nightmare clan will rush to the altar with me, and Xiaozi, as a divine beast, will also go there. Outsiders are not allowed in the ceremony of lifting the curse." Participate, and when the curse is lifted, we will discuss the matter of the totem." The nightmare Ziyan said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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