game master

Chapter 501 - The Labyrinth and the Treasure

Chapter 501 - The Labyrinth and the Treasure
The "Giant Mud Monster" belongs to the kind of BOSS that can't speak. It was so quiet. It wasn't until the players from Qin Haonan's team walked away that it returned to its original position holding the little mud and continued to block the way.

Qin Haonan walked along the road for a while, then stopped suddenly.He turned his head to look at the Nether Dragon God. At this time, the Nether Dragon God is in human form, which is convenient for traveling, otherwise the reminder is too huge.

"Trouble you, Nether Dragon God, fly into the air, and help me move a treasure box over there." Qin Haonan began to direct with a cheeky face.

Qin Haonan knew that in this maze of ruins, there were treasures in every dead end.But the location of the hidden treasures is relatively close to the final boss. Qin Haonan didn't want to go around to find them. He let the Nether Dragon God fly down from mid-air in preparation for once and for all.

How could the Nether Dragon God not understand what Qin Haonan was thinking, at this moment he rolled his eyes and snorted coldly: "Hurry up and upgrade me, don't even think about commanding me to work if you don't upgrade later."

"The materials haven't been collected yet. Once they are all in place, I will definitely upgrade you. You are the main combat power. If you don't upgrade, who will you upgrade? Credit first, and then make up for it later. Besides, I asked you to help get it from the box , there seems to be a mount upgrade pill!" Qin Haonan said helplessly, and then pointed to the other party where he was going.

"Okay, let's not take this as an example." The Nether Dragon God changed back into a dragon form and set off with great reluctance.

According to Qin Haonan's command, the Nether Dragon God flew back and forth to four or five places, and quickly brought back several big treasure chests.Occasionally, a few mobs were disturbed, but they were all extinguished by the dragon breath flames of the Nether Dragon God.

The other members of the team were filled with emotion when they saw the treasure chest brought by Qin Haonan's commanding mount.It would be great to have a flying mount, how much trouble is saved in the dungeon!

In this way, with the assistance of the Nether Dragon God, Qin Haonan quickly opened the treasure chest.Sure enough, there are quite a few mount upgrade pills in it.In addition, there are some purple-gold level equipment, rare medicines, rare materials...

Apart from leaving some mount upgrade pills for the Nether Dragon God to upgrade, Qin Haonan gave the rest to the members of the team.Qin Haonan can't use these things himself, so it's better to give them to everyone to improve the overall strength of the gang members.

Seeing the generosity of the leader Qin Haonan, the members of the team were not polite. After thanking the leader repeatedly, they happily distributed the equipment.

After all the items were distributed, Qin Haonan led the team into the center of the ruins.

"This looks like the ruins of a royal palace. It should have been magnificent in the past." Charlotte said as she walked, and couldn't help touching the pillar next to her.

The buildings here basically only have their foundations left, and occasionally there are a few parts that are still intact, allowing people to vaguely see the former glory.

"The atmosphere here feels different from just now, there is not a single mob." Hou Yue suddenly said vigilantly.

"Well, everyone, get ready for battle, the boss inside is very powerful." Qin Haonan reminded him kindly, and then summoned all the summoned beasts again.

When the members of the team saw that the leader was serious, they raised their weapons one after another.

Qin Haonan deftly turned around a corner, after which everyone saw a huge open space of ruins.At the very end of the clearing, there is a huge Skeleton Throne.On the throne, sat a mage wearing a gray robe whose face could not be seen clearly.It holds a swarthy staff in its hand, and behind it are piles of treasure chests.

Level 148 - Nether Archmage (Spiritual Beast)

Seeing this boss, Qin Haonan suddenly turned around and looked at Youlang again.The class of the ghost wolf is actually very similar to this boss. I don't know if after defeating this boss, there will be related equipment or skill books because of the addition of the ghost wolf.

You know, ghost wolf is a hidden profession in the American area, and this time they met together by coincidence.

Unable to control so much, Qin Haonan walked up directly.Just as his feet stepped into the area of ​​the black floor tiles, he saw the "Mage of Netherworld" move. It stood up slowly, and a blue flame ignited on its body.

A bone-chilling voice sounded: "Who is going to disturb my sleep? It seems that it is also for the legendary treasure, ignorant and humble human beings, and you will have to pay for it."

"Everyone, get ready, this BOSS will summon, and the number of summons is very large." Qin Haonan said seriously, and had already commanded the summoned beasts to rush up first.

The Fiery Sword Demon rushing to the front was suddenly blocked by a cloud of black mist when he was about to approach the boss.I saw the "Great Master Nether" waving his staff, and a black mist rose around him.

Afterwards, skeleton monsters were summoned one by one.

Level 145 - Small Skull (Normal)
Level 146 - Skeleton Warrior (Little Elite)

Level 147 - Skeleton Archer (Elite)

All of a sudden, more than 100 mobs came out of the black mist.There are 100 ordinary monsters, 20 small elites, and 6 elite bosses.

"Oh my god, it's the same profession as mine, necromancer!" Spirit Wolf couldn't help sighing, and then he also started to summon.

At this time, the Blazing Sword Demon had already made a fuss with the skeletons, and the summoned beasts such as the Shadow Wolf, Zhanhu, and Sword Slave also rushed to them, and a battle scene appeared in front of them.

Qin Haonan greeted Charlotte suddenly: "Charlotte, take a small group of shadow killers and rush over with me. We will surround the boss. If the boss is not destroyed, it will be summoned endlessly."

"Okay." Charlotte responded, and then summoned his hands, and the shadow killer team behind him rushed over.

Charlotte usually trains a group of shadow killer players, which are used to deal with assassinations and sneak attacks.That's when it came in handy.

Qin Haonan turned his head to look at Hou Yue again, and said, "Monkey, the team battle here is under your command, I'll kill the boss."

"OK, leave it to me here." Hou Yue immediately gave a gesture, and then directed the hunter player and mechanism player player to shoot another round of feather arrows.

Qin Haonan gave Charlotte a gesture, and rushed forward to open the way for them.And his avatar stays here to fight with the little monsters together with Hou Yue.

The little monsters along the way did not pose a threat to Qin Haonan, Erbai and Xue Mei rushed to the front, followed by Muqing, Daji, Feimeng, Yaoyao and Linglong.As soon as this team of contracted beasts killed them, the little monsters fell to the ground. Qin Haonan directly followed their path, and rushed to the boss not far away with Charlotte and other players.

"This boss summons very powerfully. As long as we get close to it, most of the success is achieved. Remember, this boss is summoned, and its speed and defense are average. But it will be poisonous. You have to use your high critical strike and fast speed advantage, you must be careful when fighting." Qin Haonan ordered, and he had already rushed to the boss.

[Phantom Hidden Kill] Qin Haonan's first blow directly hit the boss, and he hit the boss twice in a row.

(End of this chapter)

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