game master

Chapter 505 - Xuanwu Lake

Chapter 505 - Xuanwu Lake (2)

"It seems that I really underestimated you. You know almost everything about me." Qin Haonan said with a sigh.

"Haha, why don't you form a team with me and let's find Xuanwu together?" While Shi Shi was speaking, he had already sent Qin Haonan an invitation to form a team.

Qin Haonan looked at it and clicked accept without thinking too much.

"I shouldn't suffer from teaming up with you in the century. After all, you are level 1000. I was worried that the mobs here are so high level. How should I find Xuanwu?" Qin Haonan said indifferently.

"Well, I knew you needed my help. At the same time, I also need your help." Century smiled.

After Qin Haonan joined the team, he took the contracted beast and followed the century all the way towards Xuanwu Lake.Walking on the road, Qin Haonan asked: "Shiji, we have known each other for so long. I think you can tell me some things. Don't be vague every time you speak. You should tell me your plans and ideas, or else how can I help you?"

"Well, what you said makes sense." Century said while killing monsters, "I also wanted to tell you the cause and effect of the matter before, but I didn't say it after thinking about it for a long time, because I was afraid of causing more trouble. I can only Let me tell you, in the online game "Century", I am not the only mastermind, and I have to be careful of the other one in many cases."

Qin Haonan couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, two masterminds?This is the first time I heard of it.

"I understand, what you say in the game is likely to be monitored by another mastermind?" Qin Haonan said knowingly.

Century nodded and said seriously: "Yes, the game system has settings. Once some sensitive words are spoken, they will be firmly captured by the system. I can't even if I am Century. You can ask Ask Linglong, she can tell you."

Qin Haonan turned his head to look at Linglong, only to see Linglong nodded, and whispered: "Master, it's like this."

"Then when can you tell me the ins and outs of the matter? If you ask me for help, I always need to know the truth?" Qin Haonan continued to ask.

"Find a chance, you go to 'A Lonely Tree Does Not Make a Forest', find a way to realize me once, and I can tell you everything." Century calmly said, "This time the realization requires you to use your pendant."

"That is to say, you come into my pendant and realize it through the pendant?" Qin Haonan said.

Century nodded, but did not speak.

"I understand. If this is the case, I will go to them tomorrow." Qin Haonan promised, "I want to hear you tell me many things, including how I came to this world."

"Well, yes. Before that, you just need to trust me, I just want to help you grow quickly." Century said seriously, "Now we are very close to Xuanwu Lake, let's not discuss this for now. Find Xuanwu, Make another plan."

"Okay." Qin Haonan nodded, and followed the century to the edge of Xuanwu Lake.

Facing a large swamp in front of him, Qin Haonan originally thought that Xuanwu Lake would be muddy, but he didn't expect to see the lake water as clear as a mirror.There is not the slightest ripple on the lake, it is really like a clear mirror.Looking down from the lake, you can actually see the scenery at the bottom of the lake. The bottom of the lake is a dreamlike scene.

"Xuanwu Lake has an entrance, which can lead to the bottom of the lake. If you go up to other places, you will find that you can't go down." Mu Qing said suddenly.While speaking, Mu Qing had already stood on the surface of Xuanwu Lake.

What surprised Qin Haonan was that the surface of Xuanwu Lake was really like a mirror.Qin Haonan walked a few steps and stood up, so he would not fall into the water at all.He can walk freely on the water without hindrance.

"Mmm. Mu Qing, do you and Erbai know where the entrance to the bottom of the lake is?" Qin Haonan turned his head and asked.

At this time, Shi Shi was the first to speak: "There is an entrance in the center of the lake, we need to fly into the air and enter from there."

"Can't you walk over in mid-air?" Qin Haonan asked curiously.

Shi Shi shook his head and said with a smile: "No, you need to fall quickly from midair. You can use your Nether Dragon God, and you can see where the entrance is from midair."

At this moment, Erbai and Mu Qing also nodded, expressing their agreement.

When Qin Haonan saw the situation, he immediately summoned the Nether Dragon God.The Nether Dragon God carried everyone to the sky over Xuanwu Lake, and only then did Qin Haonan see the whole picture clearly.

In the center of the mirror-like Xuanwu Lake, there is a small whirlpool that exudes a glint of light.It is very strange to say that this vortex cannot be seen on the ground.It seems that, as the century said, the entrance to go down needs to be found in mid-air.

"It's here, Nether Dragon God, just fly in." Qin Haonan said.

The Nether Dragon God nodded, folded his wings, and rushed into the entrance quickly.Qin Haonan only felt that his eyes were suddenly surrounded by brilliant brilliance, and cool water splashed everywhere.When I saw the surroundings clearly again, I found that the Nether Dragon God was lying on a huge teleportation array, and there was no water flow around.

"There is no water at the bottom of this lake!" Daji exclaimed.

"Yes, there is no water at the bottom of Xuanwu Lake." Erbai said, wagging his tail, and jumped off the back of the Nether Dragon God.

Qin Haonan landed on the ground, and found that the ground under his feet was soft, with sand flowing slightly.

"Lord God of the Century, I have a question to ask you, I don't know if I can ask you." Erbai and Mu Qing had already walked to Shi Shi's side at this time, and asked hesitantly.

Century smiled and said straightforwardly: "If you have any questions, feel free to ask, as long as I can answer them, I will try my best to satisfy you."

"Is Xuanwu really gone?" Erbai said with a sad expression.

Seeing Shi Shi nodded, he said calmly: "Yes, Xuanwu, one of the four divine beasts in China, is no longer here. But I can feel that a new Xuanwu is about to be born."

"Xin Xuanwu... Hey, it's definitely not her." Mu Qing's expression also looked a little downcast, "I really don't understand why you, Lord God of the Century, tried to demonize so many sacred beasts, holy beasts, Spirit beasts... are all victimized by demonization. Why, why?"

When Shi Shi heard this, he also bowed his head, and said helplessly, "Demonization is not my intention. If I can go to reality, I will tell you all about it."

Qin Haonan walked over, comforted Erbai and Mu Qing, and then said, "Okay, don't be sad. Let's go and see where the new Xuanwu is. I believe Century will give us an answer to these things."

"Okay, master." Erbai and Mu Qing nodded at the same time.

For the next road, Shi Shi, Erbai and Mu Qing are leading the way.The entire bottom of the lake is like a crystal palace, and the complicated roads are a bit like a maze.The mobs in the entire Xuanwu Lake are all above level 800. Fortunately, Shiji was there along the way, otherwise it would be impossible to find Xuanwu.

(End of this chapter)

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