game master

Chapter 507 - Xuanwu Lake

Chapter 507 - Xuanwu Lake (4)

Shi Shi is still extremely calm, at this time she is like a condescending queen, calm and elegant.The two-handed sword in his hand was raised, and he swung it with all his strength towards the rushing boss.

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, the two-handed sword in Century's hands danced quickly, and brilliant golden lights flashed one after another.On the body of the boss, there were huge wounds.

Qin Haonan saw that Shi Shi had pulled the BOSS's health to a low point. At this moment, Shi Shi suddenly said: "Life is like a dream, you all back away. This BOSS is about to make a bloody explosion."

"Okay." Qin Haonan responded and quickly led Erbai and the others back far away.

Just as Qin Haonan withdrew, the ground began to shake violently.Stone pillars emerged from the ground, covered with spikes.Century hid among the stone pillars, opened a protective barrier for himself, then swung his weapon, and activated his magic skills several times in a row.

"Ultimate Devilized Black Snake God" and "Ultimate Devilized Black Tortoise God" have one main offense and one main defense, and the two bosses cooperate tacitly.But they are still not lethal in the face of the century.

Century raised his staff high, and a large flame burst out from the ground.The fire began to spread rapidly, forming a fiery sea of ​​flames, which could not dissipate for a long time, and the damage to the bosses was continuous.

The battle became extremely fierce, 8%, 6%, 4%... The life value of the boss has reached the lowest point.

Qin Haonan discovered that Century had already switched to more than ten professions in this battle.From this point of view, because Century is the mastermind, when setting up the current account, it simply added a lot of bugs.

The BOSS crashed to the ground, and Century was still not interested in these items that exploded.

Erbai quickly ran up and picked up the item.Qin Haonan took a general look. Most of the equipment revealed this time is around level 920, purple gold equipment, fairy equipment, holy equipment... There are all kinds of quality.Among the many weapons, there is even a magic-level two-handed sword. Although Qin Haonan can't use it, he should take it back to the guild after thinking about it.

At this time, Century continued to walk deep into the hall.

Qin Haonan packed up all his belongings and followed quickly.At this time, the century stopped in front of the three gates in front of him. At the end of the corridor, there were actually three gates. Their appearance was exactly the same, and they were all made of crystal.

"Only one of these three doors leads to Xuanwu's residence." Century calmly said.

Qin Haonan looked at the three doors, suddenly thought of something, and took out a map from his backpack.Qin Haonan slowly opened the map, as if looking for some important clues on the map.

"What are you doing, living like a dream?" Century couldn't help being curious.

"This map records the location of each piece of my beast-controlling super artifact suit. I suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a red dot mark near here." Qin Haonan searched carefully on the map while talking. .

Qin Haonan has become more and more familiar with this map. When he first entered the "Xuanwu Sealed Land", Qin Haonan looked at the big map and felt that the location of a super artifact might be nearby.At this time they had arrived at the bottom of Xuanwu Lake, and Qin Haonan was afraid that if he found Xuanwu and was teleported away, he would not be able to confirm the matter of the super artifact.

"Oh, since that's the case, then you should study the map carefully." Century said calmly.Putting away the weapon in her hand, she found a seat by the wall and sat down, waiting patiently.

On the quaint map, one red dot after another is clearly marked.Qin Haonan compared the location on the big map, and suddenly discovered that there is really a super artifact in a certain door in front of him.

After careful calculation according to the direction, Qin Haonan said slowly: "Let's go to the door on the right, I guess there may be something inside."

"Okay, let's go like this." Shi Shi said, and he had already stepped forward and started to push the door.

The door on the right opened slowly, and what came into view was a golden mountain of gold coins.Qin Haonan's eyes lit up when he saw this.Unexpectedly, there is a treasure house in the gate on the right!
"Wow, this is where Xuanwu collects treasures. Haha... Xuanwu has never brought me here before. I didn't expect so many treasures to be hidden here!" Erbai laughed loudly, and rushed in. pile of gold coins.

"I'm not interested in these things. Floating life is like a dream, so hurry up and find the equipment you want." Shi Shi said lightly, then found a chair and sat down.

"Okay, wait a minute." Qin Haonan responded, and then brought the contracted beasts and threw them into the pile of gold coins.

Although there are many treasures in this treasure house, most of them are beautifully designed by the system and cannot be taken away.Qin Haonan asked Erbai, Mu Qing, Daji, and Feimeng to help them pick up coins, equipment and items, and he brought Linglong and Xuemei to start looking for super artifact equipment.

After a while, Xue Mei and Yaoyao walked over with a long cloak.Qin Haonan took a general look at the style of the cloak, and found that the cloak was dull and dull, and the style was probably unidentified.

"Master, look at this piece of equipment." Yaoyao said and handed the cloak to Qin Haonan.

[Mysterious Cloak] Unidentified.

Qin Haonan held it in his hand and looked at it repeatedly, and felt that the possibility of this matter was very high.But whether it is true or not, we still have to wait until we take it back and let Master Wu appraise it.

In any case, the harvest this time is very big.Erbai and the others found 20 "magic cannons" in the innermost part of the treasure house.If this "magic cannon" is carried back to the guild, it can play a huge role in guild warfare and siege warfare.It belongs to the more powerful type of artillery, and its lethality is very large.

Qin Haonan packed all the "magic cannons" into his backpack, and this time he returned with a full load.

"Have you finished all the items here? If we have finished, let's go to the gate next to Xuanwu to find Xuanwu." Shi Shi saw that Qin Haonan had finished packing the items, so he got up and said.

"Okay, there is nothing to take here, let's leave." Qin Haonan responded, and followed Shi Shi out of the gate of the treasure house.

Back to the original choice point, Century led everyone through the door in the middle.As soon as the door was opened, Qin Haonan saw that this room was designed like a bedroom.The crystal-clear crystal bed, the gorgeous furniture of various colors, but there is no life in the whole room.

"Let's continue walking in. Master, there is another door over there." While Mu Qing was speaking, she had already arrived at the innermost part of the bedroom.He arched the door in the bedroom with the tap of the faucet, and the door opened just like that.

"Okay, there's nothing here, let's go to the ground to have a look." Qin Haonan said, and walked in.

The innermost room is an empty hall without any furniture.

The hall is surrounded by walls made of crystal, and in the center of the hall, there is a huge tortoise lying on its stomach.But the tortoise's shell was gray and lost its luster. Her eyes were tightly closed, and black and purple runes crawled all over her body. Qin Haonan felt a breath of death from afar.

Could this be Xuanwu?
(End of this chapter)

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