game master

Chapter 510 - The Magical Cloak

Chapter 510 - The Magical Cloak
When Qin Haonan walked out of Mengran Jiangshan Town, he had another piece of super divine equipment on his body.He was very happy in his heart, he didn't expect that his luck would be so good, and the newly obtained cloak was one of the [Beast Taming Suit].

[Beast Controlling Suit: Dreaming and Phantom Cape] One of the beast controlling suits, a growth-type super artifact.Increases the wearer's chance to dodge attacks by 45% in combat.

Wear level: level 200

Upgrading needs to devour experience: 0/20000
Defense +9800
Speed ​​+28000

[Teleportation] Allows the wearer to teleport to any place within 20 meters at will, with a cooling time of 20 seconds and a limit of 30 uses per day. [Beast Taming Suit: Dreaming Phantom Cloak] comes with skills.

After the 8 sets of super artifact suits were equipped at the same time, some new attributes were activated in the suits, and Qin Haonan's comprehensive combat effectiveness was improved again.

Walking out of Mengran Jiangshan Town, Qin Haonan met Shiji, summoned the Nether Dragon God, and soon flew into the sky.

Qin Haonan discussed with Shi Shi, and the two planned to fly directly to the southernmost "Desolate Land" on the map of China.Qin Haonan was not very clear about the exact location of the place where Suzaku was sealed, but Shi Shi told him that he had to go to the "barren land" to enter.

The Nether Dragon God flapped its huge wings and advanced rapidly in the sky.

Qin Haonan looked intently at the map that recorded the location of the super artifact suit, and suddenly asked: "Shiji, as the mastermind of the game, I think you must know the specific location of each super artifact suit in [Beast Controlling God Set] .I want to ask, are there two pieces of equipment I'm looking for in the land where Suzaku is sealed?"

On the map, at the southernmost position, there are two red dots next to each other, which is why Qin Haonan judged whether the two pieces of equipment are in the same place.

Shi Shi approached Qin Haonan with a smile, glanced at the map, and said softly: "Yes, it's clearly recorded on the map. Going to look for Suzaku this time will yield a lot!"

"That's great. By the way, I have another question." Qin Haonan said seriously, "In addition to the red dots, there is another kind of mark on this map."

Shi Shi didn't even think about it, and immediately replied: "Let me tell you directly, the red dots on this map are the coordinates of the equipment in China. As for the other mark, you can see that there are only two places, and the equipment in those two places has been It is no longer at the original location. Because it is not in the country, the map cannot display the new coordinates, so it is replaced by other symbols."

"I also understand what you said. I got a piece of equipment in the suit in the United States before. According to what you said, there should be another piece abroad." Qin Haonan suddenly realized at this moment.

"Yes." Century said and nodded, "You have collected 8 pieces of equipment now, and 3 pieces are left outside. Two pieces are definitely in Suzaku, and the last one is abroad."

"In that century, can you tell me which country the last one is in?" Qin Haonan saw the century and asked quickly, "You must know that the word foreign is too general. There are so many countries in the world. I have to find them one by one. It's also very troublesome. Besides, don't you want me to hurry up and assemble the suits to enhance my strength?"

Century One stroked his hair and said with a smile, "That's right, I don't know the exact location, but I know it's in England. If you can cross the border in the future, you might as well look for it."

Qin Haonan immediately answered, "Can't you go into more detail?"

"Hey, I've already told you a lot. If I help you with everything, wouldn't this game be very boring." Shi Shi had a strict tone and was determined not to continue.

"Okay, since this is the case, I have a chance to go to the British area." Qin Haonan saw that he could not find out any other information, so he had no choice but to give up.You must know that being able to confirm that the last piece of equipment is in the UK area is much better than finding a needle in a haystack.However, the scope of the British area is quite large, and it will still depend on luck!

Fearing that Qin Haonan would be discouraged, Shi Shi hurriedly said, "You don't have to worry so much about a life like a dream. The national border will be fully opened in a short time, and you can go to any country you want by then."

"Well, I know that the international competition will be held three months later, when the border will be opened." Qin Haonan said casually.

"Yeah, life is like a dream, you must speed up your progress and level up quickly. Because my time is running out, and your time is running out. This time, it must not take 10 years to reach the full level of 1000. The peak of the level." When Shi Shi spoke, his expression became serious.

Qin Haonan was taken aback when he heard Shi Shi's nonsensical words again.

"Why didn't you answer me?" Seeing that Qin Haonan didn't respond, Century asked hurriedly.

Qin Haonan hesitated and said: "To be honest, I always hear you say these inexplicable words. From the beginning to the end, I don't understand what happened in the game. I don't understand your plan. Why did I come here 10 years ago? To be urged by you to upgrade...too many things, I don't understand."

"Hurry up and realize me once, and then I will tell you the truth." Century said seriously, "But you listen to me, quickly level up and improve your strength, I will help you, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that .”

"Okay, I'll trust you this time. If you can't give me a satisfactory answer, I won't continue to cooperate with you." Qin Haonan's expression became serious, and he answered seriously.

Just as Qin Haonan was talking with Shi Shi, the Nether Dragon God had already flown to the southernmost part of China.Looking down at the land at this time, you will find that the ground is a large area of ​​blackness, and occasionally some red flames will emerge.

"We have reached the 'wild land'." Century suddenly said.

"Is the land where Suzaku is sealed in the wild land?" Qin Haonan asked.

"Yes." Shi Shi nodded, "If you want to enter the land sealed by Suzaku, you must go deep into the barren land. Now that you have arrived, Floating Life Ruomeng, let your mount land, and we will go in together."

Qin Haonan immediately directed the Nether Dragon God to land slowly, and soon they stepped on this black and red land.Qin Haonan had to admit that it was reasonable for this leveling area to be called a barren land.

There are no plants growing on the dark land, and the occasional exposed branches of dead trees make the whole land look lifeless.There is no water in the river, what flows is billowing magma, and one can feel a rush of heat when approaching here.

The temperature in the barren land is relatively high, and Qin Haonan can feel sweating profusely in the game.

Century and Qin Haonan formed a team, and Qin Haonan summoned all the contracted beasts at the same time.As soon as Erbai, Muqing and Yanluo came out, they felt a familiar aura.

Erbai walked up to Qin Haonan, and said first, "Master, there is no mistake, this is here. I have already felt the breath of Suzaku. At the end of this land, there must be an entrance leading to the land sealed by Suzaku."

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go." Qin Haonan immediately gave the order.

(End of this chapter)

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