game master

Chapter 520 - New Super Artifact

Chapter 520 - New Super Artifact
It was already the second day when Qin Haonan returned to the game.

The conversation with Qin Haonan in the real world over the past century shocked Qin Haonan a lot.Qin Haonan is aware of the crisis and plans to start leveling quickly from today.

After entering the game, Qin Haonan took the lead in binding and wearing the two pieces of equipment identified earlier.In this way, a total of 11 pieces of [Beast Taming God Suit] have been collected, and 10 pieces have been collected, and there is one more piece to be collected.

[Beast Taming God Suit: Dreaming Phantom Boots]

[Beast Controlling God Set: Hundred Beasts Tianzun Hat]

Qin Haonan took a closer look at the attributes of the two pieces of equipment. The new super-artifacts also have a relatively high boost to attributes, and they are at level 200 from the beginning, which saves the time for upgrading.

Ever since he got this set of equipment, Qin Haonan has been collecting waste equipment in private.For Qin Haonan, this set of [Beast Controlling God Set] is the ancestor of eating equipment.

The two super artifacts on the new equipment also come with 2 very good skills.

[Dodge] Allows the wearer to dodge 90% of attack damage at will, lasting for 30 seconds.The cooling time is 45 seconds, and the upper limit of use is 8 times per day. [Beast Taming Suit: Dreaming Phantom Boots] comes with skills.

【Resurrection】Passive skill, if the wearer is automatically resurrected after death, 100% of the life value will be restored, and the level will not drop.The cooling time is 2 hours, and the upper limit of use is 1 time per day. [Beast Controlling God Set: Hundred Beasts Tianzun Hat] comes with skills.

When Qin Haonan saw the [Resurrection] skill, he couldn't help being amazed. This is simply a powerful skill to avoid downgrades!You know, it's very difficult to never die in the game, and everyone will get stuck once in a while.With this skill, the possibility of dropping a level can be completely reduced.

After reading the attributes of the equipment, Qin Haonan found that he hadn't been online for a day, and the game became extremely lively today.Qin Haonan carefully checked the world chat channel, only to find that the level of players in the entire China region has improved a lot.

Yao Ruoxi has reached level 202, and Di Xianren has also reached level 200.

Qin Haonan is only level 225 now, and it seems that his advantage is not as obvious as before.However, after level 200, the upgrade is obviously slower than before, and it may not be so easy for other players to catch up with him.

Currently, Qin Haonan is ranked first in the player ranking list, second is Enchanting, and third is Di Xianren.Except for them, the levels of other players are still around 185-190.

While Qin Haonan was analyzing the leaderboard, Yao Ruoxi had already sent Qin Haonan a message.

Qin Haonan opened it and took a look. It turned out that Yao Ruoxi saw that he was online and wanted to ask him to do missions together.

You know, in the online game "Century", after the player passes level 200, there are fewer main quests.Moreover, the experience given by the main mission is completely different from before, allowing players to level up quickly.

After level 200, if you want to speed up the upgrade speed, you need to take more side missions, such as clearing some dungeons.

Qin Haonan sent a reply to Yao Ruoxi, and then summoned the Nether Dragon God, and flew towards Yao Ruoxi's agreed place.

Yao Ruoxi and Qin Haonan made an appointment at the "Xuanbing Fortress" in the north of the big map.The Nether Dragon God flew very fast, and when Qin Haonan arrived there, he saw Yao Ruoxi waiting for him there.

"Ruomeng, I'm here!" Yao Ruoxi didn't meet Qin Haonan in the game for several days, and she seemed very happy to meet him at this moment.

Seeing Yao Ruoxi waving in this direction, Qin Haonan quickly drove his mount and landed slowly.

The map of "Xuanbing Fortress" is a piece of snow white. This is an abandoned ancient capital, which has been abandoned due to the war.It is cold here all year round, and there is heavy snow, so the ruins have been covered by heavy snow.

This map belongs to the leveling area from level 201 to level 230, so it is completely possible for Qin Haonan to level up here.

Looking at the ice and snow in front of him, Qin Haonan formed a team and pulled Yao Ruoxi into the team.

"Ruomeng, what did you do yesterday, I couldn't find you. Look at my new equipment, I got it after I reached level 200." Yao Ruoxi showed Qin Haonan her new fan. Those at level 200 have finally completed the job transfer task and can do the task with you."

"I had some personal matters yesterday, and your new equipment is good." Qin Haonan didn't intend to tell Yao Ruoxi about the realization of the century in detail, mainly because she might not be able to fully understand it, "By the way, what task do you want to do, how did you think of it?" This leveling map?"

There are no main quests on the map of Xuanbing Fortress, and even side quests are pitifully few.So in the last life, Qin Haonan hardly practiced here, and he really doesn't know much about this ice and snow land.

"I accidentally triggered a hidden mission last night. This mission is one chain after another. I am already doing the last round. It is said to collect the 'Black Ice Bird Feather' and 'Xuanbing Beast's teeth'. I came here early in the morning to try it, and it is a bit difficult to fight at my level." Yao Ruoxi said, and showed Qin Haonan the task.

Qin Haonan saw the mission, and then he understood why Yao Ruoxi had to go to Xuanbing Fortress.

Among the rewards of ring missions, there are important materials for upgrading towns into cities.

"This task has a time limit. If it cannot be completed within 24 hours, it will be automatically canceled. I was worried about what to do if I could not complete it today. I just saw that you are online. Ruomeng, some of these materials, we Mengran Jiangshan Town will upgrade to There will be no obstacles in the city." Yao Ruoxi said happily.

"Well, since that's the case, let's hurry up and find the 'Mysterious Ice Bird' and 'Mysterious Ice Beast'." Qin Haonan nodded.

Yao Ruoxi smiled, and continued: "I've checked it out before, and 'Xuanbing Bird' and 'Xuanbing Beast' are small elite monsters at level 220-230, Ruomeng, you and I should have no problem fighting together. gone."

"Well, okay, let's go." Qin Haonan said.

So, Yao Ruoxi led the way, and the two walked through the snow-capped Xuanbing Fortress, towards the ruins of the inner city.On the map of Xuanbing Fortress, the further you go into the city, the higher the level of the monster will be.

Qin Haonan summoned all his contracted beasts and let them open the way ahead.

Yao Ruoxi immediately noticed that the number of contracted beasts in Qin Haonan had changed, and while following the team, she sighed, "Ruomeng, it's only been a few days since I've been separated from you, and you've added three contracted beasts?"

"That's right, Xuanwu, Suzaku and Red Lotus Magic Vine, they are all divine beasts." Qin Haonan said proudly.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, no wonder I saw that your comprehensive combat power has suddenly increased so much, it turns out that there are three more contracted beasts! Ruomeng, don't hide it from me, have you found new equipment? " Yao Ruoxi hurriedly asked curiously.

Qin Haonan smiled without hiding it, and showed Yao Ruoxi his equipment column.

(End of this chapter)

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