game master

Chapter 530 - Cote d'Azur

Chapter 530 - Cote d'Azur (1)

Yao Ruoxi has reached level 278, and Xia Luo and others have also reached level 270 or above.

Unexpectedly, the benefits this time were so great, Qin Haonan himself was quite surprised.

"Let's go to the blue sea, and find a mermaid named 'Pat' there. His singing voice is very beautiful, and I think it will be easy to find." The forest tree spirit said.

Meng Chuxia's ring mission has made new progress, she chatted with the forest dryad again, and then decided to leave for the "Cote d'Azur" immediately.

The forest tree spirit kindly led the way for everyone, and the road was unimpeded. Soon a group of people had arrived at the golden beach, looking ahead to the blue sky.

The name "Cote d'Azur" is very good and vivid.

The sun shone on the seashore, and the azure sea seemed to be coated with a layer of golden light. The blue was more beautiful than the most shining sapphire.Qin Haonan stood on the beach, feeling the sea breeze blowing in front of him, looking at the mobs of more than 300 levels not far away, he didn't know how to move forward for a while.

"This map is beautiful, but the level of mobs is still too high for us." Before everyone could speak, Meng Chuxia took the lead in expressing what everyone was thinking.

"Yeah, Meng Chuxia's contracted beasts are useless here, and there are mobs of more than 300 levels in front of you. If we go deeper, how can we go?" Leng Yue hesitated affectionately.

"Let's try it first?" Qin Haonan said, "If we encounter obstacles on the way forward, then we will retreat."

"That's right. If this task is really not enough, we can wait for a while to complete it. There is no need to be in a hurry. It will be fine to come to this sea area to do the task when our level is higher." Meng Chuxia said frankly.

"In this case, let's go ahead and fight monsters according to the previous queue." After Qin Haonan finished speaking, he summoned all the contracted beasts, ready to start monsters.

The giant crabs, small turtles and other mobs on the beach are all around level 302. Qin Haonan relies on his high attack and the strength of the contracted beasts, so leveling here is not a problem.

When they came to the beach, everyone stopped.

"How should we go next? There is a vast ocean in front of us. Are we going to swim in the sea?" Charlotte asked curiously.

In fact, this question is also on everyone's mind. The requirement of the mission is to find the mermaid, but where the mermaid is in this sea area is really unknown.

"If we want to go to the sea, we must have a big ship. Otherwise, with the ability of our players, we can't move on the bottom of the sea." Qin Haonan said hastily.

"I originally thought there would be a teleportation array here, but now I have reached the end of the beach, and there is no teleportation array." Meng Chuxia looked left and right, and finally said helplessly.

Yao Ruoxi suddenly said, "Ruomeng, when we were in the American area, we entered the deep sea area on a big ship, do you still remember?"

"Of course I remember, I still got Yaoyao there." Qin Haonan nodded and said.

At this time Yaoyao was also extremely excited, she looked at the blue sea with a longing look on her face.

Mu Qing flew down from mid-air, and said with a smile: "Master, if Yaoyao and I were at a higher level, it wouldn't be a problem to take you across the sea."

"Don't say these things are useless, you guys quickly help me find a way." Qin Haonan patted Mu Qing's head and said helplessly.

Yaoyao looked at the sea in front of her and said softly: "Master, the sea monster is the evolution of the mermaid, and our sea monster is much more ferocious than the mermaid. In other words, I can help you communicate with the mermaid."

"Um...we are thinking about how to dive into the deep sea and find the mission NPC." Qin Haonan said bluntly.

"It's very simple. Mermaids like beautiful singing, and they like to sing too. When night falls, singing under the charming moonlight will attract mermaids. The mermaid in your mission should like nice songs." Yaoyao said.

"The method you mentioned seems to be good." Meng Chuxia's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"But it's useless for us to stay by the sea. We need to find a boat and go to the sea." Yaoyao continued, "It doesn't need to be too far, but at least a few hundred meters away from the coast."

"Oh, so that's how it is!" Yao Ruoxi said, "Then let's listen to Yaoyao and find a boat."

"Well, let's find a boat." Qin Haonan said, and began to organize everyone to prepare for entering the sea.

The beach in this sea area is very wide. Qin Haonan led a team to search for it on the beach. Usually, there will be boats or docks moored on the beach.

After walking for a while, Charlotte stopped suddenly. He pointed to the beach not far away and shouted: "Look, there are boats there."

Everyone looked in Charlotte's direction, and as expected, they saw a few boats moored.

The boat is not big, and it is estimated that six or seven people can sit on each boat.

"On these three small boats, we have a total of 22 people, and we cannot all board the boat." Yao Ruoxi immediately counted the number of people and said seriously.

Approaching the boat, Qin Haonan saw that the system showed that each boat could only accommodate up to 6 people.

"It's okay, we can act separately. How about leaving a small group of people waiting on the beach and only dispatching one boat?" Meng Chuxia suggested.

"I think this is feasible." Qin Haonan said, "The level of this sea area is relatively high. I suggest that everyone wait on the beach. I will take a few people with higher levels to try in the sea."

Qin Haonan took Yao Ruoxi, Meng Chuxia, Xia Luo and other players, a total of 6 people, boarded the boat.

At this time, the time in the game is approaching evening.The afterglow of the setting sun falls on the earth, shining on the whole coast, and the world seems to be covered with a layer of bright red, which is unique.

Yaoyao and Mu Qing have already swam into the ocean, for the two of them who are water attributes, staying in the ocean will give them even more strength.

"Yaoyao, do you think this method works? Don't let us work till night without any harvest?" Qin Haonan took the oars and lightly rowed the boat.

The boat slowly left the shore.

"Master who doesn't know, just trust me. From what I know about mermaids, they will definitely come." Yaoyao said confidently.

While talking, Yaoyao paddled with her tail and swam happily in the blue water.

"Okay, I believe you." Qin Haonan said while rowing.

At this moment, Yao Ruoxi suddenly discovered that there were many small fish swimming in the sea water under their boat.The sea water is relatively clear, and the fish and corals on the bottom of the sea can still be seen clearly at this time.

"Don't mess with those fish, they are all mobs around level 320. If the owner has treasures like Yushui Orb, they can go to the water to fight monsters and level up." Yaoyao Piao said in the sea.

"It seems that this blue sea area is not suitable for leveling without special tasks." Charlotte laughed.

"Don't worry about it so much, let's concentrate on finding the mission NPC." Qin Haonan said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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