game master

Chapter 616 - Dark Age Demon Palace

Chapter 616 - Dark Age Demon Palace (3)

"The horror of this dungeon is finally revealed." Qin Haonan said secretly, and then raised the Gods Hunting Sword in his hand.

"After a while, everyone who is good at sky combat will attack from the air. I will kill this big wave of little guys on the ground first. But everyone should pay attention to safety. If the level is not higher than 960, don't rush to compete with high-level bosses. Clean up the little guys. It’s okay to blame.” Qin Haonan predicted the crisis, and planned to fire on the lower fighting power on the ground first.

"Okay." Everyone agreed.

Qin Haonan added auxiliary skills such as [Sword Intent], [Shadow Step], and [Experienced in Hundred Battles] to himself, plus the layers of blessing skills added by Fan Luotian and the others, Qin Haonan felt that he was many times stronger .

Sword moves such as [Cut Wind and Demon Blade], [Sword Shadow Diffuse], and [Nine Layers of Sky Splitting Sword Art] were issued quickly, and Qin Haonan was the first to rush to the front line of the battle, and a large number of small bosses were chopped down to the ground.

At the same time, trolls and black phantoms were also by his side.

All the main god-level contracted beasts summoned their subordinates, and Qin Haonan's battle lineup became stronger and stronger.

In the sky and on land, all battles were fiercely fought.

But at this moment, only to hear the 999-level divine beast "Demonized Dark Dragon Emperor" in the sky suddenly burst into a huge roar.Immediately afterwards, all the demonized dragons followed it and flew towards the back of the magic palace.

No matter how the little angels in the sky or the giant dragons summoned by Qin Haonan attacked, the demonized bosses remained indifferent and quickly evacuated in one direction.

At this time, not only the ones in the sky, but even the small bosses on land who were fighting with Qin Haonan and others began to retreat one after another.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Charlotte stopped attacking and looked around curiously.

"Master, let's stop them quickly. The God of Century has probably arrived at the secret room and is about to get the 'Water of Advancement'." Linglong suddenly understood something and shouted loudly.

When Qin Haonan heard this, he immediately quickened his pace, jumped up and did a move [Illusion Hidden Kill], and then killed a bloody spirit beast "Demonized Dark War Spirit".

"Clone, stop the 'Demonized Dark Dragon Emperor' no matter what you say. As long as you can stop this beast-level boss, you will not hesitate to die." Qin Haonan immediately issued an order to the clone in midair.

The clone rode on the body of the Nether Dragon God, and immediately flew towards the boss position.Waving the spear in his hand, he threw a deadly attack.

Avril Lavigne also directed the little angels to help them.

At first, the "Demonized Dark Dragon Emperor" boss didn't want to pay attention to this clone, but Qin Haonan's attack power was too high, and his HP dropped to 72% after a while.

"You little bastards, you are really deceiving people!" The boss roared, then turned around and started fighting.

Qin Haonan led everyone to surround these small bosses and big bosses with full firepower, and the scene was a bit chaotic for a while.A variety of colorful skill effects render the entire hallway of the magic palace colorful.

At this time, Qin Haonan's ear suddenly heard the sound transmission of the century: "Life is like a dream, we are back, you have connected the 'Advanced Water'."

As soon as Qin Haonan heard the voice, he immediately looked around, and then saw Shi Shi riding on Dorando's back, flying towards Qin Haonan.Shi Shi was holding a small bottle in his hand at this time, Qin Haonan could conclude that it was "Advanced Water".

Facing a huge enemy at this time, Century handed over the "Advanced Water" to Dolando, and flew into the air alone.Shi Shi's whole body suddenly burst into a powerful momentum, and golden light surrounded her.

A strong air pressure appeared in this large area, and even Qin Haonan felt that it was overwhelming.

All the flying bosses in the sky were crushed to the ground, and Shiji was chanting words, a powerful magic was brewing.

"This is the level 1000 skill of the Lord God of the Century - [Reshape the Order of Heaven and Earth]!" Seeing the current scene, Linglong immediately understood the next move of the century.

"Dong dong dong..." The bell sounded from the sky, and the whole map suddenly lit up.Colorful auspicious clouds enveloped, and then the holy light shone.

The ground began to tremble for a while, and everyone felt tremendous pressure at this moment.

"No, this power is too powerful!" The Demonized Dark Dragon Emperor yelled helplessly, and all the mobs, small bosses, and big bosses disappeared forever in this world with it.

At this time, Dolando had only reached level 802, so Qin Haonan, Shi Shi and others did not want him to confront the 999-level boss head-on.

Dolando returned to Qin Haonan's side with the "Advanced Water", and Qin Haonan took the "Advanced Water" and drank it in one gulp.

"Ding dong~ Congratulations player Floating Dream, you have drank the 'Advanced Water' and broke through the upper limit of level 1000. You have successfully upgraded to level 1001." The holy light in the sky is lingering, but Qin Haonan has a system sound in his ear .

At this time, the skills on the side of the century had been released, and all the enemies were wiped out with one blow, and the century also fell from the midair due to loss of strength.Linglong and Avril quickly flew up to catch the fallen God of Century.

As the dungeon returned to the night again, Qin Haonan, Yao Ruoxi, Long Xingtian, Hou Yue, Xia Luo, Di Xianren, Brick of Rampage... all the players' bodies glowed brilliantly.Since there were too many enemies just now, with high levels and high levels, the exploding experience points were also very large.

Coupled with the effectiveness of [10 times experience talisman], the experience value has increased even more.

Qin Haonan successfully advanced to level 1020, Yao Ruoxi advanced to level 966, Long Xingtian, Hou Yue, Di Xianren and others also reached level 962.Among all players, the lowest level has reached level 960.

With Qin Haonan's upgrade, the century that was originally the Supreme Super Divine Beast also broke through the 1000-level barrier, and became 1020-level like Qin Haonan.As for other super god beasts at the main god level, due to their upper limit, they can only be at level 1000.And the upper limit of contract beasts is level 999.

In other words, Qin Haonan's team of contracted beasts has a minimum level of 999.

At this moment, Erbai and everyone else were excitedly picking up the objects that fell on the ground.Qin Haonan walked to Shi Shi's side, but found that Shi Shi had fallen into a coma.

"What's going on?" Qin Haonan was shocked.

"Master, don't worry, the 1000-level skill of the Lord of the Century is a little too powerful. It can be used at most once a day. After using it, there are slight side effects, that is, short-term loss of strength and coma." Linglong said quickly, "But she has us to take care of her, about 1 She will wake up in a few minutes, master, don't worry."

"Yeah, don't worry about floating life like a dream. Our top priority now is to clear this dungeon. Don't forget that this dungeon has a time limit. We have less than 35 minutes left." Dorando walked up Kindly remind me before.

Qin Haonan nodded after hearing this, and then put Shiji into the space of the necklace, letting her have a good rest in it.

(End of this chapter)

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