game master

Chapter 619 - Great Chaos

Chapter 619 - Great Chaos

In this way, everyone broke out of the "Underbog" map together.Then I ran around and ran a few small maps nearby, all the places were the same, a large area of ​​demonized mobs above level 900 made trouble.

At this moment, I think everyone understands that the entire game world has turned into chaos.

"It seems that there is no safe place to stay in this game. Listen to me, everyone. Let's go back to the [Nine-story Trial Tower]. I have something important to tell you." Shi Shi said bluntly, and then joined Qin Haonan The entrance to the [Nine-story Trial Tower] has been opened.

A group of people walked in quickly, and the surrounding scenes changed.As soon as the line of sight was clear again, they had already returned to the tower, everything was safe, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The century didn't care about so much, she simply stated her thoughts: "At this moment, I have to tell everyone that the plan of the dark century has been advanced. I guess she has put all the mobs and mobs in the whole world Bosses have turned into demonized creatures, and let them wander around on various maps, which also increases the resistance for our progress. We have no time to level up, everyone rests for half an hour, organizes your backpacks and items, half an hour We will set off in an hour and go to the final copy."

"Century, you mean we are going to the 'End of the World' copy?" Qin Haonan asked immediately.

Century nodded and said seriously: "That's right, we don't have time to prepare any more, we have to start immediately. The road to this dungeon is still quite far away, we have to go to the northernmost 'Sacred Land Snow Mountain' map in China, climb over There, you can find the entrance to the 'secret realm', and then pass through the 'secret realm' to find this hidden copy."

"It's so troublesome, but no matter how difficult it is, we have to get through it. Now the whole game depends on our efforts to rescue everyone." Charlotte clenched her fists as she spoke.

Immortal Di suddenly said: "We are not fighting alone. The staff outside the game are also trying to help us. I just received a message from the researcher. I think everyone should calm down and read your communication System, see if you have received any information."

Immortal Di reminded everyone to turn on their communication systems.

This communication system is Professor Yang and others. In order to communicate with everyone quickly and effectively, a private chat communication system was specially added for the 20 people like Qin Haonan. It is used for the staff outside the game to contact and communicate with them as quickly as possible.

Qin Haonan also looked at the information he received. Everyone received the same information. Professor Yang told everyone that there might be a big move in the Dark Ages, and the entire "Century" game has already experienced huge chaos.Professor Yang and the others also discovered that there are many energy fields in the game. Once these energies are activated, they are very terrifying and may threaten the human world.

And Professor Yang and others have united high-end game developers from all countries in the world to manually control the progress of the "Century" game.

Qin Haonan also told Professor Yang and others all the things they encountered, saw, and analyzed through video.Century also talked to Professor Yang alone, and everyone quickly made a challenge plan.

"Don't worry, everyone. We have already intervened in the game process. There are also scientific researchers from the main brain rushing to destroy it. We forcibly canceled some of the various demonized mobs in the game. We will work together internally and externally to win the game as soon as possible. This battle." Professor Yang quickly told Qin Haonan their plan through video voice.

"Okay, our side will take action soon. We should cooperate internally and externally. This battle will definitely win." Qin Haonan promised.

Professor Yang smiled, and then said: "I won't say more, time is urgent. If there is any important matter, we will contact you at any time. Some old guys and I have done some tricks in the game, and we have created a new batch of codes for you guys. Some gifts have been generated. Now these gifts have been sent by email, please accept them quickly. I think this will help you in the later battles, let’s work hard together!”

"Okay, thank you! Let's work together!" Qin Haonan clenched his fists together with everyone.

The communication ended like this, and Qin Haonan found that he had received a package, and when he opened it, it turned out to be a treasure box. Each of the 20 people received a treasure box.

Opening the treasure chest, Qin Haonan immediately obtained 9999 million experience points, 20 crystal coins, 100 attribute points, 100 skill points, 999 bottles of Shennong Miaolu Ointment, 999 roots of Tianshuang Xuanmeng Grass, 999 bottles of powerful tonics, and 999 Vajra Talismans Zhang, 999 Xuantian Talismans, 999 Nuwa Talismans, 999 Lingtian Talismans, 999 Speed ​​Talismans, two hidden skill books...

My goodness, everything here is a good thing.

Qin Haonan was so pleasantly surprised that his jaw would drop. His experience bar soared, and he immediately went up several levels.Not only that, but the [Shen Nong Miaolu Ointment] and [Sky Frost Xuanmeng Grass] are top-level potions of level 1000, which are used to restore health and true energy respectively.

[Powerful Tonic] are also top-level potions of level 1000, which can restore 100% of HP and qi at the same time.It is definitely a life-saving medicine. I didn't expect Professor Yang to give him so much at once.

[Vajra Talisman], [Xuantian Talisman], [Nuwa Talisman], [Lingtian Talisman], and [Speed ​​Talisman] are all powerful spells that increase various attributes in a short period of time.For example [Vajra Talisman], each one can triple the user's strength, and the maintenance time is 3 minutes.

For some of these strongest spells, it is definitely enough to go in and play a copy.

As for those two skill books, Qin Haonan liked them very much.In addition to the one given by clearing the "Dark Age Demon Palace" before, there are three books in total, all of which are very powerful skills.Qin Haonan didn't hesitate, he didn't overwhelm himself with too many skills, and clicked to learn all of them.

[Dark Angel Chief Summoning Level 1] There are 3 levels in total, the summoning skill of God and Demon Master, which belongs to BOSS summoning.Summons a dark angel leader boss with the same level as the user to participate in the battle, lasts for 50 seconds, cools down for 1 minute, and consumes 3660 points of true energy. (If used together with [Dark Angel Summoning] skill, there will be unexpected effects)
[Nine Layers of Heavenly Palace Sword Formation Level 1] Gods and demons master use skills, a total of 10 levels, and at the same time cause 100% damage to all enemy targets within 900 meters, and add 300% of the detonation damage with the value of true energy (the value of true energy when using the skill The higher it is, the greater the damage it will cause), the crit rate increases by 30%, the cooling time is 3 hours, and all the true energy of the whole body is consumed.

[War God Descends Level 1] God and Demon Master uses skills, a total of 10 levels, to summon a War God BOSS equivalent to a 1000-level super god beast to participate in the battle, the maintenance time is 10 minutes, the cooling time is 15 minutes, and consumes 8000 real points Qi value.

After learning the skills, Qin Haonan hastily increased his skill points and attribute points.

At this time, not only Qin Haonan, but also Yao Ruoxi, Long Xingtian, Hou Yue, Xia Luo, Di Xianren, Rampaged Brick and others were extremely excited.Their levels have all been increased, and the things they have obtained are roughly the same as Qin Haonan's.

With so many freebies, everyone doesn't have to prepare potions for the final battle.

(End of this chapter)

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