game master

Chapter 624 - The End of the World

Chapter 624 - The End of the World (3)

"No matter how many times it comes, we will kill it!" Hou Yue snorted coldly, and then drew the bow and arrow in his hand.

"Brother Long and Monkey are right, don't worry about so many, let's go to war!" Qin Haonan shouted, and as Hou Yue's feather arrow shot out, Qin Haonan also rushed out first.

A large area of ​​small bosses fell down like harvesting wheat under the hands of Qin Haonan and others.And Qin Haonan's experience bar is constantly rising, and his level is rising accordingly.

"Demonized Corpse Leopards" are the fastest elite bosses, and they have the largest number.The original number of more than 100 has been completely wiped out by Qin Haonan and others.

There were less than 50 demonized bosses left, and they were all scattered and killed by everyone.

Qin Haonan and the others didn't stop in their footsteps. They hurried on their way while killing monsters, and a group of people quickly reached the corridor of the palace on the second floor.The labyrinth on this floor is more complicated, thanks to the presence of Xiaojin, the treasure hunter mouse, everyone will not get lost.

In this way, everyone moved forward in an orderly manner.

After walking through the maze with nothing new, a group of people finally arrived at the portal on the second floor.At this time, there is still a huge open space here, guarding a beast-level BOSS, and hundreds of small BOSS.

Level 996 - Demonized Blood Crow Bird (Divine Beast)
There is a pair of black wings growing on the back of the "Magic Blood Bird" boss. Its image is a bird-shaped monster with a woman's face.This boss holds a bow and arrow, and it looks like a medium-range attack, and it has the ability to fly, so it shouldn't be as easy to deal with as before.

And the subordinates of "Demonized Blood Crow Bird" are all demonized little bosses crawling on the land, which made Qin Haonan feel relieved a lot.Although they can fly in the sky now, air combat will never be better than land combat, and their lethality in releasing skills is not as strong as land combat.

Qin Haonan summoned all the summoned beasts, and the summoned beasts lined up neatly for a while.And the boss of the "Magic Blood Crow Bird" on the opposite side also found them, and a fierce battle was inevitable.

"In order to defend the domain of the Lord God of the Dark Ages, we are willing to fight for it, even if it means sacrificing our own lives!" ready to go.

With a sound of "嗖", Hou Yue's skill [Devil Demonic Nine Dragons Strike] was launched, and the feather arrows were attached with a strong air current, forming the shape of a dragon, firing nine arrows in a row, and the "Magic Blood Crow Bird" who was just about to attack immediately was beaten down.

"Monkey, well done!" Qin Haonan laughed, then gripped the Gods' Demon Hunting Sword tightly, rushed into the pile of small bosses, and the battle began.

Hou Yue's [Devil Nine Dragon Strike] is a hidden skill, which he just learned when he was level 980.This skill can shoot 9 feather arrows in a row, and at least 9 of the 4 consecutive hits can hit critical strikes.In addition to this, there is also the effect of terminating the casting of spells against chants.This is also the reason why the "Magic Blood Crow Bird" boss was shot down just now.

The boss of "Magic Blood Crow Bird" was hit by an arrow just as he was about to release his skill. The attack he was about to launch was suddenly blocked, and it suffered some backlash.

Hou Yue made a good start. A team of people played their respective strengths at this time, and everyone worked together to fight hard.After a while, the little bosses were almost cleaned up.

Qin Haonan didn't go to kill the big boss this time, but completely handed it over to his contracted beast.

For the large group of contracted beasts at the level of divine beasts, super divine beasts, and supreme super divine beasts, this "Magic Blood Crow Bird" at the level of divine beasts is really weak.I saw the "Magic Blood Crow Bird" being beaten by a group of contracted beasts, and its mournful cries could be heard from time to time.

The BOSS's life value was sliding down like a slide. It didn't even have time to explode when it was blood red, so its life value was reset to zero and died.

And Qin Haonan also solved all the small bosses, and the whole hall returned to calm again.Qin Haonan's experience value rose again, reaching level 1164.

After clearing the battlefield, everyone followed the century through the portal and successfully arrived at the third floor underground of the "End of the World" copy.Waiting for everyone is another group of demonized small bosses, and everyone is ready to fight. Staying in this dungeon means constantly fighting and advancing.

A group of people killed monsters all the way like this, walking down layer by layer.Slowly, everyone also figured out the routine of this dungeon.

In front of the portal of each floor of the underground palace, there will be a beast-level BOSS guarding it, and each floor is also a complex maze.Each layer is more complicated, and each layer is more difficult to walk.

Every time you go down a level, the strength and number of mobs and small bosses will increase, and it will take more and more time for everyone to fight.

In this situation, until everyone came to the negative seventh floor, everyone was already feeling exhausted.

The gatekeeper boss on the seventh floor is a beautiful woman with long black hair. She looks very beautiful, but everyone knows that she is definitely not weak.I saw a pair of demon wings growing on its back, and the wand in its hand was shining with dark purple light.

Level 999 - Enchanted Abyss Witch (Divine Beast)
Guarding the "Magic Abyss Maiden" are more than 300 small bosses and big bosses at the level of 999 elites, spirit beasts, fairy beasts, and holy beasts.

Judging from the situation, this boss battle will take a long time.It is not a problem for Qin Haonan and the others to face one or several such bosses alone, but it will take time to fight more than 1 bosses at once.

In addition, Qin Haonan and the others played consecutive games without much rest at all. At this time, the equipment was poor, and it felt a bit strenuous to fight.

Qin Haonan looked at his skill bar, he hoped that this battle could be resolved quickly, and he really didn't want to waste time here.When Qin Haonan saw that the cooling time of [Nine Heavenly Palace Excalibur Formation] had ended, he couldn't help feeling a little happy. Qin Haonan has experienced the power of [Nine Layers Heavenly Palace Divine Sword Formation] before. It can explode all the true energy in Qin Haonan's body. The cooldown time is 3 hours, but the attack of this skill is absolutely unparalleled.

Facing the large and powerful boss in front of him, Qin Haonan already had a plan in mind.

"We are ready for battle, let's attack together!" Although Long Xingtian was tired, he still kept his mission in mind at all times, and they had no intention of resting until the Dark Age was wiped out.

"Okay, let's start the battle!" Qin Haonan commanded his summoned beast and contracted beast while speaking, and rushed into the boss pile first.

Qin Haonan used the [War God Comes into the World] skill to summon a War God BOSS to fight together.

After firing a few big moves in a row, Qin Haonan stopped attacking, hid behind Xuanwuyanluo and started drinking medicine. After seeing that his true energy was full, Qin Haonan raised the Gods Hunting Sword again.

"[Nine Layers Heavenly Palace Divine Sword Formation], activate it!" Qin Haonan activated his skills, and with Qin Haonan as the center, a huge magic circle rose under his feet.

The formation expanded rapidly, and Qin Haonan's attack range was within 100 meters.The sword energy surged, and giant long swords appeared in the sword array. Lightning, flames, frost, gusts, meteorites... took shape in the array, and the sword energy transformed into the blade of the sword, and the powerful attack fell.

All the bosses were attacked, and all the elite and spirit beasts were killed.Those at the level of fairy beasts also entered the state of red blood, and could only linger on.

In this way, Qin Haonan solved more than half of the bosses for everyone in an instant.

Xia Luo, Yelan Tingyu and the others rushed into the boss pile and quickly wiped out all the red-blooded fairy beast bosses.

 This book is coming to an end, and we are here to thank the readers for their support for more than a year!Today's fifth update is delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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