pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 1050 It's True

Chapter 1050 It's True

Song Qingge didn't know how to speak, after all, she didn't tell anyone about the difference between Xiao Jinyi and Dabao.

"Don't worry, you can't die."

Xiao Jinyi spoke in a neutral tone.


After hearing his words, Song Qingge's mouth twitched, and she turned her head aside, not wanting to say more.

When she was about to arrive in the capital, she asked Xiao Jinyi whether to let Dabao come back when he arrived in the capital, or to let Dabao appear after the arrangements were made.

Xiao Jinyi told her to let Dabao show up three days before leaving the capital, and then go to Nanyao Kingdom with her, and let Dabao stay by her side until the antidote is found.

After getting this answer, she immediately thought of meeting Hao Qingfeng and Zhang Qingshan, and asked him what to do. After all, his and Dabao's personalities were completely two extremes.

And Xiao Jinyi told her to rest assured that he would handle it well.

But I didn't expect that what he said was handled well, that's it.

Upon hearing his answer, Zhang Qingshan's face immediately turned dark, and he stared at him with wide eyes. After a while, he flicked his sleeves and turned away, "Girl, don't forget to come and see your grandma Zhang. Come by yourself, don't let this Come along, bastard."


Zhang Qingshan, who was robbing Hao Qingfeng just now, just flicked his sleeves and left.

Song Qingge turned her head to look at Xiao Jinyi, her eyes were full of doubts, she felt that Zhang Qingshan and Xiao Jinyi knew each other from the beginning.


Xiao Jinyi has lived in the capital for so long and caused such a big incident. Many officials were imprisoned or killed because of him. How could Zhang Qingshan not know him?

But in Dashi Town, when Zhang Qingshan saw Dabao, it was like meeting Dabao for the first time, which made her mistakenly think that the two did not know each other before.

It seems that not only do they know each other, but they may also have some quarrel, otherwise Zhang Qingshan would not have reacted in this way.

"Haha, Dabao did a good job, don't go with that stubborn old man, the Zhang family is not fun at all, everyone has a straight face, and they don't dare to eat too loudly, so come with me, my mother is easy-going, she misses you very much .”

After seeing Zhang Qingshan leave, Hao Qingfeng became happy.


"Go back and tell Aunt Wan, I'll see her again in a few days." Xiao Jinyi spoke again.


If what he said to Zhang Qingshan made Song Qingge different, then what he said to Hao Qingfeng shocked her.

Xiao Jinyi actually called Hao Qingfeng's mother his aunt.


Song Qingge suddenly thought that the reason why Hao Qingfeng went to Dashi Town was because her mother asked him to join Lou Jinniang, and his mother and Xiao Jinyi's mother were sisters.

It seems that Xiao Jinyi knew about this and was familiar with Hao Qingfeng's mother, that's why he said that.

Song Qingge figured out what was going on, but Hao Qingfeng was stunned, pointing at Xiao Jinyi with his fat fingers, without saying a word.

"I said, haven't you learned enough lessons, you fat man? Be careful and hang you up again to beat you up."

At this time, Zhu Chuan jumped out of the carriage behind and smiled at Hao Qingfeng.

"Ah... he... ah..."

Suddenly, Hao Qingfeng felt as if he had been electrocuted, and his body weighing more than 200 kilograms twisted and danced in place, which was terrifying.

After yelling for a long time, without saying anything, he turned his head and ran away, as if there was a beast chasing after him.

Song Qingge looked at Xiao Jinyi, obviously they knew each other before, and the relationship was not that harmonious.

A certain man said that he has no friends in the capital, and it seems to be true...

(End of this chapter)

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