pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 1052 Staying for the New Year

Chapter 1052 Staying for the New Year
According to the original plan, Song Qingge and Dabao will rush back to Luoxin City for the New Year after they enter Beijing. Liu Xiaomi and Huang Liman are both there, and everyone is having fun together.

But because Dabao was injured and was delayed for a while, she was afraid that she would be on the way to celebrate the new year when she rushed back, so she decided to stay.

In Luoxin City, Xiao Jinyi asked her and Dabao to stay in the capital for a few days before leaving, but now he told her not to worry, just leave for Nanyao Country directly after the Chinese New Year.

"I still have to leave, so can I celebrate the New Year with my sister?"

Zhang Baochen misses the days by Song Qingge's side very much. With her, he can learn a lot of knowledge that is not in the books, and he can also eat a lot of snacks, which cannot be found in the capital.

"If your parents agree."

He has returned to his parents, so naturally his parents are in charge of him.

"I'll go back and beg grandma. As long as grandma agrees, they dare not say anything." Zhang Baochen said proudly.

"Okay, then I will make delicious food for you every day." Song Qingge rubbed his hair, wondering if he would like her cooking after eating the food made by Scar.

"Hey, I also like the toys my sister made."

Song Qingge is very grateful to the Zhang family, and naturally she will not forget the Zhang family after opening those shops.

Made a glass fish tank for the old lady, and gave Zhang Qingshan a glass wine cup, and gave Zhang Baochen many toys. As for the others, they gave some symbolic gifts, after all, they were not familiar with them.

And even if it is a family, they may not all like her.

When Song Qingge sees Zhang Baochen's mother, it's better to get close to Zhang Qingshan and his wife.

The two were talking enthusiastically, Xiao Jinyi leaned aside and frowned, but he didn't interrupt.

"Sister, look quickly, that's Lianhuazhai over there. Their dim sum is very famous, but it's not as delicious as yours. Why don't I give you a shop to open Dabaozhai?"

The carriage led them into the capital city full of flowers. Song Qingge came here for the first time, and she was inevitably curious. She lifted the curtain and looked out, while Zhang Baochen explained to her.

There are toy shops, restaurants, and wine shops in the capital, but others have not yet opened.

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Jinyi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "The shop opposite is mine. If you like it, it's okay to sell dim sum."

Opposite Lianhuazhai is a cloth shop, which is much larger than the facade of Lianhuazhai, and it actually belongs to a certain man.

And a certain man wanted to change it to Qinggefang as soon as he opened his mouth, which made Song Qingge very speechless.

Such a big shop is not suitable for dim sum at all. Even Lianhuazhai has a small facade. After all, this street is very prosperous, and every inch of land is expensive.

After hearing Xiao Jinyi's words, Zhang Baochen frowned, pointed to another place and said, "Sister, that's your toy store. I often take my classmates there to let them buy more toys."

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, how about giving each of them a doll? I don't know if it can be made the same as Scar."

Zhang Baochen said that he brought his classmates to buy, and a certain man was more arrogant, so he decided to buy them all to give benefits to those around him.


Song Qingge thought of the picture of those men each holding a doll, and hurriedly shook her head, it was too scary.

Especially Scar, who was playing with a dagger viciously, but if you let him play with a doll instead, how can there be any deterrent effect?

Throwing out a dagger is scary, but if you throw out a cute rag doll, no one is afraid...

(End of this chapter)

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