Chapter 618 Endless Words

Song Qingge and Xiao Jinyi dug a bamboo basket full of shepherd's purse, and a lot of small root vegetables, and returned to the cave with a full harvest.

The rice in the cave is ready, Song Qingge regrets not bringing more ingredients, there are really not many edible things on the mountain now, only one piece of meat is left, some dumplings are left, and the rest is going to add small root vegetables Fry it.

She has never eaten like this before, and she just wanted to try it today.

Slice the pork into thin slices and fry it in a pan until it is lightly browned and burnt. Then add root vegetables and seasonings and continue to stir-fry. The cave will soon be filled with a strong aroma.

"Dabao, it's time to eat."

Song Qingge was cooking in the cave, while Xiao Jinyi continued to look for wild vegetables outside. He likes digging wild vegetables very much now.

"My lady, don't you want to eat shepherd's purse dumplings?"

Seeing the small root vegetables on the plate, Xiao Jinyi was full of resistance, it was really spicy.

"Eat breakfast first. We are making dumplings in the afternoon. Come and try my new dish." Song Qingge hoped that Xiao Jinyi would taste this dish first.

Seeing the root vegetables on the plate, Xiao Jinyi really didn't want to eat them at all.

"Haha... Dabao don't worry, it won't be spicy when it's cooked, I won't lie to you."

In fact, even if it was spicy, she asked Xiao Jinyi to eat it. She took a bite and put it in her mouth. It was really not as spicy as before.

"I'm not lying to you. I'll go out and dig some more, which will be our main course for the past two days." Song Qingge also took a bite, and the taste was really good.

After a meal, before noon, the two continued to look for wild vegetables outside.

The apricot blossoms on the mountain are in full bloom, and there are still many winter jasmine flowers. They are not just rushing to dig wild vegetables, looking for something to eat while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

"Dabao, let's come to the mountain to play again next month. Then there will be a lot of edible mountain vegetables. You must like them." Song Qingge sat on a grassy field and looked down from the top of the mountain. The weather is getting warmer and there will be more Many wild vegetables.

She remembers that she liked spring very much when she was a child, and would go up the mountain with a small basket every day.

The earliest sprouts are thorny shoots, which look similar to Chinese toon, but taste completely different.

There are many sharp thorns on the tree that thorns the young shoots. You have to wear gloves and hold a knife, and then break off the youngest shoots on them, boil them in water and eat them with sauce. The leaves are slightly bitter, but the roots are very sweet.

If you can endure the bitterness at the beginning, it will soon become sweet.

In addition, chili seedlings and cat's claws will grow out later. Generally, chili seedlings will be boiled and dried in the sun to eat in winter. When they are just harvested, they will be a bit spicy when boiled.

Cat's claws are also a bit bitter. Many people don't like it, but many people love it.

When the weather is warm and warm, guanzhong and bracken will grow. Bracken is relatively well known and eaten by many people, but Song Qingge likes guanzhong the most.

Guanzhong fried meat is delicious, but Song Qingge thinks that young sprouts Guanzhong fried potatoes are the best, even better than meat.

Of course, there are also celery, celery, celery, leaf vegetables, lantern flowers, etc... The delicacies of spring are no less than those of autumn.

There are small root vegetables and shepherd's purse here, and I believe that some of those mountain vegetables can also be found.

"...By the way, the steamed buns with big leaf qin are the best, and you can pick more and store them in ice, so you can eat them in winter." Song Qingge likes to share these memories with Xiao Jinyi.

Ordinary people must be full of doubts and puzzles after hearing it, and ask her how she knows so much.

Xiao Jinyi would not, no matter what she said, he would believe it.

Because of this, with him, there are always endless things to say...

(End of this chapter)

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