pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 665 You Go Wash His Things

Chapter 665 You Go Wash His Things
Song Qingge was with Dabao every day, and felt that he was always happy, innocent and sunny, and had nothing to worry about at all.

She never imagined that in the bottom of Dabao's heart, there are actually his troubles.

And his troubles were related to her.

Song Qingge couldn't think of it, and Xiao Jinyi couldn't think of it even more. For the time being, he couldn't feel the sign that Dabao was going to wake up. He didn't wake up completely, so he could only continue to be with Song Qingge.

"This is Jiuhong County, and Xiangsheng County where Niutou Village is located belongs to Luoxin City..."

Xiao Jinyi just woke up and knew nothing about it, Song Qingge needed to introduce him again.

Listening to her complicated introduction, Xiao Jinyi felt a little headache, do you think he is stupid?These are pretty basic common sense, okay?

"The place where I live now is Shen's house, my grandmother's house... I live here temporarily in order to get back my father's shop." Song Qingge also briefly introduced her situation and reasons.


Song Qingge told a complicated story in exchange for a word from a certain man.

call!Taking a deep breath, he kept telling himself that he couldn't beat him, so he barely suppressed the anger of running away.

"Okay, that's about it. Now you go to wash up, I'll clean up the house, and then we'll have lunch together. In the afternoon, we'll go to the Qinggefang."

Song Qingge's plan today is to find Huang Liman and ask her about the cloth dyeing workshop.

In fact, after waking up on weekdays, most of the beds are made by Dabao. Today this is definitely not possible, so she has to come.

The clothes she wore last night were in another room, and he hid those two thin revealing clothes somewhere, so only the pair of trousers he was wearing remained on the bed.

Most of the laundry is done by Song Qingge, after all, Dabao can't do everything.


"Wait a moment."

As soon as Song Qingge took the trousers in her hands, Xiao Jinyi's voice sounded in her ears, but it was too late.

I don't know if she was lucky or not, just caught somewhere, and then...

Xiao Jinyi rubbed his forehead, indeed, he would have a headache when he was with her.


It was the first time Song Qingge encountered this kind of thing, and she was so angry that she gritted her teeth. It took her a while to get dressed, but he unexpectedly!

Wretched!Men are wretched!

Her big baby is the best!
Seeing her expression, Xiao Jinyi could see what she was thinking, and said through gritted teeth: "It's not me, his things, you go wash them."

Throw down a sentence coldly, turn around and leave, not wanting to talk to her anymore.


Depend on!
Song Qingge really wanted to scold her, what is his thing?You are all alone, right?Even though they have different memories, they are still the same body.

Can something that comes out of a body be counted as belonging to it?

"Xiao Jinyi, stop!" The suppressed anger finally broke out.

After she shouted, Xiao Jinyi didn't look back, and said indifferently: "You can throw it away."

Just a pair of pants.


Song Qingge also wanted to throw it away, but it was Dabao's clothes, why should he just throw it away?When Dabao woke up and asked her, how should she answer?

Helpless, I also encountered it anyway, so I just went to wash it.

So she took some man's pants to wash, while a certain man lay on a bench in the yard basking in the sun with his legs crossed, that was a carefree life.

Song Qingge suddenly discovered that every time a certain man wakes up, she is always the weak one, always being led by the nose.

no!Absolutely not!
Even if he disappears in a day or two, she still has to take the initiative!
(End of this chapter)

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