Chapter 792

Xiao Xi used to wait in Wan Lian's yard, and she was used to intrigue, plotting against each other for favor, and sometimes the master was in a bad mood, and even directly took out his anger on them.

After following Song Qingge, she got used to a simple life, and Song Qingge didn't have any constraints on her, she could do whatever she wanted, and she didn't want to go back to her original life.

Song Qingge thought about it, there was indeed a shortage of people in the Qinggefang, Xiaoxi was sent here mainly to secretly learn how to cook some dishes, she would definitely be able to cook, and it would be nice to help out with Liu Xiaomi.

"Are you here on a dead contract or a living contract?"

"The contract of sale, as long as the young lady is willing to take me with me, I will go get the contract of sale by myself." Hearing this, Xiao Xi suddenly showed a smile.

If an ordinary maid wants to follow Song Qingge, the Shen family will not make things difficult. Anyway, Song Qingge has a place to live in the yard, so she is not alone.

Taking the package and Xiaoxi, they returned to Song's house.

"You can live in this room. You don't have anything to do at ordinary times. Just clean the house once in a while. Tomorrow, I will take you to the Qinggefang. I can help there. The monthly monthly silver will be sent to you."

The monthly money of Qinggefang can be compared with being a maid.

Xiaoxi was naturally satisfied, and immediately went to tidy up the house where she lived, thinking about what to do in the afternoon.

This is the difference between being by Song Qingge's side and being by other people's side. If you were another master, you wouldn't dare to pack your own things first.

The yard and the house are very clean, just put things in. Song Qingge was busy putting away clothes, thinking about adding some clothes when summer came, while Xiao Jinyi went to hide his treasures.

Knowing that he is hiding in this yard, but he can't find it no matter what, he can always find unexpected places.

"Lady, buy two vases, I will pick flowers for you every day."

Beginning in spring, the flowers on the mountain began to bloom one after another. Xiao Jinyi picked some fresh wild flowers for Song Qingge every day, and dried the flowers from the previous day for her to take a bath.

"Okay, but let's buy other things first, the vase is too heavy to hold."

Song Qingge smiled, when she came out today, Xiao Jinyi told her to buy it with confidence, all the money would be paid by him.

It seems that after the last time he lost money, he figured it out. Instead of letting his money be used by another person to please his wife, he should spend it on her.

As for buying shops in the capital, I'm not in a hurry. After Song Qingge gets the shops of the Song family, he will help and earn more money.

Unlike when she lived in Shen's house, Song Qingge only regarded it as a temporary place to stay, but regarded this place as her and Xiao Jinyi's home, and all things had to be prepared.

Bedding, pillows, pots and pans...all bought new.

The last two couldn't carry it, so they hired a cart to follow.

The shopping is almost done, and I will continue to clean up after I go back, and I will not finish it until the evening. Looking at the home that the two of them have arranged, every decoration is carefully selected by them.

The house is not big, but very warm, this is the home in their hearts.

"My lady, it's really nice here."

Xiao Jinyi hugged Song Qingge from behind, put his head on her shoulder, and sighed sincerely.

"Well, I like it here too."

It's not like the dilapidated thatched cottage on the mountain in Niutou Village, nor the spacious but emotionless house of the Shen family, this is a harbor that only belongs to them.

With a home, it seems to be more motivated.

The next step is to take back everything that belongs to the Song family!
(End of this chapter)

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