pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 841 Revenge

Chapter 841 Revenge
Song Qingge was sorting out which shop to open next in the study, while Xiao Jinyi was playing with the toys made by Heizi.

"Miss, look, is this the giant hero you mentioned?"

Transformers was re-named by her, Giant Hero, which is easier to be accepted by this world.

"Yes, how is it, do you like it?"

"I like it, but my lady said he can change, why can't he?" Xiao Jinyi studied for a long time and could only spell it like this.

"Tomorrow we will go to Heizi again and ask him to revise it."

Song Qingge only gave the pattern before, and didn't say anything about the changes. Let him try to make the most basic appearance first, and then slowly make changes.

She plans to adapt the stories of various heroes and launch the toys together when they are launched, so that it is not just a toy and can sell more.

If only the Song family's thirteen shops were as simple as a toy shop.

Embroidery workshop, go and have a look tomorrow.

Song Qingge had received news from the Shen family, but she didn't pay attention to it. Instead, she hoped that those people could find her quickly, solve the problem and open the shop sooner.

The next day, Song Qingge and Xiao Jinyi went outside the city to look for Heizi. After talking to Heizi, he was very interested and immediately began to study it.

Then the two came to the embroidery workshop, the door of the shop was closed, no one cared about the people coming and going around, and there were not many customers who came to the door before.

"Let's go in and have a look." Song Qingge smiled at Xiao Jinyi, pushed open the door, and frowned.

When she came a few days ago, there were a lot of cloth and finished clothes in the shop. Now the shop is clean, even the tables and chairs have been emptied.

Is this their revenge?
Walking out of the embroidered workshop, I found the nearest shop and opened the door, but it was also emptied. I don't need to look at the other shops, it must be the same.

"Miss, do you want to find them out and beat them up?" Xiao Jinyi felt that the last time the beating was light, it should be more ruthless.

"No, let's report to the government and ask the police to investigate quickly."

Taking these things from the shop without permission is an act of theft, and the crime of stealing in the Great Zhou Dynasty was very serious.

In addition, Song Qingge also got the account books from Butler Yu, which are only for one year, and need to be further investigated at other times.

"Fifth Miss, there are many problems in the account books." Yu Guanjia said.

The reason why so many of the fifteen shops did not make money was because most of the money went into their own pockets, and some were even too greedy, and the shops lost a lot of money.

"Take all the old accounts from the past and help me move to the Yamen."

Since you want to sue, it can't just be for this year. Over the past ten years, the amount has become even larger. Even if they are not allowed to go to jail, they have to spit out the money.

Has been torn face, not suitable for pretending to be kind.

There are thirteen shops with a pile of account books for more than ten years, and several guards helped move them to the Yamen, "My lord, my shop has been burglarized. In addition, I suspect that the shopkeeper and the shop assistants have been hiding the shop's account books all these years." profit……"

The yamen is now in charge of the master of Huangzhi County. He is about 50 years old, and Huang Liman said that he is really capable.

After seeing the account books that Song Qingge brought, the corner of Master's mouth twitched. This was the first time he had seen such a complainant.

But since someone has filed a complaint, the matter must be thoroughly investigated.

(End of this chapter)

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